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"Hyung lets go now" jungkook nod "btw i had fun today after a very long time because of you" jungkook smiles "gladly then i was the reason of your fun today" taehyung also smile

They again hop on the bike "be careful" taehyung nod and hug his waist from back before he'd even start jungkook smile "hey pretty boy?" He called him "Hmmm?" Jungkook look back "are you sleepy?"

Taehyung nod as he put his head oh his shoulder making him all giddy on his small act jungkook was happy so much happy that he was getting ticklish feelings down there!

'Jungkook why are you so obvious i know man im obsessed' they arrived at university some students were already arrived jungkook'd have dropped him at his place but he didn't coz his father might get suspicious

"Hey bub c'mon" taehyung got off and jungkook too "had fun thanks to you hyung" jungkook smiles "i told you its ok and im glad that you had fun" taehyung smile

"You just need sometimes to be free than you are most friendly to exist i think" taehyung smile fade away "you know you talk like someone i know deeply and you compliments me just like that someone"

Jungkook poke his tongue getting jealous "hmmm... so Friends?" Taehyung look at the hand jungkook offered 'i dare you to make someone else your friend taehyung if im not happy you also doesn't deserve to be happy'

"Sweetie" taehyung suddenly shouts alil "no stop it" jungkook got confused "do i said something wrong?" Taehyung step back "n-no but just dont" he took a deep breath 'its ok taehyung move on'

"Hyung im sorry i-i'll leave thanks for your hospitality" he bows slightly feeling guilty and sat in his car Mr.lee greets him but he was in his thoughts that he couldn't reply

The next day

He didn't come to university jungkook was waiting for him yoongj ask " hey jeon where's your pretty boy?" Jungkook just shook as 'idk' yoongi nod "why are you looking tensed?"

Jungkook looked at him "amm.. hyung he wasn't fine the last day he acted rarely he was feeling like he had some tension in himself like past memories or he said to me you talk like someone i know also i compliments him as someone he knows"

"First i felt jealous but when i see his reaction on a nickname i gave him, he felt broken" ypongi also felt bad "now im fucked up with negative thoughts is he fine?" Yoongi shows ignorance "Amm.. go to his house ask his maids or driver as his close friend? Or else his thoughts will blast your brain man" jungkook nod agreeing with him

He went out of class and arrived at his mansion there he saw his driver coz he knows him "hello mr.?" The driver ans "lee how are you dear any work?" Jungkook nodded "taehyung im his friend is he home?"

Mr.lee nodded jungkook also "is he Fine?" Jungkook asked "are you really his friend he never makes friends" jungkook got more suspicious even his driver knows that he doesn't make friends

Jungkook just shrugged it off and bowed "i'll take my leave" mr.lee say "he is not fine" jungkook again turn "why?" He asked desperately "he got high temperature" jungkook got more worried "does he went to doctor?" He shook "why?"

"He doesn't want to go i asked him many times but he is being all stubborn" jungkook took a deep breath coz he is now really pissed off on his carelessness "His parents just left for an important meeting you can go in" "really?" Jungkook asked shocked he nods jungkook thank him and entered a maid told him his room he first knocked no one reply

He again did "now i'll enter" and he does taehyung was with close eyes his face crimson red and soothingly breathing taking jungkook breath away "aw my baby looking so tired" he whispers He caressed his hairs making taehyung open his eyes with surprised look,like someone did this to him for the very first time he looks at jungkook and again close his eyes not uttering any word

"You are burning petal" taehyung just kept his calm and doesn't move "hey fluffy ball?" Taehyung just frown "should we call doctor or go to hospital?" Taehyung shook "why?" Taehyung shook as nothing

jungkook again states "then we should go when its nothing you got no excuse lets go to hospital i'll take you on a lunch after that hm?" Taehyung just turn on other side

Jungkook chuckled at his stubbornness but he is also stubborn "i'll ask for the last time" taehyung shook jungkook stood taehyung felt bad that he already gave up on him when you are sick you need someone near you even if you aren't ready to listen to them

But he was thinking wrong about jungkook as he 'genuinely care about him' he moved his comforter off of his body picking him up taehyung got shock as he was placed on a counter of his dressing as jungkook went to his wardrobe

He grabbed jacket and shoes "now wear it or should i do?" Taehyung shook jungkook sighs and made him wear shoes and jacket "can you walk?" He asked "I dont wanna go" jungkook sighs "you never give a proper answer to a asked question" he again pick him up

"Ah hyung my parent's servants will complain to them that 'young master was being picked up by a guy' and they are gonna ground me'' jungkook raised an eyebrow "Your parents are toxic?" Taehyung sighs "too much that you cant even imagine" jungkook put him down and took his hand taking him out he opens a car door for him where mr.lee smile at them

Mr.lee was sure that jungkook is something else for taehyung he was happy as this quiet boy got someone for himself too
Jungkook and taehyung drove off to clinic "pretty boy what made you so sick?" Taehyung shows no reason "you know you look so pretty when talking or smiling" taehyung just nod jungkook stops the car and got off opening door for taehyung as they both enter

"Stop taking sleeping pills little boy what is your age that you have to take such a pills?" Jungkook frown as taehyung nod doctor gave wrote some medicine as they bid goodbye to him

Jungkook hold his hands as they sat on bench of a park filled with kids when jungkook saw taehyung looking at those kids playing without any tension in their he got lost remembering his sweet life with his sweet soulmate

"Hey sweetie?" And this nickname hit taehyung like a strong wrath he avert his gaze directly to his eyes,jungkook was Wanting this reaction as he got sure something is with this nickname

Jungkook then ask "are you ok?" Taehyung just look down "something is surely bothering you pretty boy" taehyung just express no reaction he sat there like a statue

'I surely can read you like an open book but your words are scattered around what should I do in that case?'


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