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He went to university his mood was still bad He sat down on chair and put headphones jungkook enters in and saw his pretty boy kind of off He also sat beside him taehyung looks at him and smile slightly plucking out his headphones

"Hi hyung" taehyung greets "hello hun why were you so pissed hm?" Jungkook asked he doubt that his parents said something to him taehyung shook as nothing "still I know you were sad prettyboy"

"Not sad hyung angry and frustrated I guess" he said "and why?" Jungkook asked again "just my parents and their annoying conversations" taehyung said "what about you being in my house?" He shook "I think they don't know about it yet" he said jungkook nodded

"Then?" Jungkook asked "joining Buisness and blah blah" taehyung utters with pure disgust jungkook chuckled "you are so cute you know that?" Taehyung nodded "you tell me often about it" He said

"That's good then" he said as taehyung smiles jimin and yoongi entered Taekook again got suspicious about it "something is black" taehyung said "whole meal is black baby" Raven-haired said as Grey-haired nodded

"You should ask to your hyung" he said as he nods then professor Lee also entered everyone straightened as he stared the lecture "so class it'll be a farewell party of our senior students as you know 4th year students will be graduated soon" he said

"Yes sir" class shouts "so everyone has to join the party and be aware about the fact no one will cross their limits got it and it'll be held in xxxx hall" he said "isn't it kind of far?"

"Our university has parterner ship with them so" he said and class nodded "Now dismiss for today" he left "now financial support right?" Grey-haired asked as  the raven nodded

"Hyung?~~" Grey-haired call him sweetly "bunk?" Raven-haired said as he nods "ok but now whole week we won't do again" raven-haired said as Grey-haired one nodded

They both went out "where they left?" Blonde-haired asked "God knows? I think bunk Taehyung personally hate this subject and jungkook hate the whole course" he utters "should we bunk too hyung?"

"Shall we?" Blonde-haired nodded then brown-haired stood "lets go" he chippered and went out they both also went to parking where taekook were hopping on bike "hey guys where you going?" The brown-haired asked "bunk" raven answered

"And you two?" Raven-haired asked "we are also" they all chuckled as they planned to go to namsan river all of them agreed but the Grey-haired and Blonde-haired were sort of uncomfortable

"Hey pretty boy?"Grey-haired looked at him "yes hyung?" Raven-haired frown "are you uncomfortable because of that tiny?" He shook as no "ok then hop on by the way lets go in car because you can catch cold as weather is changing and going so far its dangerous in bike?"

"As you say hyung" he said "hyung?" Raven-haired called for yoongi "we are coming with you we cant go so far in bike" he said as brown-haired boy nodded "lets go then" jimin was in passenger seat yoongi was driving the car as taehyung and jungkook were at the back seat

"Hey pretty look?" Brown-haired said to Blonde-haired sitting beside him all lost yoongi felt that he is upset so he call him out pointing at a random thing saying its beautiful Meanwhile jungkook looks at yoongi suspiciously

'Pretty? Hmm' he chuckled thinking that yoongi is being all warm but jimin isn't giving any response "yah you jimin?" Raven-haired call him "Don't bother me by your shitty talks" Blonde-haired said "oh come on you are just looking so good with my hyung"

"I doubt you snatch him from me" Raven-haired utters as Blonde-haired grin "you also did this do i said something?" He scowl at him "no way man i didn't but when you two became so close?" Raven-haired asked "that doesn't concern you?"

"It does bruh he is my hyung" he said "then ask to him why me?" Blonde-haired said "arrogant piece of mochi" Raven-haired voice taehyung and jimin chuckled "hey set some cool music?" Raven said


They arrived at Namsan River taehyung and jungkook came out first "aren't they more excited?" Blonde-haired voice out "we should also get" brown-haired said as he nods

They sat on corner "sweetheart?" Raven-haired called him "yes?" He responded jungkook took his phone out as he turn on it pushing the camera button he says "lets take pictures" he said

They took many pictures Meanwhile yoonmin was watching them with lol look as they were all bored "lets do the same" Blonde-haired said to him as they did the same "you are looking so good man" Blonde-haired said to brown-haired

"You are more tho" they were now busy with each other "I'm hungry" Grey-haired voiced out as he was hungry "lets go then im bored" taehyung shook "im tired I won't walk" he said playfully acting like a brat not getting up

"Then should I pick my lightweight boy?" He said wiggling his eyebrows "can you" He made grabby hands "piggy back" Grey-haired said "that's a old fashion now" he said as he picked him up "oh my oh my you are so strong"

"50kg" Raven-haired said "huh?" Grey-haired asked "it feels like you are 50kg" Raven-haired said "oh come on I'm 53kg ok you took me so weak" he said pouting "now Im upset put me down"

"55kg I am 72kg" he said Grey-haired got shock "heavy" he said and look aside "well now put me down" grey haired said "car is here now pretty" He puts him down and they sat inside the car "yah are you two a couple?" Brown-haired said

"Yes can say" Raven-haired mumbled Blonde-haired look back as he side eye him and roll his eyes raven chuckled at his reaction "something is burning" Raven-haired said "hyung cool your pretty down"

"Fu*k you a**hole" Blonde-haired said
"Nope i won't hyung might mind" brown-haired scoff at it as jimin blushed "are you sleepy hun?" He nods jungkook roll his hand around his waist pulling him closer "close your eyes i'll tell you when we arrive ok?" Blonde-haired roll his eyes 

'Its too much now' he thinks to himself


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