3:little bit about him

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Taehyung was drawing something when his mother entered "you are still into drawing? your career is business nothing else and also be ready for a party your father's friends will be there too" taehyung just sigh "can i not attend?"

"No you have to" taehyung sighs "wear something gorgeous" taehyung just nod he got ready for the party and went downstairs his parents smile at him "well no doubt you are extremely gorgeous thats why mr.hwang's daughter is so obsessed with you"

Taehyung just frown and move forward he sat in a car drove off with his parents they arrived trio were heading towards the main building everyone looking at them with wow looks as they three were of greatest personalities

Mr.kim spoke in awhile "taehyung do you know Mr.jeon my childhood friend?" Taehyung nod alil "i've heard of their name nothing much" Mr.kim nod "Act mature infront of him he is my closest friend and even in future we'll do many deals with them"

Taehyung nod 'like i ever act immature infront of someone' soon they got seprated he was sitting on a counter chair in a corner with his head low and all bored His parents approach him with a certain someone he looks up "oh what a gorgeous boy you've got daewon" he smiles "yes indeed I've got him" taehyung just stood and bow to him

"Hello dear I'm jeon sehun" taehyung smile "I'm kim taehyung nice to meet you Mr.jeon" sehun smile "why are you sitting alone here?" Taehyung just shook as nothing "you have no friends here?" Taehyung nod

Mr.kim butted in "amm.. your son didn't come?" Mr.jeon look around "he must be around" then his son spoke "dad are you finding me?" He nods "meet this sweetboy Kim taehyung and taehyung meet my son Jeon jungkook"

Jungkook smile and offers hand to taehyung and he does accept it "nice to know about you taehyung" taehyung just smile a little Mr.jeon again spoke "so you two play around dont let him get bore jungkook" jungkook nod

Adult left jungkook stood infront of taehyung whose back was now clinging to counter jungkook was almost hovering over him as he spoke "sweetboy you impress my dad on a first interaction hmmm?" Taehyung got nervous

Taehyung said in his low key "can u move back alil" Jungkook move more closer "hey prince you are looking so breath taking that im getting awfully jealous thats why im covering you so that no one look at you!"

Taehyung look around everyone was busy in their own world "why'd they be looking at me move" he put his hands on his well built chest he was just about to push when a loud bang was heard

Taehyung flinch his eyes shut occasionally still in jungkook's hold everyone started to rush around jungkook also held his wrist dragging him to a corner they found a room as
they entered in

Jungkook look at taehyung who was still in dazed "you ok petal" taehyung nod jungkook peak through the door and hear a voice saying 'dont move everyone stay at your respective places' he looks around

'Boys find jeon jungkook' taehyung's earth slipped under his feet as they're here to find jeon jungkook he was sure a little bit about him is Dangerous jungkook looked at taehyung

"What are you?" Taehyung asked jungkook answer "I'll explain bub rn your safety is important" taehyung scoff "because of you whole party got upside down and you only want me to be safe?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow "do you doubt something?"

Taehyung chuckled and respond "how can i believe now you'll haunt me in my dreams damn jungkook" jungkook smile at his cuteness "how old are you?" Taehyung answered "does it matter right now?" He said "yes" he huffed out "19"

jungkook smile "you know that im your senior?" Taehyung nod "im 22yo you are 3yrs younger than me so respect me prettyboy" taehyung noticed its pretty quiet outside now he move forth and held the door knob he felt jungkook's hold on his hand so he stopped twisting the handle

"Aren't you feeling too much safe around me that you are ready to call them inside?" Taehyung mind skip 'he is right im feeling too much safe around him why?' Taehyung spoke "im not its just i think everything is cool down now "

jungkook nod "i know!" Taehyung look at him confused "how?" Jungkook smirk and lean to him "pretty boy you need to know many things about me!" Jungkook move back "thousand of people come to catch me but no one ever succeeded" he left

At night

"You was with jungkook right?" Taehyung nod "you know that those people were there for searching him?" Taehyung nod "why? Does he tell you?" Taehyung shook "hmmm? Dont get much along with him he looks dangerous"

"He is in your university right?" She asked "Yes" his mother gave him a stern look "he was quite interested in you boy!" Taehyung confusingly look at her "what made you think that he is interested in me?"

"His looks was saying it all" taehyung just ignored "I've university tomorrow so im going to sleep" he left his mother say to daewon "look he got such an attitude that he doesn't even want to sit with us"

Next day

He was walking in a corridoor jungkook came to him "hey pretty boy?" Taehyung sighs jungkook asked "well how are you?" Taehyung just ignore "aren't you happy?" Raven-haired asked "for what?" Grey-haired inquired "Seeing me here?"

Taehyung shook "omg Beauty you are so rude" taehyung just shrugged it off jungkook roll his hand around his shoulder and ask "hey prince are you upset from me" taehyung sighs and stopped "yes" jungkook got tensed "why did i hurt you?" Taehyung spoke "no but i need to stay away from troubles"

'Which surely is you'


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