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At university

"Kim taehyung why aren't you coming?" Jungkook groan jimin walked passed by him "so waiting for someone who is upset with you?" Jimin tease him jungkook turn and grab his arm "hey you tiny piece of rice listen whatsoever you said to him I don't care but if you go further I swear I'm gonna sue you"

"If you make his trust break for me I'm gonna end you jimin" he said "I already did he is doubting you Mr.jeon jungkook" he said which made jungkook whole body burn in anger He grabs his collar

Yoongi was entering the university as he come late because jungkook come early to see his love so suga saw jungkook was about to break jimin's nose but he butted in and stopped him

"Hyung don't stop me today yesterday too I let him go but not now" jungkook yell "firstly behave and you know the whole matter no If taehyung says something to you which triggers you then you do what you want to do but now leave to your class and you too jimin"

He sent jungkook now in class jungkook was full off 'just 5mins more if he didn't come i'll go to him' after some minutes he was about to stand up and leave the class but taehyung enters with full fucked up expression and dull eyes

"Why you got late?" Mr.lee asked "I don't know" taehyung answered class laughed out "come one taehyung you aren't a bad boy you are a good kid right don't be late again and are you ok?"

Taehyung nodded "you can sit" taehyung went to last bench without sparring a glance to jeon jungkook and jungkook was burning more and more then staff came "principle is calling jeon jungkook and kim taehyung"

Jungkook sighs and stood taehyung also they left and on the way taehyung didn't even look at jungkook which was blowing jungkook's mind he didn't utter anything coz taehyung wasn't looking fine he doesn't wanna lose his control and hurt his fragile baby

They both entered in "so dear jungkook what you did yesterday?" He asked mockingly "I beat 4 greatest bullies of this university" jungkook said "After beating them so badly what do you think what are you? You are no longer different from them" He exclaimed jungkook chuckled

"They were bullying someone really important to me" jungkook said "and I know who is that important person thats why i also called him so taehyung? Is it true they were trying to bully you?"

Taehyung nodded "you'd have told your teachers or me I know it's university but still when your elders are here you don't need to make your friend beat someone else" he said "oh Mr.kang what's wrong with you? You know them very well"

"And if he'd have told you,you know what you must've said to him ok dear i'll warn him and who in the hell listen to warnings? So I had to do, to make them understand" he said "behave jungkook"

"Why? they c-" taehyung cut off him saying that "hyung? Dont" and that's it jungkook tongue got locked principle side eye him and say "it's a last warning jungkook now you both leave and avoid violence"

Taehyung bowed both left taehyung was walking in his own daze "why are you keep ignoring me?" Jungkook said and taehyung says nothing "Taehyung I'm talking to you?"

"Taehyung?" Taehyung didn't answer jungkook "kim taehyung?" He held his wrist and turn him with slight jerk "What do you think you are doing?"
Jungkook spat on him

"Why are you not talking to me?" He asked "I don't want to" taehyung said and turn again jungkook held his wrist some students were there who were free "everyone is looking at us stop it we are in corridor mister" jungkook chuckled at his 'mister'

"So what?" He said "so what? Wow you'll talk to me like this now instead of asking me why I'm upset you are getting angry on me?" Taehyung said jungkook interwind his hand with taehyung and took him to music classroom he closes the door

Taehyung was in no mood to talk so he moves to door jungkook snake his arm around his waist and locked the door "don't taehyung" jungkook said in low mannered and turn taehyung around softly trying not to be harsh on him

"What happened to you why are you upset?" He said taehyung said nothing and look aside jungkook sighs and grab his chin tilting his face to him and ask "sweetcheeks what happened to you?"
Taehyung avert his eyes down "eyes on me taehyung" and taehyung look up "now tell me what that jimin said to you?" He asked taehyung was drained out of energy he was saying nothing

But due to jungkook keep asking him he had to tell him why is he angry? "Why you told everything to him what I said to you about our past?" Taehyung asked in low key jungkook sighs he knew that what was coming

"You know because of this he is saying im being an betrayer I'm a traitor too I lied too I don't keep promises" he said trying his best not to sound vulnerable but he was surely so sad that he wants to cut his nerve

"Hey beauti-" before he'd complete the word taehyung cut him off "NO dont" taehyung almost shout "what" he asked "dont call me by nicknames" he said jungkook felt hurt asf

"I don't even have rights to call you with nicknames now?" Jungkook said hurt "ok whatever look I didn't tell him the whole thing he took it as I told him that you two should solve your matter being in distress is not good"

"I talked to him about this only and I just said he also lost his mother and he got angry" jungkook explain "but why you said that last one?" Taehyung asked "ok I'm sorry but I didn't know that it'll be a cause of some shits" he accept his mistake

"Whatever leave me now" taehyung said and tried to get out of his grip "lea-" Taehyung said "no first tell me you forgave me?" Jungkook asked and taehyung just nodded slowly to get out of here right away but jungkook had other plans

"So now clear me out too kim taehyung look at me and tell me that what was our deal?" He said taehyung looked at him confused "what?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow "to tell eachother everything?"Jungkook said taehyung looked down

'How much you are gonna ignite my soul taehyung?'


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