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Taehyung received a message first he ignored but again it disturb him he opened his phone for muting it but then he read a message and it was clearly written 'your parents aren't home right beautiful? What do you say shall I come to you or shall we got on date as you also fought with your jungkook hyung so be ready Im coming ok'

Taehyung heart skip he jolted up and went out grabbing a car He just drove off to jungkook's parents house he wasn't feeling good in his house so he couldn't stay there longer in the middle way he got a call it was unknown no. But he had urge to pick it up so he did

"Hello dear taehyung" he sighs as she was haerin "hello Mrs.jeon" he answered "how are you?" She asked "I'm fine and you?" He reply "I'm fine but about my son his phone is off do you know what happened to him?"

"Not really we had a little argue in the morning but don't worry Mrs.jeon im coming to him right now" he told her honestly "he is at his apartment you should head there" she said "ok anything else Mrs.jeon?"

"You can call me aunt dear and drive safely ok bye" she cuts call as taehyung was driving he turns his path to jungkook's apartment he arrived there as he parked his car and moved to apartment he bells the door first jungkook didn't open he again knocked no response he then press the button 2,3 times

Jungkook came at front and saw taehyung standing he got bewitched he smiles but then straighten his posture 'I am still upset' he opened the door but before he'd say something he was met with the hug from his life he was pushed back due to the impact but he is jeon jungkook taehyung's lightweight is easy to handle for him

Jungkook doesn't hug him back and taehyung was just hugging him tightly his hand clutching his torso in tight grip as he said nothing but soon jungkook heard Taehyung's sniffing breaking his heart

"Taehyung what's wrong did something happen to you?" Taehyung didn't response making jungkook more worried as his cries were increasing jungkook tried to break the hug and look at him but taehyung shook and hug him more tightly

"Taehyung you are making me worried tell me what happened?" Jungkook asked sternly "do that stalker did something" taehyung nod jungkook heart skip "do you had interact with him?" Taehyung nodded "today?" Taehyung shook

"Baby first look at me and tell me" Jungkook broke hug and made him face him his heart scattered seeing taehyung wet eyes and scared yet hurt expression jungkook cupped his face gently and wiped his tears which again flow "taehyung? Tell me?"

"H-hyung" he called him "yes sweetie I'm all ears" jungkook held his wrist closing the door he took him to room and made him sit as he also sat infront of him "Now tell me in detail" jungkook said

"Hyung my parents are out for work a-and he messaged me that you are alone im coming i was feeling really  scared so I just came to you" Taehyung said "you did well sweetheart and don't worry don't cry everything will be fine I assure you that"

"I-i'm sorry hyung I didn't mean to hurt you I was f-frustrated by everything and your b-behavior with me hurted me also i-i wanted to tell you everything b-but I couldn't get courage I-i know you care about me"

"And I'm not embarrassed at all but i was insecured I-i you know he came into my room 3 times I always acted like im sleeping as I had no courage to face him and yesterday I was out for a walk when I was returning to home in a midway he caught my sight and he-"
Taehyung paused jungkook pat his back

"He?" jungkook asked confused "he tried to assault me " jungkook lost his words he was feeling every emotion at that moment instead of happiness he felt guilty as he shouted at him when he wanted to share such a big deal with him

'Fuck yourself jungkook' jungkook foul at himself jungkook pulls taehyung to him hugging him tightly he plants his lips on his forehead giving a gentle kiss making taehyung eyes to get closed "i-i'll make it right hun"

"I'm sorry hyung I-i did wrong today morning i shouldn't have distress you like this I--" jungkook cut him off "no its ok sweetie I'm sorry hyung is sorry I didn't understand you"

"No,you was trying to protect me I know that still I--" he broke hug and looked at jungkook "you are not victim of my worst duality hyung I swear" jungkook nodded ''I know I was just out of my mind stop thinking about it its ok  hmm"

He kisses his forehead again taehyung lean on him afterawhile he got alil calm "h-hyung i-i know him" jungkook got shock "really?" He nods and face jungkook "you know that bully?" Jungkook nodded "once he putted his hand on my shoulder i noticed his jewelery and his scent was also dark"

"And yesterday that guy also had same things" he completed "kai?" Taehyung nodded jungkook took a deep breath his heart was beating insanely fast he was hurt he felt like taehyung wasn't in trouble actually he was 'damn you jungkook being a jeon you couldn't protect your love?'

Taehyung was now calm he wanted to change the atmosphere so he says "hyung I won't leave this place and now I'm sleepy" he said in his cute voice making jungkook smile through the pain

"Yes of course I won't let you leave either" jungkook said as taehyung hugs him "hyung don't feel sad it's not your  mistake" he said then jungkook smile "oh yeah wait" he went to his wardrobe and bring a box having that pendant which taehyung liked in carnival

Jungkook opened it And took it out "for you hun" jungkook move back and made taehyung wear he smiles "omg it's that pendant which I liked that day right?" He nods

"It's so precious hyung thanks" jungkook smiles as he took another one "now made me wear this too" taehyung smiles and did "beautiful" both smile "ok now you sleep"


Taehyung fell asleep immediately as he was tired jungkook was admiring his world while caressing his beautiful locks

'Why do you fight me when you always end up on me how delicate of you sweetcheeks"


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