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They arrived on main gate of university "ok take care and miss me" Raven-haired said Grey-haired nodded as he pouts then "i'll feel bore today"he said leaning to him hugging his neck as it's his favorite spot to hug his big boy "aww my baby wants my company to cheer him up?" He nods

"I'm sorry honey if i'll get free early i'll take you out for dinner on bike ok?" Grey-haired chippered on bike as he claps his hand and nodded making jungkook get whipped for him he kisses his forehead "have a good day and don't talk to someone else too much friendly ok?"

Grey-haired nodded kissing his cheek he got off "bye bye daddy" he waves at him going in raven-haired coo at his cuteness he drove off to his parents house he was smiling all the way to his house missing his love already"mom was right he'll make me more crazy day by day"

He arrived at his parents house "good morning young master" Raven-haired nodded as he sat on living room couch "hi mom" he greets "oh so taehyung made you greet me on daily bases" she teases him making him shy "Stop mom"
He said smiling "I love him alot for making you smile so often now"

Raven-haired smiled brightly "mom I'd have smiled often before if I had him from the start" he spoke then his dad entered "what is happening without me?" He asked "nothing" she said "our son is really happy these days so I'm just too much happy" she explains his dad nodded "let me bring some snacks you two talk" she left

"So where have you been jungkook?" He asked "with Taehyung dad" he answered without any hurdle "well I don't mind that innocent boy but his dad has started to doubt our signing process is getting delayed he indirectly told me that I don't feel good with your son being so insanely close with his son" he told him

Raven-haired roll his eyes "I would die rather than distancing myself from him dad" he exclaims with pure disgust "no I'm not saying that leave him or distance yourself from him just for sometimes stop meeting him so often and taking him out blah blah" Raven-haired looked at sehun "dad you know that how much i love to being with him and his dad won't be able to reject the project i'll offer him by collaborating with PARK corporation"

"You want his papers in your hand i'll hand it to you leave it on me but don't pissed me off ever again by saying such a disturbing words dad" he said "how can you be so obsessed with someone jungkook I never raised you like this? And who will give you such a big project jungkook?"

"Jimin" he shortly said "how? Aren't you two hate each other?" He asked "yes but for taehyung's sake he'll do anything" he said "what if he tell taehyung about it?" He asked "no dad he won't he loves taehyung more than anything and anyone" sehun nodded "he got power along within himself"

"Yes of course he made me go crazy what is that jimin then?" He said "I hope you won't cross the limits obsession is unhealthy" he voiced out Raven-haired just sighed

At university

Grey-haired was sitting on rooftop closing his eyes having some peace in open air when he felt someone's presence behind He turns just to get fucked up Grey-haired took steps back while that hazel-haired came closer to him "what are you doing here?" he asked being afraid "I don't know just my feet drag me here so kim taehyung" he said

"I'm sorry for everything I never meant to hurt you" He said Grey-haired was amazed by his sudden appearance and then placing a small apology in return of his disgusted moves "you-you really think i'll believe in your words after what you did to me?" He said getting out of his trance

"I know I did wrong but Taehyung you made me out of control not my mistake?" He confessed "how could you blame me so easily and I never made you do something" he explains "come on when you can make jeon jungkook type of person crazy for you! How can i be normal when such an ethereal person is near me?" He said "you are being shameless again"

"I know but what can I do to have your forgiveness?" He asked "I won't forgive you what do you think it is easy to forget how you made me go white and kept me in fear of being watched all night longs?" He said out of anger "leave and I don't believe in your any words"

"I swear to you that I'm your step brother trust me I never intended to do this" he said making Grey-haired mind go hazy why didn't he tell me about it "why are you so shocked didn't your jungkook tell you about it" He taunts him he took step forward making Grey-haired step back according to Raven-haired statement his step brother also wants him dead then it means his death is infront of him

He is not afraid of dying but he once wants to live a pure life with no restrictions,fears,sufferings,suffocation and family love which is not written in his fate

"Come on I swear I meant no harm to you pre--" he was cut off by his sudden shout "DONT" hazel-haired frown "what?" He asked "dont be so informal how can you call me with nicknames when I disgust my real name from your mouth and how could you call me your stepbrother after 5 yrs of my father's wedding?"

"So my mom is nothing to you that's why you are saying my father's wedding lol" he exclaims "i-i mean their wedding" he said "trust me I'm your brother I got proofs its my birth certificate and it's my old picture with mama and I met you too before but never told you about myself" he said

"I-i don't care don't approach me" he said as he moves out of roof door Hazel-haired groans "can't even get harsh on him" he shouts "oh come on" he turns to a person behind "what?" He said "you can get mad on him of course you want some help in your patch up with him he'll listen to me?" He said

Hazel-haired nodded "but I know you are on that jungkook's side" he shook "no I'm not who says?" He asked "It just feel like it is" he said "no you have to trust me"

'How can I trust you park jimin'


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