Meeting of Dukes

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Lucian then called Devlin, Aaron, Bert, and his seven most proficient mages to start working on an enchantment that would be able to track Alphonse's signature. Amin had also been summoned by Leonard to explain what Ashton had pointed out to him during their travels.

Duke Sebastian and Randal excused themselves during the heated mage discussion about how to improve all future spells and yata yata. Duke Jaxon also left shortly after so they could talk privately about Ashton's identity and all they had learned thus far.

Jaxon was sitting in his villa with the two others, they had only met up privately twice prior to this. "He might really be Alphonse's son... and his Majesty moved him into the Eastern palace upon their return."

Sebastian snorted, "I'd heard his Majesty ordered reconstruction of the Eastern palace, I thought he was finally moving Empress Charmaine in after the renovations as a birthday gift." It would have only made sense since their son was now crown prince.

Randal stirred his tea slowly with his spoon, "I've noticed his majesty's... persistence in learning the truth behind Alphonse's death, along with a few golden-haired young men who work in the palace."

Jaxon turned a reproachful glance over Randal, "His majesty has been accused for over ten years already, not to mention blond hair is still a fairly common site, even in your own residence."

Randal didn't look up, "None of us are fools here, nor are we blind. If all he wanted was the truth, torture would have been more than enough. The boy is complacent, even a blind man can tell his majesty is obsessed." Randal stated.

Sebastian shifted in his seat, "Don't play us for fools, I've heard his majesty also has Alphonse's portrait. It could cause war if other countries suddenly learn we have former crown prince Alphonse's son tucked away in the Eastern palace and being used as his majesty's concubine." Jaxon had always been a stanch defender of his majesty and always cleaning up messes, but this was too much.

Jaxon picked up his tea, "They are not... intimate. Ashton made himself very clear he had no desire to come to the capital, nor did he want to be associated with Alphonse or his Majesty. This was also my first-time seeing Ashton, and while I admit His majesty's indulgence is alarming, this will hopefully be only temporary. At least until we learn the truth of Alphonse's death, or we learn Ashton is a con artist." Jaxon admitted, he would rather Ashton be a con artist because at least then Lucian wouldn't need to refocus on Seibel.

Sebastian tapped his cane on the ground, "Either way I don't see anything positive from his majesty associating with Ashton. Not personally or politically, we should make sure to mitigate any consequences as soon as possible, while Duke Geoffery was executed and much of the noble faction following him has lost much power, they would not hesitate to use Ashton against his majesty." While he wasn't particularly fond of the emperor, Sebastian didn't want a puppet who would bring the country to ruin either. Better the devil they knew.

Randal sighed, "I agree, it would have been better to have Ashton hidden away." While he wished Lucian had done this purposely to use Ashton as bait to root out more of the noble faction... Lucian preferred a brute strength method. Lucian probably believed he could force everyone to just accept Ashton and his will, but it was always harder to repair than to simply start over. Not to mention, repairing still left cracks in the foundation.

Jaxon didn't comment, Lucian was his emperor. He would wholeheartedly trust and do his will. While he had appreciated Ashton clearing his name, he would admit he'd been both touched they had informed him of the accusation and hurt they had doubted him. Jaxon also admitted, even if only to himself, if the opportunity had presented itself... he may have attempted to kill Alphonse.

Randal eyed Jaxon, "Did you have anything in mind? While we may not all agree about everything, in this we should at least work together."

Sebastian also turned to Jaxon, as his majesty's right hand if anything would subdue his majesty only Jaxon had a real voice. Sebastian had already lost nearly a third of his power in the last five years from being stubbornly against Jaxon. Who said an old dog couldn't learn new tricks?

Randal had also traded some of his territory to Leonard after no small movement from Jaxon. They had been oddly specific about wanting the port town though nothing had been discovered yet. Then again Jaxon may be considered the Panther of the south, but everyone who had territory in the north was at his beck and call.

"For now we should observe, if Ashton really will leave after his majesty learns the truth then let it be. If Ashton starts moving politically then we'll see how indulgent his majesty is." Jaxon decided, he knew this would only keep them from making any direct moves against his majesty or Ashton, but they would be more cautious.

They decided to discuss other matters until they finished their tea then departed to speak to their own vassals, there was much to prepare for.

Lucian was leaning back in his chair, Devlin was nattering with the other magicians but he didn't want to leave the ruby unattended. He also didn't intend to show it to Ashton, not until he had real answers. Leonard was reporting to Aaron and Bert about Ashton's behavior and actions during morning court. Aaron and Bert were becoming more tense and serious the more they discussed.

"Your majesty, I think we should move morning court back to the throne room." Aaron suggested drawing Lucian's attention.

Lucian raised a brow, Aaron had spent two years convincing him sitting at a table would help relations, now he changed his mind, "Because of Ashton?"

Aaron hesitated, "Yes, if Ashton is going to use how casual court is compared to other countries, we need to ensure he doesn't see it as a weakness, but a benevolence. We also need to reassess... why Alphonse considered you a coward your majesty."

Lucian's eyes narrowed, he and Jaxon needed to speak one on one soon. Too much was happening, and it was starting to snowball. "How exactly is having formal court supposed to show Our benevolence?"

"After the new year we can reinstate formal court, it will also be shortly before her Majesty's birthday, I know we usually only throw a palace dinner, but perhaps a formal ball would be a good idea as well." Leonard offered subtly inquiring about Lucian's attitude to his wife and empress.

"The same as before is fine," Lucian declined, he didn't care for the parties of court, even dinners were enough for him to want to draw his sword and start hacking some of the busybodies to bits.

Aaron hesitated, "Your majesty, the empress has already made inquiries about who has moved into the Eastern Palace. Word has also spread among the higher nobilities; many say start to suspect you intend to depose her majesty." This was far more serious than simply where someone sleeps, if Ashton had been housed in his majesty's quarters it could be dismissed as a temporary passion.

Leonard had also been horrified to learn Lucian had ordered the Eastern palace to be renovated for Ashton. He had believed Ashton would be given housing in the smaller villas usually used for honorable guests. Devlin had sent a sealed letter to start the renovations and now... many forces were starting to move.

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