The Calm

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For over a year, Wesley made it a point to visit with Blacks during each visit. While they were very tight-lipped, Ash sometimes let morsels of information and ideas out. He'd been spot on about the nobles putting roadblocks, he was also able to predict noble reactions to policies the emperor and his loyal retainers had suggested. Unfortunately, he'd only made one recommendation regarding how Marquis Silas should convince his fellow nobles about implementing new farming techniques. That one suggestion had been so well received every noble Marquis and below had followed suit.

Aston wanted to sigh seeing Wesley and Matthew at Gale's stall once again... he was about 6 weeks earlier than expected, hopefully the caravan was just in a hurry to the southern port.

"Ash, come, we brought an early birthday gift!" Wesley called waving to the open seat, Thomas was already sitting and sipping on an ale.

"Ah, thanks." Ash greeted noncommittedly; he'd been trying to keep a distance from these people.

"You're of age now yes? I also heard you've become quite popular even here in town," Wesley cajoled scooting closer, "Come now, any young ladies caught your eye? I also happen to know many young ladies in the capital." He offered halfheartedly.

"I'm waiting, pops has been considering sending me to school here in town starting in a month." Ash added to distract Wesley; he'd been rather persistent about the topic last time as well. Both he and Matthew suddenly looked surprised.

"I was sure you'd been to school already, considering how literate you are, and your knowledge." Matthew explained when Ash raised his eyebrow to their shocked looks.

"Ah, only a few lessons here and there, nothing so formal as school." Ash graciously accepted the faux pas.

Wesley sipped on his tea slowly, this was unusually personal information. "Have you considered school in the capital? I know some lower nobility who would happily vouch for you." He offered half testing the waters.

Thomas shook his head, "We haven't the coin for it, besides it will be enough if Ash is literate enough to be a landowner or maybe run a shop here in town."

Ash nodded as he started scooping up his stew before it got cold, it was nippy now that he was still. "Yeah, no need for formal education." Ash added as Gale put a cup of warmed milk on the table.

"You could be a scholar, or work for a noble house, they may even pay for your schooling." Wesley added as Matthew started pulling out some papers.

"Exactly, you may even be able to see if you could be a mage, your aura is rather compatible." Matthew offered pulling out two recommendations. They had been hoping to convince Thomas to send Ash to the capital.

"I'm not interested, can't really see myself hustling in the big city." Ash shot down immediately; he had no intention of setting foot in any capital. He'd left the political arena and preferred the simple life of wrangling chickens and now two cows at home.

"Marquis Silas was very impressed with your suggestion in the spring, he even wrote a recommendation letter," Wesley finally explained pushing the letter toward Ash.

Thomas took the letter and read it over, Ash had taught him and Samantha to read. While he couldn't understand every word, he did get the gist. "We're just farmers, we've done well under the emperor, but nothing to catch any nobles eye."

Ash nodded showing no interest in the letter as he continued to eat. The salty stew and sweet milk were a simple yet perfect combination. When Wesley and Matthew shared an uneasy glance Ashton tensed ever so slightly, this Marquis Silas was far too interested in a one-time suggestion.

"Why not visit the capital and decide after? Marquis Silas has already offered to pay all expenses and ensure the farm is taken care of. It will be winter soon so you should have less to do and can use this to explore the larger world." Matthew informed glancing between Thomas and Ashton, most would be jumping at the chance but no matter what this family seemed determined to stay farmers.

Ashton took a deep breath, "I really have no interest, politics is a dangerous game I want no part in. Not to mention, we've only just managed to rent out our land this year, we still have a lot to learn. We'll do our part for the empire, but our part only reaches as far as tilling the land and paying taxes to the lord."

Wesley was almost dumbfounded... they spent another twenty minutes trying to convince the pair, but both were determined to stay in this tiny corner of the world. This was not going as planned at all.

After Thomas and Ash returned Samantha was already preparing dinner in their new home. It had cost over 70 silvers to make the double floored house with five rooms, a storage hut and patio but it had been well worth every copper. As they sat around their luxurious but still empty dining room Ash chatted about the things he saw at the market and early visit with Wesley.

"He asked last time too, right? About if you wanted to go to the capital?" Samantha asked worriedly. While they hadn't been bringing young ladies over, they had kept their eye out. It was hard to reconcile Ash's disinterest since he'd wanted such a large house.

"Yeah, but I'll start classes with Teacher Donavan next month. If all they do is come by once every few months to ask our opinion, we should be able to keep the status quo. Though I'm a bit worried about the personal recommendation from the Marquis." Ash analyzed as they ate warm vegetable stew and baked potatoes with cheese. He dipped his fresh bread roll in the strew with a contented hum.

Thomas nodded, "That wasn't something we considered, but then again, it's hard to fathom men in power."

Samantha bit her lip, "Are you sure they'll be content if we stay here? He even offered to introduce you ladies in the capital, he seems to have high expectations."

Ash stopped eating to hold his mother's hand, "Ma, if we don't give him a reason, they can't exactly force us to leave. The emperor is a leading force in uprooting corrupt officials, we're simple farm folk with big ideas but little means. If we stay in the local area and don't meet with any other merchants or nobles, they really have no reason to suspect us." He promised solemnly.

Thomas also reached to hold her hand, "Don't worry love, we'll be careful. And we'll lie low for the next several months." He added, she nodded then forced a smile.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold, the house is so big now it takes forever to warm!" Samantha added bringing her bowl closer.

Ash smiled, "If we're frugal this time next year we should be able to afford a servant to help around the house. We'll also be able to buy another 10 acres of land!" He added trying to lighten the mood. They continued to talk about their plans, goals, and all the little hopes they had for the future.

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