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"It's just a beginning and you are already tired of him?" She said Raven-haired jolt up "MOM?" He exclaims shocked "what? did I say something wrong?"she asked "yes of course I am not playing around that i once lost I'd be done I can't be actually i'll stop breathing rather than being done by him" he said she chuckled "this is insane so what's the matter by who you are so done?"

"His mom she is not a human" he told her everything "that's the point" he said lastly "to be honest son it's your mistake" she answered "mom really?" He asked "yes of course how do you expect him to react?" She said Raven-haired nodded "but still that was harsh" he said with a sad tone "yes but it's your matter I won't say anything on his words but when a person is stressed or stuck inside something you should not expect good from them"

He sighs "now let's eat something?" She said as he shook "come on its japchae baby stand up now" she said as Raven-haired groans "what now?" She asked "it's his favorite dish he even moans while eating that I am gonna miss him" he said "wow it just been an hour you left him" he shook "I'm not hungry"

"Come on its wrong to skip your meal for his sake two three bites" she said as Raven-haired looked at her with 'what' expression "mommy you know how to control me but he hasn't eat anything and he won't so why'd I be eating right?" He said "yes but if you say should I go to him?" She said "your mind mom" she nods "i'll go I like that kid alot so I cant let him starve"


She went to his apartment with food she knocked on door two three times Grey-haired came to door and got shocked as he saw her on screen he nervously opened his mind was thinking negatively 'what if she is here because I made her son sad?' At last he opened the door "hello dear" he bows "hi come in" he said moving aside "yeah of course this apartment is cool tho" she said

"Thanks" he said "jungkook told me that you was alone and he is kinda tired so I'll take care of you by the way why are you so red?" She said touching his forehead she got shock "oh my God Taehyung come on sit here you have high fever boy how careless you didn't even eat something i'll scold that jungkook he doesn't even care about you"

"No he does he is the only one who cares about me and don't worry i'll take medicine you don't have to do efforts" he said "oh come on I am jungkook's mother you know me right so no need to be shy first eat it I specially bring it for you and then I'll give you medicine is that here?" He nods 'he was regretting his words and missing jungkook why he had to be so rude" he hissed due to his unusual behavior

"Hey are you feeling pain somewhere?" Grey-haired just shook "thanks aunt" he said As she first feed him food he was so overwhelmed that his eyes got teary because he never had woman's real warmth which his hyung's mother was giving him she gave him medicine "lets go to room you sleep now and don't go to university tomorrow i'll scold that careless man don't worry ok" he leans on bed she puts comforter on him

"No its fine and he did nothing wrong you won't scold your son for someone else" he voiced out "he is my son but you are also precious to me" he looks down getting emotional as he laid down
She pats his head "sleep well good night dear and don't stress yourself you'll get  more sick" she smiles at him as he did too "Good night dear bye bye" she left


She was heading to her room for sleep when he approached her "mom?" She looks at him almost giving a death glare "what happened?" He asked confused "you careless man of that pretty kid he was burning in fever because of you how bad I agree he was angry and said many things to you still you shouldn't have left him alone you could've change the room but leaving a angry person alone is wrong and the way he is done with his life what if he do something to himself what will you do"

"Do you gave him medicine and is he fine?" He asked she nods "of course and he was just fine" she said he sighs getting more worried 'Thank god mom  went there pretty boy why do you made me so possessed?' He groans internally "ok sorry mom i won't repeat it" he said "he just slept so you won't go to him because I called his nanny"

Raven-haired roll his eyes "dont tell me you are jealous of his nanny" Raven-haired just sighs and left to his room "damn it he is obsessed" she chuckles

"Why you got sick honey?" He sighs "I'm gonna patch up tomorrow I can't stop thinking about you afterall" he fell into his deep slumbers while thinking about him

The next day

He called Grey-haired he didn't receive his call so he called his hyung "hello hyung?" He greets "yes hello about farewell party you'll come?" He asked Raven-haired "yes of course it's your farewell party man but in one condition you need to call taehyung too he isn't picking up my calls as he is upset so" he said "oh why? do you guys again fight?"

"Yes" he said sighing dryly "I'm missing him alot so you need to call him no matter what" he orders "ok i'll right now so that he can get ready to make you horny" he teased "he himself is so attractive he makes me horny without any preparation man" he ruffles his hairs getting shy

"Ok hyung bye i'll cut the call" he said cutting the calls brown-haired called that prettyboy "hello" Grey-haired voice speak from the other side "helllo how are you kiddo?" He asked "im fine how are you?" He asked back "well I'm fine too about farewell party?"

"I am not coming" he said "No way you need to see off my batch you will come" he argues "hyung it's not important if I won't attend thats fine too" he voiced out "nope you have to come and that's it" He stated "but I--" he got cut off by him "no buts you have to come and you will come" he states "ok hyung i'll" he said "oh yeah good now get ready in an hour he'll pick you up" he said and cut call

"Who will hello? Must be jungkook" he sighs he went to wardrobe he fisrt looks at white then shook "no im upset from him he didnt even ask for my health"  he has called him more than ten times but he hasn't noticed yet he wore a light colour because dark colors never suit on bottoms

He got ready he looks at his reflection and smiles "im looking pretty to my own eyes for the first time" he chuckled then he heard his door getting unlocked he knew that who is that person so he changes his face to pissed one Raven-haired enters he looks at him and his eyes got stuck for forever


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