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Yoongi came back to seoul as he went to deague for some reasons "hello my friend?" Jungkook smile alil "how are you hyung?" Jungkook hugs him "hey c'mon tell me about you first?" Jungkook nodded as fine "Im also fine yet happy" jungkook frown "happy? What happened huh?" Yoongi smile "you look happy too thats why" jungkook chuckled "how come you know I'm happy?"

Jungkook got a call a very big happy smile plastered on his lips as he picked up the call "hello hyung?" Jungkook eyes closes in peace as he hears taehyung's melodious voice "yes pretty boy?" He spoke sweetly "I'm in university you are not here yet is everything ok?" He asked Jungkook smile "yes sweetie I'll be there in minutes hyung just arrived here so after I see off him I'll come hmm?" Taehyung pout "ok have a safe ride bye"

"You too bye" jungkook cut the call and turn to yoongi who was wiggling his brows at him "oh c'mon for now just friends" yoongi nod "still its a nice beginning" jungkook shook "I'm afraid hyung what if he doesn't accept me and what if he isn't interested in Boys?" Yoongi nodded "it can be but still you have to treat him so well that he won't be able to reject you"

"I'll try my best to have him" he said "im happy that you finally fell in love I thought u'll hate 'love' word forever" jungkook chuckled "you just need a right person to be in love and im sure KIM TAEHYUNG is made for JEON JUNGKOOK"

"Oho boy deep hmm?"

"Hyung I can kill for him and can die for him you don't know how much he has attracted me in such a short period he has became my habit now I think I might die without him"

"Damn jeon don't be so crazy say nice boy you'll have him" jungkook smile "and what about you huh you are older than me and now its your last year in university in few months you'll be graduated?" "As you said you need a right person I can't find it yet" jungkook sighs " ok then my love is waiting for me bye" he bid a goodbye to him and left

He arrived at uni and he couldn't find taehyung anywhere he searched everywhere atlast he went to storage room as he had some doubts and he was right there his taehyung was surrounded by those fuckers which he totally hates kai wasn't around

The guy named Jane was litting lighter in taehyung face almost harassing his bub and taehyung was looking scared and disgusted jungkook blood rush to his nervous system making his mind go blast

He grabs Jane's back of shoulder and turn him before he could process the owner of such a tight hold he was met with harsh punch jungkook throw two three punches one by one making him bleed then

he move to a boy who was holding onto taehyung's shoulder he grab his collar and hit his face to a side pillar almost breaking his nose bridge taehyung got uncomfortable

"H-hyung?" But Jungkook was so out of his mind he also had to beat remaining 2 guys taehyung was having panick attacks as he started to have some flashbacks he held the table for support tightly as he again call on jungkook

"Hyung? JUNGKOOK HYUNG" he said loudly this time as he couldn't bear jungkook's bleeding knuckles and gladly jungkook avert his attention to him he cupped his face "h-hyung plz stop" he said "ok ok sweetie I won't do anything you ok?" He felt the uneasiness in his breathing "pretty boy? You ok right" before he'd say something

Taehyung's visions blackout as he passed out jungkook was all arms around him as he observed he'll be unconscious he picked him up leaving those bullies injured behind

He laid him on bed of university's nurse office "miss plz check him out fast" he was worried it was classtime that's why no one was around gladly orelss it'd have been a great drama

"He got a panick attack I think he had witnessed something he never wanted his pulses will be normal than he'll be awake till then I inject him you can wait here"he bows slightly he Bows to someone as that miss has send him his internal peace by saying he'll be fine

After an hour

Taehyung moved slightly jungkook eyes peak to him "ahh" taehyung voice out making jungkook go all horny never in his life someone has made him so out of control and also in control at the same time

He finally open his eyes "are you feeling better?" Taehyung nod slowly "hyung you ok your knuckles" Taehyung jolt up on his seat and held jungkook's hand checking of he treated his knuckles or not?

"I'm fine tell me about you why you got unconscious you scared the hell out of me" taehyung pout "I'm frightened to violence hyung i can't bear bloody sight it triggers my nerves " jungkook felt bad It's his mistake he could've fought them after university why'd he started the shit infront of him?

"I'm so sorry" jungkook apologize "no hyung it's because of me I told you not to waste your energy for me" he said "then for whom i should use my energy?" Taehyung kept quiet as he felt that jungkook mind his words "I never wasted something on you taehyung it's you who thinks so that and never taught me what to do or not now let's go I'll drop youvat your place"

He said and left the room 'he waited for me till I wake up he even fought for me what did i do shit?' He also left jungkook was sitting in a car as he brought car he sat in

"Hyung I don't want to go at my place" jungkook look at him "you should rest" taehyung shook "you have to" taehyung pout "hyung?" Jungkook look at him "what?" He asked "Im sorry!" "And for what?" Taehyung says "you are upset" jungkook shook "I'm not" "then why aren't you talking to me like the way you do?"

Jungkook kept quiet taehyung pulls himself to jungkook almost falling on him he hugs him hiding in his neck crock making jungkook heart go vroom vroom vroom as he mumbles "I won't repeat it ever again"

jungkook smile "I know tae you don't really believe in friendships or mutual relationships but still I like you alot I also don't know the reason why but I do alot so you can't stop me from liking you and I'm so into this friendship you'll never know"

"I know hyung and also I like you alot I've never made friends in these 4 yrs you are the first who i didn't reject even I wanted to approach someone i never did but in your case I trusted you and I was feeling guilty that you got yourself into trouble coz of me"

'Its just a beginning sweetie I can do anything for you'


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