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Jimin was sitting in his car as he just arrived in seoul "I hope you aren't into some friendly relationships sweetie I might kill that bullshit"

Jungkook pov

Jungkook got a call as he received "yes dad" he greets "his son is back to Korea ok" he cuts the call " so where my boy wants to go?" Taehyung chippered in happiness as he asked him finally"That park hyung where we first went!" He nods "did you like that place?" Taehyung nodded "what do you like in me?" Jungkook got confused "what do you mean?" "I was told that I'm the worst human alive and guess what I believe it so I'm just curious what in me made you like me so much?"

"Your everything" taehyung sighs soon they arrived in park taehyung stood at corner of small lake an took a deep breath while jungkook was busy starring him "Hyung" he calls him "yes?" Softly asked "dont stare me like I'm kind of alien or something it's just i dont really have peace so often but when I have I like to forget everything"

"You do well" Taehyung smile "I'm feeling like I'm lucky" jungkook ask "why?" Taehyung look at him "just Its rare to have someone like you with so many insecurities"

Jungkook held him closer and caresses his grey locks "you know you are so pretty to judge,cute to adore,Soft to touch,kind to talk,lovely to love and worthy to keep and there are more which I'll keep on saying time to time"

Taehyung giggles "you are more adorable from this close" jungkook smile "you are more sweetie "'You are so adorable hyung I love to do it ' he smiles and says 'you are more sweetie?' He remembered his old memories

"Hey where you went" Taehyung shook
"Hyung you ever had someone extremely close to you?" Jungkook shook "do you had?" Taehyung nodded slowly "he left me" Jungkook look directly into his eyes which were now shimmering with shiny water "i thought to never make friend after him but you look you took my words"

"I'm happy that I did then" taehyung sadly chuckled "I'm being all sad today" "and I'm loving it as you are opening yourself look tae you can't be held up on one thing which already happened in past you need to learn how to move and ofcourse for that you need someone"

"If you want I can help you till the end" taehyung nodded "i'll tell you everything when right time will come" jungkook nod and plant a soft yet long kiss on his forehead making him all shy taehyung felt whole zoo in his stomach

While it was best experience for jungkook then he let go of him taehyung pull back and sat on ground jungkook too "hyung where's your friend yoongi these days?"

"He was on vacation with his family he came back today" taehyung nodded "you also go on vacations with your family?" Jungkook shook "me also we are same in this matter" he said "But why you don't go?" He inquired "I don't like hanging out with someone" taehyung gave him a stern look and roll eyes jungkook chuckled

"Why my carrot got piss?" Taehyung pursed his lips "then what you do with me? Sleeping contest?" Jungkook smiles and flicks his chin "c'mon you are different for me also most important so I cant say no to you when you say you want to go"

"It feels good" he said "what?" Jungkook asked "Being someone's special"
"You just need to order and world will summon towards you prettyboy this much power you hold within yourself you attract me and you don't know whole university's girls even including boys are after You "

Taehyung just kept quiet

Timeskip at night

Jungkook was sitting with his parents talking about Kim's "dad it'll hurt taehyung" he shook "no son it wont trust me he isn't a nice man also he doesn't treat taehyung like a son"

"He'll do every possible effort to let us down before he teams up with some great company for our downfall we need to end him also he killed my brother 5yrs ago he doesn't know that he is your uncle still he is a cunning man"

"But why he'd be letting us down?" Jungkook dad sighs and explain "you know that 20% shares we got from our
śoņær project he had a bet on it as he lost also his company was top but now our company is taking over industry he is jealous"

"I heard him talking to someone about our company" jungkook sighs "But dad I want taehyung safe in any cost i might lose my mind if something happen to him" his mother speaks "when his protective lover is here what is the need of other protections"

Jungkook got shy at her tone "damn my son has such a soft side for someone I never knew that" jungkook hissed "dad stop" he winced "why huh?" Sehun tickles him "Just..." his father nod "and about park's son he is here I know we had some clashes with them but now on you won't fight with his son coz we'll have some deal with his dad's company got it?" Jungkook nods

Next day at uni

Jungkook was all dead waiting for his pretty boy "come on love I'm missing you" as he just got up from bench taehyung enter he smiles as he walks to
"Hey sweetie what took you so long?" Taehyung was looking sad jungkook felt it and doesn't question again

He hugs him caressing his back soothingly "I was missing you thank God you came" taehyung was just quiet "what happened to my dearest?" He asked softly "I don't know" jungkook nod "its ok come on lets go to class hmm?" Taehyung nod jungkook smile some people noticed jungkook soft behavior towards taehyung some just make lol faces and some just aww at them

Meanwhile at jimin's place

"Damn these are real pictures?" A guy nods "when they started it?" He asked "Don't know Mr.park they are newly in this Friendship as Mr.kim always avoided being close to someone"

"Then why he didn't reject you jeon jungkook?" He just roll his eyes "im coming Don't worry" he smirks Timeskip they were sitting on rooftop "hyung you know your smile is prettiest" jungkook smiles "and you are the reason behind this smile" taehyung shyly smile looking down

The next moment taehyung's eyes shoot open as he looks at the voice owner who just spat something dangerous on him

'And what can be the reason behind your hurtful cries?'


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