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Jungkook had a swear headache he was sleeping till now when his phone rang about a 100th time he finally picked "hlo?" He said in his sleepy voice his mother groan at the other side
"Jungkook your life is supposed to arrive in an hour" jungkook jolt up "oh crap ok mom I'm coming"


"What should I wear?" Taehyung asked himself "he compliments me more when I wear white so let's wear white" he grabs a white buttoned up shirt and a sky blue skinny jeans He wore it as his nanny enters he was applying perfume "wow looking gorgeous" she says "really?" She nods "thanks"

"White suits so well" bora said "yeah everyone says I don't know why because I look dull when i wear white but still as he also likes me in white more so"

"Mmmm... he likes you in a white?" Bora teased him Taehyung chuckled "you are looking bright as sun in white taehyung that's why everyone say so" she compliments him "Hehehe ok as you say noona" he says smiling his mom enters his smile fade away he turns to mirror again setting his bracelet "where your smile went Taehyung?"

"Nowhere" he says "whatever come out we are waiting" she says and went out before glaring at bora which didn't go unnoticed by taehyung as he sighs
"Noona if she ever says something harsh to you tell me I don't speak for myself but I can surely do for you" He says and left before waving at her

He went downstairs "taehyung you look extra bright today" his dad compliments him "thanks dad" he said as his dad smile alittle "his son is a proper bad boy so avoid him your look might seduce him" he said mocking him

"Come on dad I'm a boy" he says "still you are more adorable than any hot girl" he compliments him "are you ok?" He asked curiously "hmm just telling the truth don't make him go insane for you"


They arrived at their house they enter in Mrs.jeon received them first she greets his parents then him he bows at her But Mrs.jeon smile at him as she hugs him sweetly he felt warm he smiles too "Nice to meet ya'll come on in now" they were sitting in living room mr.jeon also met them he also treats more nicely than his own parents

"Call jungkook" he orders a Maid after awhile jungkook came downstairs in all black his t-shirt was flexing his hot tattoo and his tight jeans was just..... Taehyung didn't look up as he got busy in starring competition with his lap "greetings to you Mr and Mrs.kim" he said in his deep and unaffecionate voice

"Oh you hurt your hand what happened here" they said and taehyung averts his eyes to his hands in a speed of light haerin smiles as she noticed him And jungkook he always notice him only no caps he felt his heart jumping as his pretty boy was looking like he'll make every miss universe down to their knees for himself

And him being worried for him aghhh jungkook wants to kiss him right away his mom tapped to bring him back to reality "should we have dinner now?" She said "Come on jungkook you too sit with him give him some company boy he is almost of your age and don't make him uncomfortable you devil" Mr.kim chuckled

"C'mon you are calling your own son devil?" He says jokingly "yes he looks like one look at taehyung an angel and you ha" she says jungkook smirk alil He sat with taehyung and whispers "not my mistake for now" taehyung felt goosebumps all over his body on this act "eat Taehyung shi"

Taehyung just grab a dish which came to his hand and took a bite and then regret as it was spicy asf he felt like choking and he coughs "Dang it here Drink water" jungkook pat his back "it's spicy Taehyung don't eat it" daewon said as he nods "oh dear here this dish is light" haerin took some rice out

After some minutes they done eating "now should we talk about Buisness deal?" Sehun asked as daewon nodded "jungkook he'll get bore here so you go and show him your room?" Jungkook nodded as he looks at taehyung who quietly stood and walk behind jungkook they arrived at his room as he closed the door and turn to taehyung already pinning him to the door sweetly

"Pretty boy you are looking so breathtaking I can't take it" He says getting desperate taehyung says nothing "white is made for you my angel" he whispers In his ears as he slid his hand on his waist

"You gave me such a hard time whole night I couldn't sleep thinking about you" he says leaning in his neck crock sniffing the calming vanilla scent "You smell so good sweetie" He compliments him again as he got blush alil "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you I know you are sensitive to loud things and i--"

"I don't know what to do just tell me anything taehyung I'll do it for you" jungkook face him and said "I can't think of living the rest of my life without you KIM TAEHYUNG"

"I'll do anything for you but distancing myself from you i just can't plz" jungkook confess "why?" Taehyung ask jungkook got confuse "Because I got attached to you in such a short period and I like you alot" jungkook said being confused "but you could've told me everything about yourself when I told you my biggest insecurity isn't it?"

Jungkook nod "yes yes I agree I made a huge mistake" jungkook pause for a moment "but I had my own reasons and I'm truly guilty for this so plz just trust me I won't repeat it" 'What on your mind jungkook I also wanna know reason behind your extreme attachment I can't feel so attached to someone in such a short period but you?' Taehyung think

'You made yourself my habit too why and how?' Taehyung question himself 'I think I'm falling for you' taehyung sighs 'i should distance myself from you before my feelings turn raw' Taehyung says nothing and turn to other side getting out of his grip before he'd take step he was pulled by jungkook as he hug his waist and face him

"You can't go just like that after making me so insane for you you just can't just walk out like this taehyung" he said bit angrily "You won't understand you are most Important thing that happened to me you meant more than anything for me you are my mental peace kim taehyung try to understand me"

'I don't like to being so into relationships you know that'


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