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Blonde-haired bent down and shake him slightly "TAHEYUNG sweetie you ok open your eyes fuck, taehyung?"He was about to pick him up when raven haired rushed to them "what did you do to him fucker?" He shouts at him no one was around as it was class time thats why they are shouting in library

"Taehyung ?" Jungkook tap his cheeks but no response of course so
Raven-haired picked him up and went to nurse office he laid him on bed "check him fast" he said restlessly Blonde-haired was also standing beside him Raven-haired shoot a glare to him

"What in the hell you said to him huh i'll sue you if he says jimin hyung's word hurted me, that's why I loathe you being close to him fucker" he said pushing him "get lost" he voiced out with grunt teeth

He was sweating badly his bp was low including his sugar while his pulses were extremely high "dear I can't understand his condition his pulses is abnormally high it'll be great if you take him to hospital they'll treat him with heavy equipments Im sorry" she said

Raven-haired heart skip still he nodded and he rushly took him to hospital he was now sitting on bench waiting for doctor came out "jeon jungkook?"He said "yes? It's me?" He said "he is fine now he took too much stress I guess, he'll wake up soon make sure he didn't stress himself or may be he has depression just take care of him"

Raven-haired nodded doctor smile "also don't stress yourself too you look more stressed by now take care of his diet" he said and walk away Raven-haired sighs and enters in he smiles sadly looking at him "I feel weird facing you is getting tough day by day" He sat on nearby stool kissing his forehead

"How much I missed you the whole night damn it and now I meet you in such a complicated situation" he sighs "my foolish act" he is hating on himself from last night and he is now blaming himself behind his condition

At evening Grey-haired wake up from his longest nap he looks around and found himself on jungkook's bed he felt pain in his whole body he sat and groans due to sudden movement "you ok?" He asked Grey-haired nodded

"Are you feeling like to get up?" He again asked "then get fresh i'll prepare something to eat" he said and left Grey-haired find his behavior odd 'is he upset?' He pouts he was feeling more sick he was at urge of bursting out

He went to wardrobe after taking shower wearing his clothes he went to living room he saw Raven-haired in kitchen he went to him "oh you are done you sit there i'll bring it" He said
"Ok,why aren't you looking at me?" He asked to raven-haired

"No its not like that" he said as he moved to sink washing his hands ignoring his presence completely Grey-haired pout and sat on couch Raven-haired put his meal on table and just turn to leave "why are you ignoring me?" He asked again "I told you im not"

"But you are doing that you didn't talk to me sweetly and didn't ask to me why  Im sad you are not looking at me neither talking to me nor sitting with me y-you also got upset from me for a long term just like him? You also don't w-wanna talk to me and make me feel insecure by my existence?"

And that's it he starts crying Raven-haired got shocked he pulls him closer and hug him "no I am not upset taehyung" he said "look you are, y-you called me Taehyung instead of any nickname and you-you are not using the tone which you use with me"

Raven-haired felt happy because he was wanting his special treatment and who is jungkook to say no "im sorry sweetheart" he said sweetly "why are you upset from me?" He asked "im not sweetcheeks I told you"

"Then why were you avoiding me?" He asked "no I wasn't honey" he said "i know you are lying you acted odd" he said "no I-i was just guilty and not having urge to face you" He said looking down "why?" He said

"Huh I made you uncomfortable yesterday and made you feel bad i-im sorry" he apologized "yo--" he got cut off by Raven-haired "no I dont need any answer because I can't face rejection also I'll do anything for you i'll even stop kissing you on cheeks holding your waist and whatever I do i'll stop it but please dont distant yourself from me I can't take it taehyung you are my need"

"I know I made you uncomfortable but I pro--" he got cut off by his plump lips on his wine one Grey-haired left a long peck on his lips making him shut, he left a peck and pull back "you and your acts can never make me uncomfortable"

"What did you just do and why?" He asked shockly "you also did this to me to make me shut so I also did" he said with his cutest tone "I know I was also harsh yesterday and before too I shouldn't have told you such a wrong words hyung I love it when you act possessive over me and when you kiss me or whatever you do"

"You never make me uncomfortable and you can do anything with me afterall I'm yours and you got rights on me" he said it making Raven-haired felt on cloud 7 right now Grey-haired was looking more adorable expressing himself as his as jeon jungkook

"So you mean you didn't reject me?" He asked "how can I reject such a caring man who loves me so much" he said Raven-haired smiled brightly "so do you like me too?" He asked "who said?" Grey-haired said to him his smiled drop "huh?"He confusingly asked "I mean who said i like you" Grey-haired said

"Actually I love you back" he said making Raven-haired smile bright he hugs him tightly "oh my God Taehyung I love you so much you know you are the only reason I smile and I'm happy I got my happiness back you don't know how much I want you in my fucked up life I love you pretty boy"

"I love you too hyung" he hugs him back "and now that im your life now I dare you to act so rudely to me I hate it,it stress me out" he said "oh yeah why you got sick can't you take care of yourself I know that jimin of yours made you stress and you got unconscious" he looks down "im sorry" he pouts

"No sugarlips no need to be sorry just take care of yourself I need nothing just you to be healthy and sound hmm" he said caressing his cheeks Grey-haired nodded as he tilt and kiss his cheeks "dont asume things by your own ok it can hurt you in a worst way ever" he said

"As you say PRINCE consort JEON JUNGKOOK" he said Grey-haired shyly smile "ok now enough eat it complete it whole got it you are so weak I want you to be healthy" he said as he started to feed him by his own hands afterawhile he gave him his dose of medicine and laid him under comforter

"Good night sweetie" He said kissing his foreheads Grey-haired nodded and closed his eyes as raven left the room he went to his guard "same lady was behind this" he said Raven-haired grint his teeth

'Now it's enough you played well bitch'


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