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At university

They both entered together jimin got burn he was so lost at the view infront of him He didn't notice yoongi stood beside him "hello where are you lost sweetie?" Yoongi asked

Jimin flinched "you scared me" jimin huffed "Ops sorry you don't need to get jealous pretty and stare them like that boy you know about jungkook's feelings right so there is no chance he can get your place you are his bestfriend soulmate whatever you are eachother to them"

"You can have your place back" yoongi said "ego is something don't you think so that?" Jimin voiced out "yes but not standing far away from them and wanting them back is more than ego" yoongi said

"Whatever lets go in classroom" they went in class and sat beside eachother and one pick me girl was being all nasty jimin roll his eyes As she looks at him "she is so pick me" he said but yoongi didn't reply He looks at him yoongi was in his phone messaging someone

"Hyung im talking to you?" Jimin said yoongi looks at him "what did you call me?" Yoongi asked "hyung!" Jimin confusingly answered "it suits your mouth so well call me often" he said jimin smile PARK JIMIN smile

His eyes got close and his beautiful teeth were on full flex and his cute bread cheeks were more prominent yoongi was lost by now TAEKOOK gave eachother a confused look then taehyung said "his smile I was missing it" jungkook roll his tongue on his inner cheeks and look at taehyung

"What happened?" Taehyung asked "nothing just" jungkook said "hyung are you getting jealous?" Taehyung asked wiggling his eyebrows jungkook pinch his cheeks "when my baby knows that why'd he be asking?" Jungkook said

"Lets sit now" taehyung said as they sat down beside YOONMIN "oh hello guys" he greets taekook greets them back "I'm sorry about day before yesterday" yoongi apologize duo frown "Why?" He already forgot about it "for talking rudely to you"

"How dare you?" Jungkook grin at yoongi "that's why im saying sorry" he said jungkook roll his eyes "it's totally fine I didn't mind and you was right too" He said "oh thanks then" yoongi smile slightly taehyung too

Then teacher enter as all the students set themselves mr.lee stared the lesson as taehyung was looking at front or on book jungkook was also but getting bored he looks at taehyung he stares him for 1 whole mint taehyung is already used to it and he does like it

Jimin noticed jungkook's intense stare on taehyung he was looking at both of them and yoongi at jimin then taehyung looks at jimin and find his stare weird as he turns his face aside jungkook looks at jimin and he found yoongi lost in him

He chuckles jimin also looks aside and then face yoongi "anything here?" He points on his face "beauty yet cuteness" he said jimin hit his arm slightly as taehyung also looks at jungkook and flicks his chin "focus on white board its important for exam"

"Nothing is important than you" jungkook flirts "im not Leaving you but lectures come once so" jungkook nod and held his hand keeping it on his tighs as he looks at front taehyung chuckled

At night

He went to his house and his parents were arrived already he got nervous thinking that they might question him but no they didn't he was curious why? Because he knows that they'd have grounded him if he ever went for a sleepover

'I think they don't know but they keep information about it' he thinks in his mind 'whatever I hope they don't get to know about it forever' he chuckled at his thoughts

He went to room and checked his windows and as it was he threw himself he smiles thinking about jungkook he giggles as he was never like this thinking about someone whenever he thinks loving someone

Having his scents habit everything was so new to him he was so close to jimin too but this feelings are just more than a bestfriend he smiles someone knocked on his door "yes" he said

"Hello dear?" She greets "hello noona how are you?" He asked "I'm fine and you?" He also nods "so had fun with him?" He nods "he is so sweet I can't explain it to you how much I feel comfortable with him" He said as she nods

"He is soft with you only Mr.kim taehyung" she said "No he is soft with everyone I think so that and how come you know that he is not soft to everyone?" He asked "I just know" she said as she took a seat beside him "so what you guys did?" She asked "movie,hang out and university too" He said "oh good" 

"He came to know about my stalker and I also he is a senior from my university" he said as she got shock "your senior how he can do this to his junior?" She said "I don't know" he states "well can't blame him you are so attractive everyone can get attracted to you in a blink of an eye" she said taehyung chuckled "come on noona"

"Im not lying tho" she said "you told him right" he voiced out "huh?" She asked "I mean you told him about my stalker?" Taehyung asked "I'm sorry that day when he came here he got suspicious about all the things happened so he called me to the Café and i had to go"

"And told him everything" she completes "I see that's why you know he is rude type of person but he is blue-blooded?" He said as she nods "would you have something specific for dinner ?" She asked taehyung "may be japchae" he said as she nods and stood

"Get fresh and come downstairs ok" she said and left afterawhile he went downstairs his parents weren't eating yet he was confused as he sat down "you took time" his father sighs "you guys shouldn't have waited for me" he said "Whatever lets eat"

"So taehyung everything was fine?" He said as taehyung nodded "when will you join buisness?" Taehyung stopped eating "after degree I don't want your employees to say I'm degreeless Buisness boy also dad I'm just 19yo"

"Yes but jungkook is in Buisness right you can do what he does?" He said taehyung was confused by his statement "well i'll talk directly to you Mr.hwang's daughter likes you" Taehyung looks at him

"So?" Taehyung said "he wants you to be his son-in-law as soon as possible" Taehyung poke his tongue aggressively 'why am i getting angry?' Taehyung question himself "Excuse please" he said and stood to left the table

"Taehyung sit down I haven't talked yet" he said "dad I'm not ready for both neither Buisness nor marriage" he stated "I was thinking that how suddenly you guys started to eat with me that was the reason I think"

'he said and left he hates it he had once reject this proposal before too now again?'


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