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Noah's POV
"Noah, buddy we're back." I slowly open my eyes to see people exiting the plane. How did I sleep throughout our whole flight ? I blink a few times before trying to stand up, but was too shaky still. "Will" I whispered as he grabs our bags in the overhead.
"Don't worry, Noah we have a wheelchair for ya." I nod as he sets my bag down then his beside our seats. "Did I seriously sleep that whole time?" I asked while yawning.
"Yep! You slept like a baby the second we were in the air. Good to catch up on sleep right." He jokes then comes to help me stand up. "How are you feeling? " he asks as I guides me into the chair. "Like I f*cked up so bad."
He chuckles while slowly moving the bags and the wheelchair down the now empty airplane. "The cocaine should wear off soon but my concern is the withdrawals you'll have, Noah." We stop talking as we thanked the staff and head down into the airport.

"Noah, pull your hat down more." Will says as he and I both were wearing hats and hoodies, just trying to avoid being spotted by fans. I do as he ordered as we head towards an elevator. "Will, how am I gonna fix this?" I asked as we were now in the elevator and the doors shut.
"You'll fix this buddy, it's just gonna be a wild ride, but you'll fix it." I swallow a lump in my throat as we head down to the first level.

"I'll help ya, Noah. " Will says while patting my shoulders. He's such a great guy. He's always been such a big help since the first day I met him and I'll never forget anything he's done for me.....

Will steps out of the uber first before coming to my side and helping me out. "You ok man?" I nod as the driver leaves and William and I are standing outside my house here in italy.
"I gotta at least walk to the door. " he nods and slowly let's go of me. I use the wall of the house to balance and eventually make it to the front door.
I press the bell and wait patiently for someone to answer. Will stands at the driveway, just giving me some space as Amanda answers.

"Oh Noah, sweetie come here." She says sounding so sad while giving me a hug. "Hey, Amanda. How are you? " I almost whispered as she waves Will up to the door. "Everyone is ok, but she's so upset Noah. I haven't seen her come out of her room since she got back." I nodded. "I feel horrible about it. I just need to talk to her." She nods as Sebastian came down stairs.

"DAD!" He smiles and runs up to hug me. I almost fall, but will helps keep me up as I pick up my son and hug him tightly. "Hey buddy, it's so good to see!" I said smiling at him. "I missed you so much Dad!" He says as he buries his face into my shoulder.
"Dad, I made this thing from school. It's really cool!" I set him down as we all head inside. "Oh yeah, show me buddy!" It felt so good to be back home.

As Will and I go to sit at the dinner table, Spencer comes running up to me. "Reco!" I smiled as he starts licking my hands. "Hey boy" Will smiles at our little reunion before he comes to lick Will too. "This is it Dad!" Right as Sebastian comes back, Amanda brings William and I a plate of chicken breasts and vegetables.
"Amanda, thank you so much." I said as so did Will and we began to eat dinner with Spencer and Sebastian....

"Honey? You gotta go talk to her." Amanda says as I nod. "I'm... I'm scared " I said with a nervous chuckle as Will puts his hand on my shoulder.
"The only way to fix something is to fix the worst part and turn it into a masterpiece. You can do this buddy." I give him a side hug before I clean my lips and stand up. "Dad?" I stop in my tracks as Sebastian calls me. "Yeah, Sebastian? " he walks over to me and gives me a hug. I kneel down so I'm eye level with him and say, "Everything will be okay, I promise." He nods as I hug him again. "I promise." I then stand up and look towards the stairs. "She has to listen" Amanda says with a smile as Sebastian stands next to Will. "I hope so." I then turn to make my way upstairs....

Kingdom Of Cards chpt 4 N.S. story Bad Omens Where stories live. Discover now