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"Mr.lee was behind us so I'll leave with him" He said and left Raven-haired alone he gulped his lumps and sat on a nearby chair 'why I rushed it so much?' He cursed under his breath "whyyy?" He shouts "I got rejected why?" He asked to no one "yes you got rejected fucker without any assurances you spoiled your friendship along with your love"

He also feel like to leave for his apartment He wanted some moments in silence all alone "hey boy?" Brown-haired said "hyung im not well i'll talk to you later" he said and left Brown-haired frowned "Taehyung also left something happened between them"


Grey-haired threw himself on bed as he got red by just thinking of their kiss "damn it hyung you made me obsessed with yourself but why'd I leave for now" he asked himself "he must left dejected" he said with a sad pout "I think I also have same feelings"

He giggles forgetting his every tension for a moment he got happy finally "i'll say yes soon but for now little punishment is needed for being so harsh on me with your words" he said and drifted to his dreamland

Meanwhile at yoonmin place

"Where they left?" Blonde-haired asked "I also don't know they had heated argue" he answered "oh I see well they have no understanding I think" he said "no they have it but these days I don't know what happened to jungkook he got too much aggressive"

"Like he wasn't aggressive before?" He scoff "yes he was but not so impulsive in feelings he fell harder for him and he can't control on his nerves anymore" he said "you know you are making me jealous" Blonde-haired said

"No I'm not you know his feelings are opposite from yours and also he wants you to patch up with taehyung jungkook is a good guy he looks like he is a demon but with angel heart he is not that bad how much you take him as ok? leave them you look good today"

"Yeah you too by the way hyung do you date someone?" He asked "Why you wanna date me?" Brown-haired said being flirty to him Blonde-haired pushed him back "no just asking" he said "oh no and you?" He asked "Why you wanna date me?" Blonde-haired asked

"Won't mind though" he said Blonde-haired looked at him "what?" He asked "nothing just look at you you are totally my type"he said Blonde-haired chuckled "come on" he said "not even kidding don't you trust me?"

"How can I trust you in such a matter?" He said "Ok let me make you understand you are my type bec--" he got cut off by his classmate "hey yoongi sir is calling us" he said "ok so sweetie I'll hit on you later bye" he gave a quick peck on his cheek making him go red

He looks around gladly no one saw them he sighs "fool" he said wiping off his cheek "why is it beating so fast" he asked patting his chest 'is he my type? kind of' he chuckled

The next day

Grey-haired was heading to university with his driver Mr.lee "dear you look fresh today" he said smiling at him "yes I am by the way I am feeling hungry can we stop at Café?" He asked "yes of course" he said and stopped at Cafe he got off and went to buy latte he was waiting for his order

A waiter came to him and gave him his order he paid for it and went out he got flinch badly when he heard a gunshot breaking the glass behind him, guard rushes to him and grab his arm dragging him to car they heard two three gunshots everyone started to run here and there

He was now inside the car shocked "oh my dear you must be shocked you ok that drink didn't burn your skin?" He asked as he wiped his shirt with a napkin "dont be afraid you are safe lets go to university you will feel better after meeting your friends especially that jeon"

They arrived at university he entered in and was still stunt by the incident 'again she tried it?' He sighs at his fate "why?" He just said that and sat on his seat

He was waiting for Raven-haired but first period passed he didn't come "when will you come?" He left the class room  as he went to library "Taehyung waiting for him obviously what i am even asking?" He said

"Why are you here?" He asked confused  "Why that jungkook can come to you no one else?" He asked "I don't know?" Grey-haired said getting annoyed "and don't compare yourself with jungkook?"

Blonde-haired said "why shouldn't I compare myself to that freaky jungkook who snatched my everything?" Grey-haired sighs "When he did and what in the hell he can snatch from you" He said "what do you call him hyung what you used to call me? Hyung right he snatched my favorite as fuck title from me then he calls you sweetie often you know that it was my favorite nickname for you and you let him call you"

"He is so close to you whenever he wants he hugs you kiss you hold your waist you slapped me for him you-you gave every fucking rights to him when I was the one who had it" He scowl at him "and still you want me to treat him as a normal class fellow?" Grey-haired look around not finding the answer

"Look HYUNG y-you are the one who lost it he didn't snatch it and what i am a trophy which you want to win? No so just leave me as it" Grey-haired said nonchalantly "kim taehyung say it again and tell me you mean it?" He said it with gritted teeth he got angry as fuck
"Now tell me the fuck WHY?" He growls at him he grabbed his shoulder from either sides jerkingly

"I fucking came all the way from Canada for you only for this only to hear from you If we are not going well 'you lost it by your own you are not a trophy to win just leave it as it is' Really tell me you mean it to be honest taehyung for me you are a fucking trophy which I want to win and make it mine at first place not that jeon jungkook and you say that i shouldn't liable him for my extreme anger,frustration,jealousy and a feeling of being dissed by a person I value the most huh"

"Why you take me and my feelings as a football taehyung?" He shouts at him taehyung eyes release tears which flow down one-by-one without any hesitation "i-i Never did this or think like this i also want our friendship to be like before i-i still consider you as my priority b-but you didn't give me chance y-you always mentioned our worst insecurity whenever I tried to convince y-you"

"You never gave me chance to prove myself and now you are saying i-im wrong?" Grey-haired sobbed harder "you know I love you alot but y-you never understand me and 'that freaky jeon jungkook of mine' love me alot he was with me when no one was there for me but you,you left me at my worst i also had a great lost hyung"

"I was so hurt I can't tell you leaving you was the worst I spent my 4yrs without having a single friend I had many proposals I rejected all of them for you I lived without mental peace just thinking about you and your forgiveness I don't know what revenge you wanna take, for which you've come all the way from Canada I don't know but if you really want to destroy me like that you can"

"I-i have been going through much and I know many more things are waiting for me you can also hurt me no you are hurting me right now and you can do this more I don't really care now" he said with loatheness in his tone he was broken by now

"I-i don't know why you hate me so much but one thing is sure I never gave your rights to him he got another place in my heart and you also b-but I think you can't feel it anymore I don't care how you feel or not I don't wanna talk to you ever again" he said

Meanwhile at raven-haired place

"What??" He jolt up from his seat "is he fine?" He asked "yes he is in university" he said as Raven-haired nodded and left the house his guard got confused but still followed him he rushes to university he is sure Grey-haired must be stressed he fears such a things loud thuds affect him alot also he is really depressed these days

So he is again ditching his self respect for his prettyboy how lovely he arrived at university and find him everywhere then he went towards the library he heard someone's tensed voiced calling Grey-haired name

As when Taehyung started to walk to door he felt really dizzy he puts his hand on his forehead as he paused "taehyung?" Blonde-haired asked confused as he walks to him he fasten his pace when Grey-haired vision got black he lost his consciousness and fell on floor


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