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Taehyung got shock asf he was speechless "nothing to win or lose right? Does it hurts?" Taehyung cuts the call "is everything ok?" He nods

"Wrong no." "Oh I see by the way I wanted to meet you so bad as my son talks about you alot" he shyly smiles "you are as beautiful as he explains"

"Thanks I guess" "He likes you alot you know that right?" Taehyung nod slowly "well I don't know I feel bad for him" taehyung says "why dear?" "I don't know just" then doctor came out

"You go inside taehyung" he didn't say any other word and got in his heart skip a beat "hyung?" He whispers jungkook smiles "oh finally my boy is here I was dying to face"

Taehyung come little closer "taehyung? are-are you going to cry?" Taehyung tear already fell directly on jungkook wrist which was holding on tae's hand he made him sit on his side

"H-hyung?" Jungkook chuckled at him "Don't cry tiger" taehyung broke down already not daring to look up he leans to jungkook's chest hugging his torso tightly

Jungkook smiles got brighter as he hugs his life back he was missing taehyung so much that his energy was full low by now but right at the moment he got his charm back but all sad and hurt

"I was missing y-you more i-i don't k-know that you were hurt hyung im sorry I got late i--" he was shuttering so much which was hurting jungkook more than anything

"Taehyung it's not your fault take a breath bub it's ok ....... look at me sweetheart" he cupped his cheeks as he made him look up "why are you sorry? Hm?"

"Y-you are h-hurt" Mrs.jeon was already in she awe at taehyung as he is so adorable no one can ever deny his cuteness

"Not because of you right" taehyung shook "it's my mistake" jungkook shook "no stop overthinking hmmm I know who did this it's not because of you ok"

"Stop crying now" but taehyung was all out of control once he break down no one can ever make him quiet but he is jeon jungkook

"Plz nah stop crying it's hurting me" taehyung sniff trying to calm down so jungkook hug him again and looks at his mother who just chuckled jungkook too smile and caress his back

"Stop crying bub?" Taehyung got calm within five minutes jungkook broke hug and wipes his dry tears and flicks his chin

"Aww you are looking so adorable" taehyung chuckled "what do you find adarable in such a ugly cries?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow "so you are calling my choice ugly?" Taehyung Nods

"It is you,you don't know that?" Jungkook sighs "I'll make you understand my choice some other day right now let's talk about something comfy"

"By the way you met my mother" taehyung Nods "she smiles just like you like a cute bunny" Taehyung giggles "so you are calling me an animal taehyung?" Haerin said

"Omg I didn't notice your presence" he bows slightly "oh no no sit dear well now doctor said he can be discharged would you like to help me?"

Taehyung Nods sweetly she smiles


At Jean's mansion

"Here it's his food feed my son Taehyung he hasn't ate properly from the last night Taehyung gave death stare to jungkook as he looks down"What are you huh?" Taehyung asked pissed "your crazy obsessive I guess'' Taehyung pinch his tighs making him hissed "damn I'm sorry"

"No that's fine I'm not hurt here I'm hurt somewhere else!" Taehyung curiously ask "where?" Jungkook dramatically puts his hands on his left chest "It's old rizz now" jungkook smiles "still its joyful" Taehyung shook "now open your mouth" jungkook did he moans on taste "damn tastiest food I've ever eat"

"Oh I see" jungkook hold his hand "let me Feed you first" jungkook ask "you know why it is tasty?" Taehyung shook
"Coz it's feed by this salender hands" he brings his hands near his mouth and left a soft peck on his temples eyes fixed on taehyung's almond doe he got shy he took his hand back

"C'mon hyung"


"Now that you are sleepy I should leave" he stood but stopped due to the hold on his wrist "do you need something?" Grey-haired asked "Yes of course" taehyung raised an eyebrow "you" Taehyung chuckled "come on you are sleepy still you remember to flirts"

"Yes of course I cant stop thinking about you even in sleeps pretty boy" taehyung got shy he bit his lips when jungkook pulls his onto the bed "Sleep here today i'll talk to dad he will talk to your father?" Taehyung think for awhile and then nod as jungkook wasn't in mood to leave his waist which he has hugged tightly by now

"I need to call my nanny she'll get worried" jungkook laugh "huh? Whats so funny?" Jungkook shook "just you got nanny for your care little kid?" Taehyung whined alil "My parents don't have time for me so they have been hiring nannies for me to show their fakest care still she is sweet"

"How old is she?" Jungkook asked "May be 31 or 32" he called her "noona? Hello " bora speak "oh hello where are you?why aren't you back yet?" She asked "I'm staying at his place" she got confuse "is he ok?" She asked "yes he is a strong boy" jungkook chuckled "ok just take care"

"Ok bye you too take care" he cuts call 'I'll sleep tight today as I won't be scared of someone hunting me in his presence' "pretty boy?" Jungkook calls him "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing special" jungkook nod and snuggle into his crock "it's tickling" he giggles making jungkook tickle him more then he hovered above him still tickling "Stop stop I might die" jungkook frown "come on you didn't mean it,by the way I wanted to say something" jungkook confess still hovering above him

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed as respond "you can't feel low of yourself knowing that you have made many people go crazy for you why do you think you are not that worthy how much you get love is not enough for the Lovey-dovey person like you pretty boy"

"How can you say when you know nothing how my parents treat me they have been telling me from the start I'm not worthy enough then how can I feel secure when my own parents don't let me to be secure?"

"They have made me so insecure hyung that i-i don't make eye contact with their friends or with my dad's workers they don't think much before i-insulting me infront of anyone knowing that im their only son?"

"But look you can't let yourself down for someone like them"Taehyung chuckled "it's easy to say but when your own parents don't let you smile openly you can't even cry whole heartedly"


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