First conflict

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When they were coming close to the next village Bert knocked on the carriage door, night was going to fall soon so either they pitched tents, stayed in the village, or kept riding through the night. Personally, he would rather keep riding, if nothing else exhaustion would make the boy yield.

Lucian opened the window, then glanced back, still unable to see Ashton so he couldn't judge how tired he'd be after a full day's ride. He looked at the village up ahead, "If they have an inn we'll stay, if not keep going through the night." Let the gamble play.

There wasn't an Inn, so they changed horses then kept moving forward. Shawn and Bert would take the first sleep in the carriage while Aaron and Devlin moved to the horses. Ashton wanted to sigh, looks like a battle of attrition.

Devlin took point beside Ashton since they had to ride closer together to share light from the carriage. "So... you really planning to stay awake all night?" He asked awkwardly.

"No sir, I'll be getting few hours of sleep." Ashton denied readily, Devlin suddenly looked much happier, Ashton almost, almost couldn't stop his smile.

"Good good! The carriage is big enough for three of us to lay down! Very comfortable and sturdy. I also helped make the enchantments to keep it from bouncing like most carriages." Devlin happily chattered... then he saw Ashton's very polite smile... "You... were going to sleep in the carriage... right?" He asked dreading the answer.

Ashton smiled, "I wouldn't dare intrude. A farmer's boy in his Majesty's carriage would be enough to get such a commoner's eyes gouged out and hands cut off." He reminded humbly. He saw the instant defeat in Devlin's eyes.

"Ah, that's right." Devlin muttered... even touching a royal's carriage could have their hands cut off on the spot. Peeking inside was usually enough to get beheaded...

Ashton gave a nod, turned around on his new horse, pulled up his hood, pulled out a small blanket from home, hooked himself into straps he then hooked to the saddle, and settled in to sleep the night away. He'd slept in far less comfortable situations as Alphonse, he'd learned to strap himself in with magic after a particularly nasty fall that had broken 2 bones, hopefully the straps would be enough.

Devlin stared; it was like... Ashton had planned for the exact scenario. He glanced back at Aaron who looked like he wanted to scream... or cry. This was going to be a long, long ride back to the capital.

The night sleep shift was 5 hours, when Lucian heard of Ashton's makeshift plan he couldn't stop his eye from twitching. Even without his plan though, yes, he was considered a commoner, many places in the capital barred commoners from entry. Lucian sighed, today was his complete loss, tomorrow he'd have to think of something.

Ashton slept until they stopped in a town to swap horses again. They also bought another carriage; it was basically a box on wheels. Devlin spent the entire morning riding behind the new empty carriage to enchant several precious stones to make the carriage comfortable. Since it was empty and probably wouldn't be ready until tomorrow, only two new horses were bought to pull it.

It took another two days for the second carriage to be suitable for use, in the meantime they had stopped to stay at a hotel in Kodiak, the largest southern city. Ashton didn't bat an eye at them paying for his stay in a nice room, it's not like they trusted him to not run off. He was rather irked at the idea of staying with David and Shawn though... Ashton confidently walked to one of the two beds, set his pack down, then turned to the bellhop, "Could you prepare some hot water? Thanks." He added with a polite smile. The bellhop assured there would be some ready soon.

David glared, "That's my bed." He growled stomping over to Ashton, since there were only 2 beds clearly this brat could sleep on the floor.

Ashton raised a brow, "I sleep in a bed here, or I'll go find one I can afford."

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