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Grey-haired was already asleep when Raven-haired entered in his room that bullshit words made him scared he was uneasy and for his assurance he came to his room and their guards didn't even point him out so it was really easy for him to enter inside his room

He smiles seeing the sleeping beauty on bed he sat slowly on edge as he knows he is a light slumber he noticed the medicine on side table and it was already taken only few tablets were left he read the name and search about it he is not a pharmacist afterall and he sighs as it says sleeping pills he looks at grey-haired who was now disturb from his sleep

He moves slightly Raven-haired caressed his beautiful locks soothingly kissing his forehead and that's when he opened his eyes kind of scared "its me petal" somehow he wanted him to wake up he got happy

"When you came?" Grey-haired asked him "while ago" he answered "why is everything ok?" He nods "just wanted to see you sleeping soundly after taking these pills" he said with a frown

"Oh" grey-haired voice out "oh? Sweetie it's not oh are you still depressed about something is he still bothering you" Raven-haired asked him as Grey-haired shook as no "then?" Raven-haired asked more "I sometimes take it when I don't feel like to sleep"

"Why won't you be feeling like to sleep when you wake up early in the morning pretty boy?" Raven-haired asked "I don't know" he said "why you don't know you are still taking your health as a joke right? Why it's not good for health Taehyung and you are Still acting like I don't give a fu*k about it?" Raven-haired got serious

Grey-haired looked down feeling sad at his tone and wrong choice of words and Raven-haired coo at his cuteness putting his index finger under his chin he tilts his face up "now getting upset and melting with your oh-not so pleasure cute anger sweetheart?" He flirts leaning closer to his face

"You talked rudely to me again and my anger is cute yet not so pleasure for you I get it now I won't talk to you im more upset" he scowl at raven-haired making him chuckled "and now that im upset you are happy and chuckling at my reaction" he huffed and laid down again turning to other side

Raven-haired also lean on a bed back hugging him and pulling him closer as usual sniffing his calming scent "damn I'm losing my mind" Raven-haired groans getting horny as usual "why?" Grey-haired asked to him confused "is it even a question to aks petal? you always make me go crazy its nothing new but this time you made me worried making my heart skip the thousands of beats"

"I-i didn't are you sad hyung?" He turns slightly and looks at him as Raven-haired put his elbow on bed and leaning on his palm he looks at his universe "yes of course it's really harmful hun" he said "not a big deal I thought i really did something bad which made you worried" he sighs

"You are again taking it as a joke?" Raven-haired said "ok sorry I won't take it anymore is it fine now daddy?" Grey-haired said Raven-haired got red as his 'daddy' got on his nerves "hyung" Raven-haired looks at him and nodded "y-yeah it's ok" he said awkwardly "by the way daddy was wild isn't it?"

"Oh my God I made you nervous damn I'm gonna call you daddy from now on I also need a nickname to make you feel special" he giggles 'stop taehyung why are you making me so horny it won't be good for you what if I lose my control over my sane mind coz you are insanely possessing it day by day'

"Hyung are you even listening to me?" Grey-haired asked him "ah yeah I guess what was you saying?" Raven-haired said its rare for him as Raven-haired never ignore his words and now it's his second time not concentrating on his conversation he is feeling insecure again

he pouts "you don't focus on me" he said Raven-haired looked at his pout and he groans internally 'damn so kissable I should leave right now or else I'll totally do something which I'll regret later'

"I do pretty who else he can be instead of you baby?" Raven-haired said "really?" He nods Grey-haired smile "ok as you say" Raven-haired move his hairs from his forehead placing a soft kiss there again as he stood up "i'll leave ok bye" Raven-haired said Grey-haired nodded

"Drive safe" he waves at him Raven-haired smiles and waved back moving to door grabbing its knob he stops when Grey-haired said "oh no no wait" he looks back as Grey-haired moved to him and kiss him on his both cheeks hugging his neck "good night daddy" he teasingly whispers to Raven-haired and Raven-haired took a sharp breath getting messed up by his little act

'He wants me to fuck him harshly damn' he screams in his mind "you too good night sweetie" Raven-haired said back Grey-haired nodded "You are being wild darling?" He said Grey-haired shuts his mouth for awhile "why I can't even tease you?" Grey-haired said "what if I say yes you can't"

"I don't care if you say not to do something with you which I want to do" he said playing with his collar "how?" Raven-haired asked him and his next talk made Raven-haired kiss him so passionately that he never regrets his first kiss I know he is being so obsessed but I love it as it is

'I have more rights on you than anyone else will ever have'


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