I thought you were sober?

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Noah's POV
After countless hours of flying and driving, the band and I finally arrived at a hotel. Everyone was exhausted so we're just bunking up with two. Will and I are staying together, plus he's helping me recover. Nick and our "new/temporary drummer" Scotty are bunking together and finally Jolly and Brian will be staying together....

I just got out of the shower and sit at the ledge of my bed while will grabs his clothes for tonight. As he enters the bathroom, I pull out my small stash of Cocaine, it turns out I haven't been clean as long as people think I have. I'm still using and have been hidding it from Eleanor.

"I can't wait to get my *ss back out there! Right Noah?" I look up and see Will putting his hair back in a bun.
"Oh.. Yeah for sure." I nod before looking his direction. I need to tell him about this. Only he can know about it.

"Will, I need to tell you something. "
He comes walking towards me full of curiosity and a pep in his step before standing in front of me. "Shoot my man!" He jokes but I just look at him motionless, meaning I was serious about this. "Oh" he whispers then sits beside me on the bed. "So uh, buddy what's going on?" He questions as I look down at the small bag of cocaine in my hands. "I haven't stopped using." Is all I say as he looks down at my hands, realizing what I'm hinting at. "What? I though you were sober... well on the path of getting sober." I shake my head in defeat. "No... I've been lying to everyone and- " my emotions and reality were catching up to me now. "I went to rehab years ago, I can't do it again, Will. " I managed to say as he gently patts my shoulder. "We are gonna get you sober ok? I promise you we will get you sober. My only question is how did you sneak that on the plane? There were dogs in the airport. " he had a good question. "I didn't... I called somone to meet me out here as soon as we landed. When you and crew loaded up the bags, I met my guy near the plane. I just needed a little, I'm not using big portions, but I can't go without it." He shakes his head and looks up at me. "Noah, you can do this. Lots of people kick*ss and overcome the drugs or alcohol or whatever it is that they're struggling with, so if they can do it, so can you. Look at Eleanor! She did it." I smile at the mention of her, she's my everything and God I wish she were here to tell me "it's gonna be Okay".
"Here, let's start now " I look up as he stands up. "Start what?" He points to the bag. "Get rid of it " my eyes go wide in worry. I need this for at least on more day. The concert is tomorrow afternoon and I'm nowhere near sober yet. "Will no! I need this til Saturday night" he shakes his head again. "Noah, this is the first step to becoming sober."
"Will, I have to go out there and perform like a f*cking rockstar! If I fail the fans, I'm done. I already failed you and my family." I then put my face in my hands and silently cry.
"You didn't fail us, Noah, but if you continue this path and slowly stray into the dark again, we'll lose you. "
Will was right but this seems so impossible, I've already been here.
"Ok... I'll do it... Just give me til Saturday night." He nods then hugs me tightly. I return the hug to him as a few tears fall from my face. "I'll be here to help you pal, ok... Saturday night " I nod as he then goes to get in the shower....

Eleanor's POV
I put the boys to bed and go down to the basement to get the laundry from in the washer. Amanda usually helps with the laundry but I feel bad having to have her do it and I'm so bored. So this is a good distraction.

As I set the basket down and collect the clothes from the dryer, I accidentally knock over the lid to one of the soaps, making it roll down into the corner of the wall. I'll grab it when I'm finished with the clothes.

A few seconds later I get the clothes and now I'm going to get the lid I dropped. As I slowly walk down towards it, I see a silver handle. My brows furrow before I bend down to pick it up .... A gun. I knew who's and why it was done here. Noah. He never said anything to me about owning a gun, but I just know it's his gun. Slowly I stand to my feet and stare at the weapon. Why Noah why? Is all that can run thru my head. The gun isn't loaded, but I bet Noah had a plan with this gun, especially if it's down here.

I didn't even realize I was crying till the coldness of my tears fell onto my wrists. Noah tried it again and I didn't even know about it. When he's back, we need to talk...

Noah POV
"Noah, up let's go!" Sally yells while standing outside of Will's and my room. "SALLY NNNOOOO" He yells back sleepily as I slowly sit up from in my bed. "YES, HURRY UP. YOU CAN EAT ON THE BUS" I slide my long legs over the bed and put my shoes on while will just lies in bed. I quickly go into the bathroom and go to grab my small bag. I left it under the sink so Will wouldn't throw it away just yet.
I then throw on a t shirt and head out of the bathroom. Will is just climbing out of bed, nearly falling asleep again as I walk around his bed to grab my suitcase. "Moring bro" he says as I kneel down to my bag. "Morning Will... you ready to go?" He yawns but nods. "Yeah, I'll change on the bus." I nodded then pull out my handle to my bag.

Will and I then locked our hotel room door and head down the hallway to catch our bus...

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