14:still with you

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Taehuung was back to home he was missing jungkook alot as he left university early and now he wasn't picking up his calls his mother enter"Taehyung? It's a parcel for you" Taehyung grab it and read and it was his name but he hasn't ordered something so he opened it

And his heart skip as it was his pictures of him sitting in his class cafeteria his own room it felt like someone is stalking him and that person send him this He got extremely uncomfortable he looked around he took a deep breath and closed the box and kept it in his cabinet he locked the window and wardrobe door

"Damn it everything need to be done with me" he laid down and tried to sleep but he wasn't having a sleep so he called jungkook and finally he picked his call "Hyunggg? Why were you ignoring my calls huh you made me Hella worried"

"I'm sorry i was busy" Taehyung sighs "But you should've told me that" jungkook felt bad that he made him so upset "Im sorry sweetie" taehyung needed an excuse to make jungkook stay with him on call " no I won't forgive you like this" jungkook chuckled "ok my babyboy what should I do to get forgiveness?"

"I can't fall asleep" jungkook smirk thinking bullshit 'damn taehyung you are taking me wild day by day' "and why?" He inquired "I'm feeling weird" jungkook felt something is weird "why? Is everything ok? Should I come to you?" Taehyung shook "no way my parents are home hyung"

"I just don't cut the call until I feel extremely sleepy" jungkook smile 'I just need an excuse to hear your voice and when you are offering me how can I refuse?' "Ok" taehyung and jungkook talk alot

They were talking about random stuffs hobbies and all when jungkook mentioned about singing competition where he got 1st place"You know how to sing?" Jungkook humed as answer "damn I wanna hear your singing" jungkook smiles "really actually no one really appreciated me in my singing im not confident"

"I know it'll be good thats the reason judge gave you first position about appreciations no one give that" jungkook giggles getting compliments from your love is something beautiful "ok then my real judge will be you" Taehyung smile "okz"

As jungkook started to sing a song taehyung was shocked to hear such a pretty voice he started to get internal peace making him fall asleep
As jungkook continues to sing till the end of the song

"Still with you.......how was it? Sweetie? Hey pretty boy?" He chuckles as he assumed that he fell asleep while someone was busy burning as he was stalking him

"Sweet dreams my love" then he cuts the call "wow you even sing for him" jungkook flinched "mom don't be a stalker plz" his mother sat as he puts his head on her lap "do you love him?" Jungkook think for awhile and then nod

"I think so that maybe won't you mind?" She shook "love is love it's by a person not a gender" jungkook smile " really you are great mom I also don't know when he became so Important for me he didn't take much time to tear out my heart and enters in"

"He meant my world now I also hate the fact that i love him so crazily" his mother frown "why?" Jungkook sighs "I feel impulsive around him and scared I was never like this but he made me like this"

"I feel so jealous when other person even breath around him I want him only for me no one else and I'm afraid what if he doesn't accept me?"

"No son don't be afraid love wins all don't worry" jungkook nodded "you know he looks like a introvert type person but he is so charming and cute once he gets close to someone he never shares his pain or feelings with someone he is just so different"

"He is made for me" his mother chuckles at his son craziness "i hope this craziness will go till the end"
"It'll mom I love him not a joke I can fight the whole world for him i might die if I don't get him" his mom pat his head "now you should sleep good night"

The next morning

Taehyung was heading to his classroom when kai stopped him "hey beautiful?" Taehyung looks at him with blank eyes "you got really close to jeon jungkook?"

"Yes so what?" Kai chuckles "about Jimin?" Taehyung move back from him as he was scared due to night incident he got quite uncomfortable his first doubt was on jimin but then he thought why'd he stalk him when he can invade his privacy anytime

"That doesn't concern you"Taehyung said and started to walk just when Kai grab his hand taehyung got angry he jerks his hand harshly "don't touch me ever again" he walks away leaving burning Kai behind jimin saw the whole scene

Jimin was now burning with anger taehyung was in a corridor when jungkook flicks on his waist from other side distracting him taehyung chuckled when he saw his hyung he smiles and stopped walking completely facing him now

"Hyung I missed you so much yesterday you won't leave early from university ever again ok?"Jungkook nod then taehyung couldn't hold back as he roll his hands around his neck hugging him tightly

"You sang so well that I fell asleep so soundly thanks" jungkook smile holding his waist and smelling his vanilla scent everything is just so perfect about him which gave jungkook a wholesome reason to fell more for him instantly

They isn't standing in the middle of corridor tho

Meanwhile jimin he was burning as usual 'you are crossing your limits taehyung' after class jimin drag taehyung in an empty classroom and jerk him at front

"Kim taehyung what's your problem?" Taehyung asked "what did I do now?" Jimin sighs "don't fucking question me taehyung didn't I tell you to stay away from him but you got guts to hug him so perfectly?"

"He is my closest friend jimin shi I can hug him soundly whenever I want" jimin got angry he grabs his shoulder tightly jerking him closer then he says

'You'll face consequences now'


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