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He made food for Grey-haired and grab some medicine from nearby clinic "now I do households for him" he chuckled as he never did such a work but he is doing for his pretty boy he was sitting on a small stool near his bed admiring his universe he moves his locks from his forehead "how can I tell you how much I love you love?" He said out in gentle whisper


He moved slightly as Raven-haired got alert he opens his eyes and sat on bed recalling the moment as he got almost unconscious due to crying "are you ok sweetheart?" He asked Grey-haired flinched "I'm really sorry baby sorry" he said as Grey-haired just ignore him and stood leaving for bathroom Raven-haired sighs

He went to living area and saw Raven-haired preparing table for him he just drank water "no need to do this you can leave" he said as he turns to enter in his room when he was pulled by Raven-haired he get hold on his arm throwing it on his shoulder and then holding his waist pulling him closer as fuck making him go red

"So tell me the reason behind this rude behavior honey?" Raven-haired husked out Grey-haired got nervous "tell me?" He asked again "I disturb you right?" Grey-haired said making Raven-haired to look aside chuckling on his statement "so my sweetcheeks is upset because I was being rude to him due to his own carelessness"

"Carelessness it's your mistake when I said let me go you did even in future I'll say you go and die you will?" He said as Raven-haired looked at him with suspicious eyes "w-what?" Grey-haired got more nervous due to his extreme stare "yes i'll" he said "huh?" Raven-haired chuckled "I made you so weak just by proximity that you forgot your own words i mean if my sugarlips will say die i'll die for him"

Grey-haired lick his lips getting all shy while Raven-haired got distracted diverting his eyes on such a plump lips that is tempting the devil out of JUNGKOOK He shrugs his thoughts off as he doesn't want to make taehyung uncomfortable even a little bit "food is getting cold lets eat you are sick too" He said moving his hands away from his waist

"I'm not sick and I wont eat?" He said in a bitchy attitude "should I feed you placing you my laps and hugging your waist?" He suggested "come on why'd you?" He said turning around as he got pulled by Raven-haired again he fell on his lap "come on why'd I"he mocks him "Now you will mock me like this?" He said Turing slightly to face him still on his lap they are taekook its ok

" no but when you won't listen to me i'll find my own ways to make you understand hmm now let's eat" Grey-haired moved to stand up but Raven-haired tightly hold stopped him "it's ok honey I won't hunt you" He said "I never said that?" He states "yes but still you are acting so shy" he husked out

"Hey baby come on don't talk too much and just eat you'll get more sick" he stated "say ahh" he held spoon full of japchae infront of his mouth he shook "it's japchae your favorite food made your favorite person" Grey-haired turned slightly "I never said that you are my favorite person" he said rudely Raven-haired smile disappeared he scoff "well still eat it"

Grey-haired felt hurt he hurts him as he thought its enough for today he sat completely on him comfortably and took a bite Raven-haired smile slightly "it's delicious coz it's japchae and it tastes more good as my most beloved jeon jungkook made for me" he said flicking his chin Raven-haired got shy "I thought you was serious"

"Don't get hurt on such a small things it doesn't suits your personality hyung" he voiced out "which thing belongs to you,related to you and involves you isn't a small thing for me my boy" he explains making Grey-haired overwhelmed he looks down "and the way you look down making your eye lashes kiss your cheeks it just make me go blue kim taehyung" he flirts

Grey-haired hit his shoulder "im hungry" he said "huh someone was not hungry a moment ago" he teases "ok" he said getting up from him as he held him again "just kidding sugarlips" he said kissing his temples sweetly "lets finish it fast"

The next day they were sleeping as Raven-haired phone buzzed making Grey-haired groans Raven-haired immediately received the call and went out of his sight "hello yes dad?" He asked "ok i'll come is everything ok?" He asked "yes can say you just come fast " his dad said on a call he went to inside the room

"Pretty? Rise and shine sweetie" He said patting his gently "do you wanna go to university?" He asked "yes ofcourse is it a choice for me?" He said getting "ok you get ready i'll drop you at university as I have to go my dad called for me" he explains Grey-haired pout "i'll be bored without you" He said sadly "gladly but still it'll be Farewell party in few days sugarlips so you should maybe they'll need your help as it's our hyung party you know" he flicking his chin

He nods afterawhile he came out getting ready wearing shirt and jeans He put on some fragrance as he went to living area Raven-haired was setting the table "hyung? What do you made?" He chippered as smell was a great blessing to his nose so he asked, Raven-haired look at him and his gorgeous look made his breath take away he sighs controlling himself "some vegetables with eggs and pancakes" he told him

"Wow in such a short time how?" He said grabbing fork and taking a bite "you took 2 hours in getting ready honey" he said "oh my God,daddy it's delicious" and that's it Raven-haired lost at daddy "fuck" he groans "you just used swearing word on my compliments?" He asked schoked as he pouts Raven-haired shook "no sweetheart why would I? It just I got mmm happy so I needed to groan also you just took my breaths away" he said putting hands on chairs either side almost hovering over him

"You are looking gorgeous sweetie" he compliments him with pure love making Grey-haired blush harder he internally groan

'I need to tell you my feelings as soon as possible or else I'll die keeping it inside of me'


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