Crushed Pills

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Folio's POV
"Dude that's f*cking awesome!" I said cheers to Will as we smoked a cigarette and talked about our motorcycle collection. We actually have a lot in common since talking more.

As we sip our beers, Sally comes running up to us. "Where's Brian and Noah?" She asks in worry while looking around the room. "I don't know. Wasn't he in the back? " Will answers as Sally puts her hands over her head. "I don't know! He can't be alone in here." She looks so stressed and worried, so I quickly hop out of my stool and go with Sally and William to the back of the bar.

As we push past some drunken people, we see Nick and Jolly playing a ball game together. "Guys did you see, Noah and Brian? " I call out as Nick and Jolly both look at us with worry. "Wait you don't know where he is either? " Nick questioned us, but no one says a word. "Sh*t!" He says and quickly comes to search with all of us.

"Sally, where did you last see him?" I ask as we go down a room in the very back. "I went to the restroom and came back to an empty table. We need to find them." She says as Will opens the door in the corner. "The f*ck happened in here?" He says confused before stepping inside. I'm right behind him as Nick, Sally and Jolly follow behind me. "Someone definitely was smoking weed!" He laughs since the entire room reeks of weed and is filled with smoke.

We all look around and spot Brian passed out on the couch and at the same time, Nick and I spot Noah passed out at a table. "Oh no, no, no, sh*t!" I yelled as I see his face lying against lines of cocaine. "Oh come on, Noah!" Nick says in worry as we pull him up from the table and begin to carry him towards the back entrance. "SALLY, WILL, JOLLY? GET BRIAN QUICKLY!" I yelled as Nick kicks the door open and we carried our unconscious friend to the bus in the back...

Eleanor's POV
I landed in New Orleans about ten minutes ago and now I need to go see Noah. I had a copy of the tours and where there're staying for the next month and a half. I really missed Noah, so I'm really happy to be seeing him soon....

Noah's POV
I woke up with dizzy vision and the insane desire of wanting more. As I sit upward on my hotel bed, I reach into my pockets. Thank God my wallet was still here and the little bit of coke was too. I instantly climbed out of bed and begin to dump it out on the desk by the window.
I don't know how I ended up here and I don't remember, but all I wanted was just a taste of this life and it's deadly toxins.

I pull out my credit card and quickly make some lines before snorting it up. The burn still surrounds my nostrils, but I really craved it at the moment. As I go for the third line, there's a nock on my door, making me jump. I quickly grab a pillow to hide the cocaine and stumble to the door. The wall is the only thing holding me up.

As my shaky hands open the door,
I see Eleanor. She looked gorgeous with her long blonde hair dangling down her shoulders and her smokey eye makeup. "Noah! Baby I missed you so much. " she smiles and pulls me in to kiss her. I stumbled again but kissed her hard and deeply, only to have her pull away quickly.
"Were you drunk last night? " she asks as my shaky hands push my hair back out of my face. "I'm uh... I don't know" I mumbled as she makes eye contact with me up close. "Why are your eyes so red? Noah what did you do? " she looks concerned as she walks past me into my room. I walk in carefully and lock the door as I stumble towards her. "What the f*ck happened? You're stumbling everywhere! " I get dizzy so I take a seat on the bed. "Ellie, I f*cked
Up bad." I said feeling awful.
"Oh my god, Noah are you on drugs?" She questions while walking in front of me and cupping my face. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you. I slipped. " I mumbled as my still shakey hands cup hers that were on my face. "Noah, look at you! " she says in such sadness. "Baby I'm so sorry, I- I try to say but my eyes barely can stay open. "NOAH?" I jump when she yells my name. "Yes?" I whispered as she lift my chin up to look at her.
"How could you do this to us? What about our kids! " she let's me go making me almost fall. "I flew over a hundred miles to see you! THIS IS WHAT I GET? A F*CKING MAN WHO CAN'T EVEN TALK TO ME CAUSE HE'S HIGHER THAN A KITE! " I open my mouth but nothing comes out.
"Forget it. I'm such a f*cking fool for coming back to you. I have nothing to say to you . " I watch as she walks to the door then stops.

"You know what, I do have something to say to you." She comes back as I slowly look up at her upset state.
"F*ck you, Noah Sebastian Davis" and just like that she was gone. I so badly wanted to run to her and beg her to stay, but I can't even stand and darkness once again takes over me....

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