15:bad dream

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Taehyung was sitting on a bench with jungkook he was quite quiet which made jungkook worried so he ask "hey sweetheart?" Taehyung nodded "what are you thinking?" Taehyung shook as nothing

"So why are you so quiet say something?" Taehyung looks at him "I'm not feeling like to speak hyung I'll leave bye" he said and went to his car as Mr.lee was waiting for him

"What happened dear you look pissed?" Taehyung shook "is your relation not going well with that bulky boy?" "No its fine I just feel like to rest im tired"

"You never get tired with a person you feel comfortable" taehyung looks at him and ask "how come you know I'm comfortable with him?"

Mr.lee smile "just you didn't notice your pure eyes when sitting with him and loved eyes when talking to you"

Taehyung smile "may be I don't know" Mr.lee also smile at him "I hope he takes you out of your bounded brain"


At night he was feeling sick of laying on a bed from this much late he was trying to sleep but he wasn't feeling like to sleep

"Damn I upset Hyung too how can I call him now?" Taehyung at last fell asleep thinking about random things

At jungkook place

"Yes dad I've checked these files already he has named 30% to taehyung how come?" Sehun sighs "just a show off" jungkook nodded

"Well thats ok this show will be in profit for taehyung right" he nods "btw you know why he already named these to him?" Jungkook shook

Mr.jeon looks at suga (suga is also involved with jungkook and his father) "explain him" suga chuckled "do you know about Mr.hwang" jungkook nodded "his daughter hwang yunjin"

Jungkook nods "she likes taehyung and they'll be engaged soon" jungkook was holding a file his grip got tight on it just a imagination of his pretty boy being with someone else is killing him

What about reality? Damn "oh calm down boy it wont happen as when his dad's reality will be revealed no one will get convinced on it even yunjin play hard his dad won't agree he cares about his reputation alot"

"Cool down" jungkook sighs and throws file on table as he just left the office for some fresh air "you made go crazy for you kim taehyung"

At taehyung's place

He was sleeping when he felt his window opened he got disturbed from his sleep someone jumped in his heart skip when that person started to come near the bed

He swallowed the lumps in his throat his bed dig from the other someone put their knee on bed he clenches the sheets that person put knife on his neck he just pressed it when taehyung scream out of his lungs

He sat and turn there was no one he was breathing really heavily "shit it was just a bad dream" he sighs and wipes his sweat on his forehead and laid down again his maid enter can say his nanny

"Are you ok?" Taehyung looked at her and nods "I was loud?" She nods "im sorry" she shook and come near him "it's ok you sleep must be a bad dream right?" Taehyung nod.

"I'll stay here until you sleep hm" (she is his new nanny she is in her early 30s and she is kind but Taehyung isn't much free with her as she is new)

"No dont bother yourself its ok" she shook "it's my duty to take care of you hm" he nods and smiled slightly and closed his eyes he tried to fell asleep he checks Time and it was already 6am

"Miss? It's already 5am you can leave it'll be my uni time afterawhile" she nods "should I give you your breakfast you get ready and come downstairs "

At downstairs

"It's delicious miss" she smiles "you can call me noona as well if you don't mind" taehyung nodded "why'd I mind it noona?"

Both were having breakfast when his mom enter "mmm.. you two got involved well good I thought this arrogant kid will not accept her nanny chosen By me"

"No miss he isn't arrogant" she just scoff and took water bottle and left "dont mind her dear you finish your breakfast"

"Whats your name noona?" "Jun bora" he smiles "cute" he complete his breakfast "do you eat lunch at uni?" He nods "sometimes from cafeteria if it's light-weight" she nods "should I pack some food for you now on?"

"Your pleasure but today I've ate enough breakfast I won't be hungry" he turns to leave "Mr.kim your phone" he turns "Ah thanks noona but call me taehyung I'll like it"

At university

"Why isn't he coming?" He was waiting for him but he got sad when he didn't come even two periods were already gone

Jimin come to him and sit without saying a single word when period was over taehyung stood to change seat when jimin claim his wrist

"Why? Can't you sit with me now when your HYUNG is absent" taehyung sighs "I don't feel comfortable with you" harsh

Jimin groan "I'm telling you you'll regret it KIM TAEHYUNG" taehyung chuckled "regret? No I have nothing to win or lose this much meaningless my life has become I don't know why am I still alive?"

"Are you sure? Kim taehyung?" Taehyung looks at him and nodded jimin smirk "ok keep your sulky behavior with me and I'll also keep my attitude"


He was sitting in kitchen having some snacks when bora came to him "had a nice day?" He nods slightly "by the way you heard that your dad's bestfriend's son got extremely beaten by his enemies last night"

Taehyung breath hitched "w-who Mr.jeon's son?" She nods "he is still admit in xxxx hospital that much he is injured"  his hand left the plate which coz it to fall and break into pieces 

he stood up running outside as he grab car's key and drove off to the hospital he rushes inside ad he asked the receptionist about him

He rushes to room no. Which he was told he is admit in he grabs the door knob he didn't notice lady standing there she stops him

"Doctor is inside doing his x-ray" he turns to her as she passes a sweet bunny smile just like his hyung "taehyung right?"

Taehyung nod "is he ok?" She nods "take a breath dear he is fine just a born injury that's why doctor is doing his x.rays" he sighs

"Myself jeon haerin jungkook's mother" taehyung bows "I don't know that im sorry" she shook "it's ok son but you came quite late?"

"I-i don't know that my nanny t-told me right now" he got teary because of guilt she chuckles "oh no dear I didn't mean to hurt you im sorry" he shook "n-no I'm just I wanna see him fast"

"Doctor will come out in some minutes then you can see him" suddenly his phn rang as it was an unknown no. He ignored

"It can be important" she says as he nods and picked "hello?"

'How's the surprise?'

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