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"I fucking dare you to make him cry ever again" jimin argue back "i'll and he never cry infront of someone how come he shares it with you huh?"

"Are you perhaps doing all these in jealousy?" Jimin nod jungkook took a deep breath "you are insane" he said and turn to leave

"What about I make you cry" jungkook chuckled "you can't" jimin laugh slightly "what if I say I can?" Jungkook Answer "we'll see about it!"

Taehyung's place

He was sitting on a couch when someone enter making his heart beat wild "who?" Jimin shush him "hey sweetie" taehyung heart felt happy but his happiness is never for too long right

"Now you are bitter for me" taehyung sighs "why are you here?" Jimin sat on bed like he owns it "why'd you cry on jungkook's shoulder that too because of me?"

"You are here to ask this??" Jimin stood in an instant speed clutching his forearm tightly "do not ask another question over my own questions I asked why?"

"He is my friend" jimin left a humorless laugh "no he isn't your friend how a bloody mafia can be your friend?"

"Mafia are you insane? He isn't a mafia" jimin nod "really? You think so that he isn't a mafia do you remember that party when some bullshits were firing to find him and in an instant they were all quiet normal person can't do this"

"He is in a mafia I know you personally you hate such a person who is into such stuffs?" Taehyung shook "he cant be a mafia he is so nice to me and I never saw some random guards around him or gun tied on his waist"

"Waist how come you know huh? Do you touch him" taehyung got shock "hyung what is wrong with you he is my friend i can hug him right or you want me to be all alone without a family love or a friend love"

"Why are you playing dirty with me I told you I never did something like that I was never there I-i plz leave you are not a person I knew before you have changed"

"I-i loved you alot but you ?"

"You loved me alot? you don't know how much I loved you kim taehyung i can't even express it in words you fucking changed your hyung who isn't loyal to you"

"I never said I've changed my hyung he doesn't meant world to me just like you was my world"

"Niether he can meant world to you nor someone else you have to distance yourself from him just we got separated he needs to feel the same coz he chose a wrong person when i am not happy you can't be happy too"

He said and left taehyung just sigh when his dad enter "you fought to him he was here to meet you after such a long time and why jimin and jungkook fought at university?"

"They fought?" His dad nod "they were trending" taehyung grab his phone as his dad left he got shock ''if I'd not have made him my friend it'd never happened" he sighs

Next day at university

"I hope you marked my words or else jungkook'll face consequences get that" jimin said and started to walk again taehyung just wanted to dig himself deep inside the earth At class jungkook find taehyung's behavior odd but still he didn't ask coz he knows he is sad

At break

He was sitting waiting for taehyung he pouts when he didn't come "hey man? Waiting for your pretty boy?" Jungkook roll his eyes

"He won't be meeting you now on" jungkook chuckled "and why?" Jimin smile "as I told you I'll make you cry"
Jungkook stood as he face him "And what made you think that I'll cry for him?" Jimin smirk "as I don't know you are impulsive in his matter"

"Be in your limits" jimin shook " well what made you think that your friendship will be good when I'm here?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow "you think something of yourself?"Jimin nod " well then I'm more bitchy than you get that" he said and turn to leave "He'll listen to me not you" jungkook turn alil

"I don't care he might listen to you but he isn't doll to be submissive infront of me or someone else he is a human who feels pain more" He said and left

And damn jimin was standing there like a murderer who just got his sentences

Jungkook's pov

He finds taehyung at library as he approached him "hey sweetie?" He calls him "Hm" jungkook ask "how are you?" He acted cool infront of jimin but deep down he knows he got hurt that taehyung isn't talking to him because jimin told him not to do

"I'm fine I guess" jungkook look around "should we go to upstairs?"

Taehyung started to process his words 'should I go I really need to be with him as I'm bound to myself I need to be open up to atleast one person you can't just ditch a person who cares about you so much for someone who doesn't even care about your mental health'

"Pretty boy?" Taehyung smile and nod and he felt jungkook's eyes lit up on it he felt good as he made jungkook happy by his little act jungkook stood offering taehyung his hands as taehyung accept it

"Hyung?" Jungkook look at him "yes" and sweetly asked "he was my bestfriend my everything he used to call me his soulmate and loved me so unconditionally spoiling me so badly"

He took a deep breath "we used to spent day and night together I was 5yo and he was 8yo" 'damn why same as me' "he was more likely my parents,friend and my siblings at the same time He used to understand me so well"

"Then one day"

"Hyung aunt" he went to that room from where tahyung just came out and saw his mother laying on a floor as his father was there with low head

"Dad dad what happened to mom?" He said nothing "tae you know something? Mom mom? Tae tell me something?" He shouts at taehyung

"What happened to her do you know something?" Then Mr.park said "yes he knows everything thing he was here even when she was calling on you and me he heard her"

Taehyung shook "I don't know that uncle please stop lying I came here after you believe hyung I know nothing" he said "you? Taehyung why my father will be lying huh? And why wont you call on us when she was in pain huh?"

After one week

They both face eachother finally

"Hyung trust me uncle tell him plz stop ly-" jimin push taehyung back "why'd you do this to us aren't you involved with your step mother?"

"Hyung don't plz if you can't believe me then atleast don't put false blame on me" jimin sighs "false blame taehyung get out " taehyung shook"I know you are hurt you need someone"

"Don't show your fake care" taehyung move forth holding his hands and again plea but no use "get out I shouldn't have believe you knowing that your bloody step mother is my mom's rival"

Taehyung shook "I'd never do something like that even if you'd say to me then why'd I listen to my step mother"
"Hyung plz you are the only person I love why'd I hurt you?"

'I'll be back taehyung till then you can't be happy with someone I gave you my swear I'll never ever let you in peace"


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