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Yoongu was sitting in a car with jungkook yoongi ask him "are you upset?" Jungkook shook yoongi again ask "then why wont you talk to me?" Jungkook sigh "he is upset" he said "you two had something to be upset now?"

Jungkook says "no but im still hurt" yoongi smile "why are you smiling are you feeling good that im hurt?" Suga shook and replies "no dumbo it feels good to know that finally you feel for someone"

Jungkook sighs "im getting attached to him day by day even tho we dont even talk much or see each other time to time?" Yoongi says "may be u are catching feelings for him" jungkook look at him and mumble "may be" yoongi nods

At night

Taehyung was out for a walk when he felt someone is chasing him he took a turn changing his path to check and yes the man also turn he did again and the man also do he got scared

he was about to take a turn to a busy road The man push him to wall covering his mouth taehyung tried to scream or say something but no one hears

He wiggles in his grip and that someone whispers "shh.. pretty boy?" He halt on his struggle and look at him cleary he got angry "are you crazy? Jungkook you are so agh move" he pushed him jungkook took of his marks and

Taehyung got more angry "my mind got skip including heart and here u are chuckling at my reaction?" Jungkook move forth before he'd hold him he pushed him again "dont touch me u bad guy" he turn to other side he took one step only when he pull back on his broad chest

"I'll touch you pretty boy!" Taehyung tried to push him but Jungkook being jungkook didn't let him do "what's your problem huh?" Jungkook just shook "you tell me what's your problem?"

"Nothing" he looks down getting all nervous due to proximity his well built chest was giving him some odd feelings which he surely hate he was again interrupted by cold fingers under his chin tilting his head up

"Im sorry" taehyung felt bad alil that he made him sad as jungkook tone was telling him that he is hurt "f-for what?" Jungkook says "for scaring you and for getting you into trouble" taehyung just look down again jungkook tap his waist where his hand was placed "im here to give it a try"

"For what?" Jungkook smile and leans to him "about us Prince" taehyung gulp at his tone "our friendship,i want to be you closest friend just like a soulmate" taehyung got uncomfortable he started to remember something which he doesn't want to do he looks around and finally getting courage he got push back to jungkook

"What happened?" Taehyung shook as nothing "what about my offer prettyboy?" 'I am your closest friend taehyung just like your soulmate you cant replace me,can you?' Jungkook got confuse "are you ok taehyung?" Taehyung just nod and turn

Jungkook held his wrist to stop him but instead got a jerk from the other "can you please stop with your trying senior?" He said and left jungkook dumb founded "do i said something triggering?"

Taehyung was with his overthinking again 'why cant you forget him i am sure he'd have made new friends and also senior jungkook is so nice to me why'd i hurt him for him who left me after making himself my habit?'

Taehyung chuckled "why im so impulsive in relationships i also want someone who can give me their full attention and emotions" taehyung bitterly mumbles " i am never that lucky" he just closes his eyes

At university

Yoongi come to taehyung "hello dear?" Taehyung look at him "how are you?" Taehyung nod as yes "you?" Yoongi nod saying that he is fine then "am.. can i ask you something?" Taehyung nod "jungkook was quite upset the last night!"

Taehyung felt bad "do you have something to do with that by the way im sure it has! coz he isn't a type of person to get sad by anyone its only about his priorities and im also sure its you" Taehyung just smiles awkwardly

" i didn't knowthat you are my senior that day i talked rudely to you im sorry senior" he bows alittle yoongi smile "no doubt why he finds you so adorable" taehyung just ignore his compliments yoongi again start "he is not that bad how much you think of him to be"


Taehyung was in his own daze when someone stood infront of him " hey you?" Taehyung look up "you are looking interesting!" Taehyung look around "why?" "Come on look at yourself so tempted!"

Taehyung stood up to leave just when he was jerk back to his previous place he hissed due to tight hold "you listen once i said im interested its mean i am!" Someone interrupt them "what's happening" he claims " oh hey kai that pretty famous guy"

kai look at taehyung and as usual his heart skip a beat he sighs and speak "lets go guys" "c'mon kai he is a total fun" kai groan " lets go for now" they left taehyung also went to his class he was missing jungkook annoyingly 'you ditch him by your own now why are you missing him?'

At night

Jungkook came to his parent's house his mother look at him and smile "oh jungkook son you are here i missed you alot" jungkook felt bad alil to make her wait for him "im really sorry son it wont happen again" she hugs him he hugs her back "i also missed you mom" she smiles and broke hug

"Come on sit hey bring juice for him" she ordered her maid "did you have your dinner?" He shook she nods and also order for his favorite dishes he looks around "where is dad?"

"Buisness trip" jungkook nod they started to talk about random stuffs then jungkook ask "mother do you know about Mrs.kim?" She nods "she was my good friend!" Jungkook ask "why was?" "She died 4yrs ago" "im talking about his present wife"

she nods "i personally dont know her but i can say she is not a good human she has many cases of divorce or abandoning her child and money issues also i met with her 1yr ago and she told me about her relationship with many bad people also"

'she hates her step-son'


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