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Raven-haired was on high speed he was feeling strange about that thud and call getting declined so now he was heading to kim mansion

He arrived there he saw Mr.lee sitting with a watchman as he went to him "Hello mr.lee can I go in its important" he said Mr.lee nodded as he opens the door for him he went in it was mid of the midnight now Mr.and Mrs. Kim were sleeping

So he enters in grey-haired room and saw him sleeping on bed hugging a pillow Raven-haired sighs he went to window side and move curtains slightly to check someone can enter through this or not

He got more worried when he saw the proper area to climb his room he sighs but he felt movement on bed so he turns around and saw his cute baby squeezing his eyes

Raven-haired move to him "am I dreaming how my dream can be so good?" He chuckled "when you came hyung?"  He wasn't a heavy sleeper also he wasn't in his deep slumber so he got awake when Raven-haired moved the curtains

He thought someone else is here but when he saw his hyung his mood lit up his all fears went far away he made grabby hands to Raven-haired on which he leans to bed and let Grey-haired hug him

Grey-haired hug him when Raven-haired zone out he Leans to his chest snuggling on it as he felt safe now he smiles "I wanted to see you and see you are here do you live in my heart?"

Raven-haired chuckled "what If I say yes?"He said as he moves his hands in his hairs caressing his beautiful yet soft grey locks then someone enters it was his nanny "Taehyung you ok oh..." she hurridely entered and asked Taehyung but when she noticed someone is here

She kept quiet "miss everything ok why'd you enter so hurridely?" Raven-haired asked coz he found her move suspicious she shook she actually thought someone again enter his room and just like Grey-haired got scared "No i-i thought he again had nightmare also I heard some footsteps which must be yours so I got worried as my room is right beside his"

"I'm fine noona and meet him he is jeon jungkook" he said as he smiles pointing to him she smiles at him Raven-haired raised an eyebrow feeling jealous as she was adoring his baby "And hyung she is my nanny jun bora" he said "nice to meet you" she smiles "ok tae if you need something call me"

"Ok noona" she was about to leave when she looks at window and Raven-haired hawk eyes catch her act 'something is really suspicious' "Why did you open the window taehyung?" She asked moving to window closing It as she thought it's dangerous but she doesn't know Raven-haired is more dangerous

"I didn't Noona" he said with frown "hyung you was standing there you did?" He frown 'someone really enters when I entered the room window was already unlocked'

"Yeah I did why is everything ok?" He lied  she nods and left without any words "pretty boy?" Grey-haired looks up "yess?" Raven-haired just got whipped in his cuteness like the way he 'yess' him damn "Hyung?" Grey-haired calls him "ah yeah I was saying you should sleep now i'll leave hm?" Raven-haired-haired says "but why you came suddenly?"  He asked "I amm when you cut my call i got worried"

"I-i didn't do that" Grey-haired said "I was asleep already" Raven-haired got shock "I also heard a thud taehyung do before this happened to you prettyboy?"

Grey-haired think for awhile and then shook as he doesn't wanna share it with anyone right now so he just hug him leaning on him completely "now don't leave until I fell asleep" Grey-haired said "Yes of course"


At university

"Oh hey taehyung today you got none of your bodyguard here everything ok?" He puts hand on his shoulder Grey-haired felt extremely uncomfortable he tried to stay away from him when his friends also approach him "oh hey kai you chose a such a hot meal this early morning?"

"Excuse me?" Grey-haired said "what no one ever said this to you?" He asked shocked "no one is like you so move don't bother me?" He said as he pushed his arm from his shoulder "Oh oh babyboy chill we are not kidnapping you" one said in between them "Don't you think taehyung you are so into jungkook no one in the hell touches you instead of him we are also your senior"

"Yes but not brain vise you are senior" he said as he started to walk when he was harshly jerk back by him he puts hand on his waist this time making Grey-haired burn in anger

He looks at his bratty hand a skull bracelet and a devilish ring caught his attention "leave me why do you bother me so much" Grey-haired said getting angry before he'd push his hand off of himself someone grab it harshly

And jerk it back "what did I tell you?" Raven-haired said "why'd you bother him that too in the middle of university so that I can see you and create a fucking drama which I'll surely do and in that you'll get fuck by me brat"

He said and throw a punch they were four and Raven-haired was one still he manages to fight them all he got injured badly on face "Hyung plz leave" Grey-haired says he tried to approach them "Stop right there taehyung don't stop me today" Blonde-haired came from behind and held his hand dragging him inside the building

Grey-haired tried to stop him but Raven-haired said angrily don't so he doesn't try again and Blonde-haired took him In "leave me" Blonde-haired jerk him at front "what are you taehyung?" Grey-haired frown at him "what?" He questioned "first you ditch me and my words for him then you argue with me for him then you slapped me that too for him ok understandable it was my mistake too"

"I was here thinking that I'll have my revenge which I left 4yrs ago still I stopped myself thinking that you must be innocent but you fucking told everything to jungkook?" He shouts at him "I-i tell him I agree but I know he won't bother at the ponit he--" Grey-haired was cut off by the Blonde-haired harsh tone "he won't bother at the point but about my trust on you and he fucking said i lost my mother you also did"

"You gave so much rights to him that he got so personal kim taehyung?" Grey-haired looks down "you told him my biggest insecurity? Now you know what will he do he is gonna investigate it who the fuck did this and it'll be a biggest slap on my ego"

"Why'd you do this?" Jimin asked "I asked something kim taehyung" Blonde-haired yell "i-im sorry I don't know that it'll hurt you i-- sorry" Grey-haired said "What'll your sorry bring?" Blonde-haired asked Grey-haired kept quiet as he know his sorry won't bring anything to him and then Blonde-haired said to him

'You really replaced me with him'


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