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Brown-haired was injured because they fought with some bullshits and jungkook was also injured a little bit he sat on chair as his dad enters his room"Jungkook?" Sehun worriedly named him "What actually happened there tell me in detail I'm not going to leave that shit"

"Calm down dad matter will be more complicated if you involve we'll see" then maids enter with some aids "where did you got stab?"

It was on his torso as he shows his dad "dang it jungkook yoongi?" Brown-haired looks at him "where are you hurt you look more injured let me see you first"


"Love?" Taehyung giggles "am I falling in love with you jeon jungkook?" He questioned himself he was worried for him he couldn't sleep all night just because of jungkook thoughts he was so into him that he forgot about his stalker so what is it? A love? Or just a simple attachment

At university

Jimin didn't come to university making taehyung guilty coz he for the first time slaps someone that too his hyung? He was on mistake but that was harsh taehyung thought to himself "When will you come jungkook hyung" he says in low voice but jungkook heard it as he was standing behind to surprise him jokingly

He then leans to taehyung ears and whispers "hyung is here" taehyung flinch badly he turns around and hit jungkook "is it your habit to make my heart beat wilder?" Jungkook nod "hyung I am serious I always think that it's someone else" Jungkook frown "what? Who someone" 'oh dang it I said out loud' "no one why you got late?"

"Changing the topic" he took step forward as taehyung step back "come on we are in the middle of corridor move" taehyung pushes him then squeeze his eyes which taehyung notice
"Where you went hurridely last night?" Jungkook shook as nothing "jimin didn't come today?" Taehyung nod "he must be sad"

Taehyung look down 'oh crap' jungkook thought that it must be guilty for him "i-i didn't mean to hurt you pretty boy?" Jungkook says holding his hands gently "I didn't say you hurt me"

"Whatever lets go"


At breaktime

"Why are you not eating hun?" Taehyung left the spoon "im not hungry" jungkook sighs at his salty behavior "What happened to you?" Taehyung shook he were looking down on his lap jungkook stood as he held his wrist and left the cafeteria with him

He took him to an empty room and pins him to the wall softly coz he can't be harsh on his petal right "Tell me what is bothering you?" Taehyung looks down "eyes on me kim taehyung" he said out loud and then instant regret he took a deep breath as he looks at pissed taehyung

Taehyung slightly struggle to get out of his grips jungkook hold him more tightly "first confront me taehyung" he pulls him to his chest caging him completely taehyung's fist on his chest and his slim waist caged in his arms (delulu is a solulu)

"I realize now that you are extremely small compare to me" taehyung looks at him "after getting loud at me you are calling me tiny now" Jungkook chuckled "where my lovely boy has gone? Why are you acting like a pissed bottom?" Taehyung got nervous as jungkook was extremely close to him he realized their proximity just now

"Hm sweetie now what are you thinking?" Taehyung try to get out of his grip "stop you are making me go crazy by your acts kim taehyung what is with your mood?" He asked "You don't care about me?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow "what does it mean i do I just know how much I care about you only" Jungkook says in his serious asf tone

"Then why'd you hide your things from me?" Jungkook got confused "what?" Taehyung sighs "you don't even take me as your someone important" he pouts slightly "You can't doubt my affection for you" Taehyung looks at him and he can see the sincerity still he was pissed that jungkook doesn't tell him why he went so hurridely last night

"Yoongi hyung got into fight so I had to go and this wound on my lips is because that person punch me so hard and this gash due to metal rod now fine?" He explains "Taehyung you can't imagine things just like that and say it out loud you think that im not into this friendship?"

"You don't know how I am into you" Taehyung felt bad alittle about doubting him but little did he know is jungkook told him half truth he has already felt his wound on his torso "And about here?" Jungkook sighs taehyung started to unbutton his shirt and who is jungkook to say no to his life? "I-i don't feel comfortable telling someone about my wounds on my body "

"Yeah I know I'm someone now that you agree with this fact so leave me" he pushes him gently not to hurt him still pissed he moves back when jungkook Pins him against the wall again

And fully caged him "What is with you sugarlips?" Taehyung look aside "I never said you are someone to me I know that you are sensitive to such a stuff so I didn't wanted to show you"

"But right now you was unbuttoning my shirt do I stopped you 'no' so don't be so salty wife and come on lets bunk and go to carnival it wont be busy at this hour ok?"Jungkook tilt his chin to face him "is my baby still mad?" Taehyung nodded "so what should I do to get his forgiveness?"

"You won't fight again" jungkook pause for a moment "i'll try" taehyung shook "no you should not fight are you some sort of gangster? No then why'd you fight so bad?"

'How can I tell you I'm in a mafia?' Jungkook nodded as he just wanted taehyung mood to be set he'll expose himself the other day "Now fine" taehyung nodded "should we go then" taehyung looks at the time and nod "but on bike you got it here?" Jungkook shook

Taehyung pout making jungkook whipped for him thousand time In a single day "we can get bike if my sugarlips will kiss me on my cheek" he turn his face taehyung pinch his cheeks and left the room as he was out of his cage

Jungkook chuckled and follows him he rolls his hand around his waist he got slap on his hands "are you gay why you treat me like one?" Taehyung asked jokingly but jungkook reply make him go wild

'For you I am one of them'


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