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Jungkook was in nurse office as she applied ointment "yah why'd you beat them so much?" Yoongi asked "I hate him and you know the reason behind this crap" he answered "Man you are totally obsessed" he said "yes I am" he answered him then taehyung enters in and sighs looking at jungkook who gave him his warm smile taehyung smile slightly

Jungkook first ignored his bad mood and pat beside him gesturing him to sit with him as taehyung did "look at you why'd you do this?" Taehyung asked
"You know the reason taehyung and don't worry if he bothers you ever again i'll surely kill him that time" he said "come on hyung? It's too much you don't have to take my matters so serious "

Taehyung said non chalantly and jungkook can hear pang in his heart "I got angry and don't say like that taehyung" he said as taehyung just sighs "im going home I don't feel good here for now bye"

He said and left "he surely is upset with you" yoongi said as jungkook groan "that jimin took him somewhere I think he has said something" yoongi's ears peak at his words "Im gonna kill him" he stood as yoongi held his arm "jungkook don't you think you are overreacting?" Yoongi said "No he freaking is jealous of me that I've stole his soulmate that's why he--"

"Ae you know that he is the who has done this?" Yoongi said "No" jungkook answered "then?" Jungkook sighs and just jerk his hand "I'm going for a work"
He said and left he went to Café where he has called taehyung's nanny he saw her waiting for him there he sat down on chair "hi miss bora so I called you here to talk about that window incident "

"Your reaction the way you rushed in and asked Taehyung about is he ok or not I found it suspicious so you'll tell me honestly whats the actual matter" She said nothing as he continue "is someone stalks him?" He said then she nods "damn it and since when it's happening?" He asked her

"It've been weeks I guess" jungkook roll his tongue on his inner cheek as he was trying to control the emotions which was burning by now he was hurt that taehyung doesn't tell him or even gave him a single hint?"

"So do you guys try to find out?" He asked she shook "is it a joke to you,you are his nanny right?" He said "and how come you came to know that?" He inquired "One day at night he was sleeping when someone entered and talked to his sleeping figure taehyung is kind of sensitive to sounds just when that person enters inside his room he was awake by his footsteps also he was conscious about someone stalking him"

At that night

Someone enter his room and smiles at his sleeping figure creepily he took his some locks and caressed them

'Finally you are away from that jungkook for sometimes'

"He heard him as he was awake and feeling urge to telling someone he told me" jungkook again burn in jealousy he nods "and how he knew that he is being stalk by someone?" He asked more "I-i don't know about this?" She said as he nods "well its kind of you that you take care of him about his parents behavior?" He said and bora threatened to roll her eyes jungkook chuckled

"So you hate them?" He asked as she nods "not them MRS.KIM she isn't kind to him at all he breaths she mocks him he study sleep eat whatever he does his every move his watched by her"
"Mr.kim is not that rude to him but still sometimes listening to his wife he gets rude And i'll be kicked out of this job soon" she said jungkook frown

"Why?" He asked "she hates it when taehyung smile with someone or get free to someone she taunts me too and she even threat me that if you'll be like this I'll kick you out"

"Like what?" Jungkook asked "she said to me one day 'dont be his healer' she doesn't want Taehyung to smile openly" she confess but jungkook was in his jealousy his thoughts were 'when I am always there for him why'd she be his healer and damn he hid this big deal from me'

"Ok thanks i'll leave" he said and left 'why does he looks upset of course when you love someone and that isn't treated well how'd you feel?' She thinks

At night

Taehyung was feeling really suffocated so he went on a walk in nearby park after awhile he stared to walk for his house when he was walking he felt someone is following him not new feelings for him but he was sure this time really someone is behind him

He fasten his pace he turns in a street to his house just when he was pushed to wall by someone he flinched bad he wiggles to get of that person's grip but he couldn't "leave me who are you?"

"You don't need to know" he heard this voice he was familiar to him but he couldn't process who it can be? He was scared as that person twisted his wrist "how long you can run from me taehyung that jungkook of yours never let me have peaceful moments with you"

"L-Leave me it's hurting" he said as his wrist was really hurting so bad due to his tight grip "why if jungkook'd have be me you'd not be so hurt right you two had a quite good argue isn't it?"

"He can be harsh on you not someone else?" He said "w-who are you why are you keep comparing yourself with him?" He asked "why I can't?" He asked taehyung tries to push him but he was way too much strong

"Shall we kiss?" Taehyung eyes got wide open "a-re you crazy im a boy" he tried to push him now taehyung was getting panick as hell he try to scream for help but that guy covered his mouth and he noticed something on his writs and he recognized the person

He got shock as hell that person try to kiss him but for his luck a police car approached them that masked man say "for the next time beautiful" he said and ran away

Taehyung was processing that he just got harassed damn police officer came out as he approached him and ask "hey kid you ok?" He said taehyung nodded as he started to walk and went home and throw himself on bed he wasn't falling asleep as usual

"I can't call him damn" taehyung groan

'Then that person send pics of him with jungkook he was shocked that he is such a big stalker'


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