19:kill him

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Jimin was sitting on his room's chair he was starring at the frame of him and taehyung "you forgot everything between us taehyung just because of that jungkook? Why?" Jimin stood up as he was going crazy he grabs car keys and went out he was driving in his daze when he noticed he didn't pull a break when signal was red for car

He got hit on car infront making him jerk at front the car's owner came out he also went out "are you blind?" Jimin nodded "what?" Jimin shook "i'll pay for it what is your account no.?" The particular person got angry at his arrogant behavior

"what the hell are you flexing your money? Dang it you made a mistake instead of saying sorry you are throwing money around if you are that much rich then go and operate your wrecked up nerves don't show your face again"

He turns to leave but jimin clutch his arm's sleeve "i-im sorry I didn't mean to piss you off I was tensed so..... I just"
He looks down while his cute fingers were clutching on his sleeve still "Park jimin right?" Jimin looks up with his questioning doe eyes 'damn Don't look at me like this pretty' "how come you know my name?"

Traffic signal was already green car was passing by them but do they care? "I don't know just" jimin found him suspicious "I also saw you somewhere maybe at university?" He said "Omg you are that jungkook's hyung?" Jimin took his hands back and pouts 'why you should be his hyung' "yes I'm min yoongi" jimin nodded

"So what should we do about it?" Yoongi shook "you go and be careful for the future hmm not everyone can cope with your attitude ok sweetie"
He said and sat in his car wave at jimin and drove away jimin blink his eyes and also sat 'I should watch my mouth i was sweet how come you made me so bitter taehyung?'


"Now how this bike is here" taehyung ask "it got wings so yeah" Taehyung rolls his eyes "aeee watch your eyes baby" taehyung push him back "sit fast" jungkook did as he also hop on it "My baby is being sulky day by day is it be--" taehyung hug his waist tightly making him shut "wear helmet bun" taehyung shook "why?"

"If you are not wearing why'd I?" Jungkook chuckled "for your safety"
Taehyung shook "If we got crash we should die together or get injured equally" Jungkook smile "how sweet of you my baby?" Taehyung smile too he put his hand on jungkook's other cheek as he turns his face on his side plants a soft kiss there

Jungkook smile shyly "for what?" Jungkook asked "I can't do this?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow "damnn you got severe mood swings sugarlips" he said "Your mistake" taehyung says "how?" Jungkook asked "you spoiled me" jungkook smiles "then be my spoiled sweetcheeks I like it"

He started the engine taking permission from his heart's ruler he drove off to road 'you gave me wings to fly' taehyung's smile never left his lips during the whole ride

They arrived at carnival he got off jungkook too as he parked his bike at the side and they enters inside of it taehyung smile brightly "damn it's my first or maybe second time at such a place"

"Really sweetie?" He nods "you should've told me I'd have took you here before this place is fun to be honest when I was 12 13 I used to visit many carnivals with my hyung"

"Lucky to have such a good teenage memory then" taehyung smiles weakly 'I want your smile to be purest and i'll make sure that you'll have it soon love of my life'

"Lets go there hyung?" Jungkook nods suddenly a clown surprise them "boah" making taehyung stick to jungkook clutching his arm tightly taehyung burst out with a heavy laugh

Jungkook chuckled "he was scary tho" taehyung says jungkook nods his mind was on his arm clutched by his taehyung he didn't leave it as they continue to walk and jungkook didn't mind as well

"Hyung? Should we go on a ride?" Jungkook smirk "you can ride me instead" taehyung looks at him with a big 'ew' which made jungkook laugh lightly "just kidding let's go"

They ride many Rides and then they went to a stall of cute stuffs "hyung This devil is so cute" jungkook nod taehyung grab that made him wear " how dangerous of you devil" he says and giggles

Jungkook than grab angel one and made taehyung wear "awww how cute of my angel let's buy this" they did as they came out taehyung looks at roller coaster and drag jungkook there

"This one Hyung plz" jungkook shook "you can get sick" taehyung pout jungkook sighs "ok" taehyung giggles Jungkook smiles as he saw taehyung rushing to get tickets They sat on a ride taehyung was fine in a start but when it went on really high height taehyung interwind their hands as he got uncomfortable

"Hey jellybean you ok?" Taehyung nodded shuting his eyes jungkook held his waist pulling him closer and whispers in his ears "are you afraid?" Taehyung nodded"Didn't I tell you to not ride?" Taehyung nodded "by the way until I'm with you you don't need to be scared" jungkook left a soft kiss on his earlobe making him blush

And after 5mints ride stopped they got off jungkook was still holding his waist as he wasn't feeling well jungkook made him sit on a bench as he bought fresh juice for him "Drink it fast" taehyung shook "taehyung?" Lil serious taehyung pout as he did "you again acted rude with me I'm upset" Taehyung pout

Jungkook chuckled "I'm sorry you wasn't listening to me not my mistake" taehyung roll his eyes as he stood up and walk to stall of jewelry He grabs a beautiful pendent as he smiles at that caressing its pearl but when jungkook stood beside him he left it and started to walk on otherside "how much is it?"

"100$" he answered "do you have another copy?" He nods "i'll buy both?" He nods "couple goal" Jungkook chuckled and nodded "pack it beautifully"He bought it and started to walk he was finding taehyung as suddenly he heard a gunshot jungkook men approach him and covered jungkoook but he ran on other side as he was finding his taehyung

The gun holder says........

'Kill him'


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