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Taehyung woke up late he was in jungkook's room he looks around "hello pretty boy?" Jungkook said "how was your sleep?" Jungkook asked "awesome" he said jungkook chuckled

"No need to go to university" he said "why?" Taehyung asked "just rest you wasted your energy too much the last night" jungkook kiss his forehead "sweetheart? What'd you like to eat in breakfast?" Jungkook asked "what you'll have?"

"Ok you" jungkook flirts "ohh no if you'll eat me how you gonna continue to like me?" Taehyung said jungkook smiles "yes indeed" he pat his head "pancakes?" Jungkook suggested and taehyung nodded "can you cook too?"

Jungkook nodded "wow" taehyung mumbles "I'm so useless I can't do cooking much" he said "when you have me why'd you need to cook pretty boy?" Jungkook said "cheesy" taehyung giggles "now im again sleepy" taehyung pout

"You can sleep baby" he said "yes I know but sleeping too much isn't good for health" he said and stood up "hyung?" He called him "yes?" He sweetly voice out "how can you wake so early after not sleeping whole night?"

"You also did this isn't it its not that tough now come on get fresh i'll give some track suit for you"


Jimin was sitting inside a class he was missing taehyung as usual he only come to university for him and he was absent now he groans then someone sat beside him "hello" he greets "yes?" He asked

"Why is this boy sitting alone?" Yoongi voice out "that doesn't concern you" jimin said "come on?" Yoongi said "how old are you?" Yoongi asked "just younger than you" He mocked

"Still how old are you?" Yoongi asked again "let me guess 22? Jimin looks at him and just nodded "and you?" Jimin asked "im 24" he said "hurl it must be your last year here?" He nods

"Not year just month" yoongi said "by the way someone told you how cute you are this dissed personality doesn't suits you!" He exclaims jimin just chuckled

"Hey come on I'm not lying" yoongi confess "what is your relation with jungkook friends?" He asked "yes also Buisness parterners" jimin nods "and why'd you talk so rudely to taehyung?"

"Oh come on I didn't talk rudely he was on fault so I had to say like that jungkook isn't normal to fall for someone but if he does no one in the hell can make him move on and he is really hasty in his matter"

"Last time in anger He broke glass in his hand and just I cant explain so,sorry if you mind it?" Yoongi said "I don't need your sorry tho" jimin said rudely

"You are same as him cute but grumpy" yoongi exclaim "why do you like taehyung so much?" Yoongi asked "because he is my childhood bestfriend I always took him as my younger brother and he is the only person I love by heart"

Yoongi nodded "he got personality to make anyone fall for him" jimin nod "that's why your jeon jungkook fell for him right?" Jimin grin "hey are you jealous?" He nods "he forgot me" jimin said

"He doesn't its you who has changed and still changing beautiful" he said "what's with this nickname?" He said "taehyung is kind and gentle person he can't hurt someone like this" he said

"Why do you know about him so well?" Jimin said "by the way why are you wasting your time?" He said "im not wasting dearest" he smiles at him "I thought you are a stone just like other said"

"It's not like that when someone is like sweet and beautiful like you how can I not talk to that person" he husked out jimin got shy alil he looks aside and Chuckled making yoongi grin at his reaction

"Ok bye im going" jimim said and left yoongi smile at his dispearing figure and also left


"Stay here hun until your parents come?" Jungkook request "hyung what if they come to know that they are gonna ground for weeks you don't know about my parents" he said

"It's ok i'll manage they won't get time to ground you and also if they did I can escape you easily" he said hugging his arm with puppy eyes taehyung giggles and jungkook swore his melodious voice sent burning sensations in his body

"What are you pretty boy?" Jungkook said "huh?" Taehyung asked confused "you always possess me" he said taehyung smiles shyly "now I can't let you go I need you safe and I can't blame that bitch if he lose control pretty boy"

"What why?" Taehyung said with stern tone "Don't mind sweetheart it just you are so adorable that you can make anyone horny just by your sent" taehyung hit his arm "that's wrong" he said

"Ok sorry now let's go out" He said taehyung chippered in excitement "bike? Please" he said "yeah of course whatever you like your majesty" jungkook said taehyung pat his head as he leaned on his shoulder

They went out on bike "by the way its a night time is it safe?" Taehyung asked "Don't you believe me?" Jungkook said "of course I do" he said "then let just hop on pretty boy"


Taehyung was sleeping and jungkook was waiting for someone's message or call then his phone rang as he picked "jungkook I got his all information check it I've mailed you" He said "thanks hyung"

"But why'd you demand it?" Yoongi asked "i'll tell you later right now bye" He cuts call and open the files and stared to read "so shin kai no parents,studying in seoul university,gang's member" he moved further and got shock as in his sibling profile it says that "kim Taehyung"

"What the fuck? But shin or kim?"jungkook mind blow up on seeing his love picture attached to his "no way" he was surprised how someone can stalk their own brother or harassed them? "Not real siblings?" Jungkook question himself "step brother?" Jungkook was fully puzzled now

"Why he ran away then I think his mom tell him everything how bitchy?" Jungkook said he sighs messaging his scalp he groans "step brothers why?" Jungkook question himself again


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