The seed

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After everyone returned upstairs Aaron explained Ashton's ministrations to Lucian and the rest. While there was no progress on a different identity, Lucian wasn't thrilled by the idea but agreed not to interfere for now.

Damian had met with the city lord of Kodiak and borrowed a guard to replace David in their travels. Hogarth Ripley was 6'2, 29, black hair, brown eyes and built like brick house. He was a rather cheerful individual who had taken to chatting with Shawn.

Ashton was visibly happier as they set out, Devlin wasn't sure if it was because David was gone, he'd been able to sleep out of the cold for the first time in four days, or because his plan to make an identity was working, there were too many variables that had changed in a single day.

Damian pulled his horse up beside Devlin, "He's in a good mood," he observed nodding to Ashton.

"Yeah, humming and everything. Think David leaving put him in that good a mood?" Devlin asked keeping his voice down.

"You could go ask." Damian teased then kicked his horse into a trot.

Ashton pretended to not hear them chatting, honestly, he was just happy Shawn wasn't nattering in his ear for the last three hours. He hummed along to the overlapping voices in his head for his next song. Hmm hmm, hmm will the truth still hide. Hmm.

Devlin thought about throwing a fireball at Damian's horse, Devlin could ask, but who knows what would set that boy off?

Shawn and Hogarth chatted about pretty much everything, then Hogarth hesitated as he glanced to the bard, "So, how'd you all meet him?"

Shawn glanced at Ashton was continued to hum along and sighed... "I didn't know anything about him until we arrived at our last stop in Palmer. We stayed a month, and he is now traveling with us. His Majesty is quite fond of him." He added in a whisper, he really wasn't sure what to say.

Hogarth understood, so Ashton was the new favorite of the emperor, but... then why was he on a horse instead of in either of the carriages? "Is he, easy to get along with?" he whispered back.

Shawn glanced at Ashton, "He's... been rather cross with us since Palmer, though everyone else had good things to say." Shawn explained rather sheepishly.

Hogarth nodded, "I've met the Count's son David before, he's ... rather vocal about commoners."

Shawn sighed, even guards from other cities were aware, and referred to him as the count's son rather than an imperial guard. "This will hopefully be a good lesson to humble him," Shawn agreed.

Hogarth sped his horse up to a trot to ride alongside Ashton, "Master Ashton, how old are you this year?" he asked trying to strike up a conversation. When he glanced back he saw the horror on Shawn's face, and when he looked forward Mage Devlin was also staring in despair... was age a taboo subject?

Ashton turned a polite smile to the new guard, "I turn 17 in a weeks' time lord Hogarth." He informed lightly, Devlin was so startled he almost fell from his horse. Ashton then glanced back at Shawn who was rubbing his face.

Hogarth knew he'd stepped into a pit, he just wasn't sure how deep it was or how to safely pull himself out. "So young to have impressed the emperor," He praised trying to navigate the unknown traps.

"Ah, yes, well when his Majesty orders a commoner to the capital, age is inconsequential." Ashton informed with a beaming smile. Hogarth paled in absolute horror.

Hogarth whipped his head to stare at Shawn who looked ashamed... Ashton had just accused the emperor of kidnapping him... and no one denied it. Hogarth was tongue tied, "Ah, well, he is the emperor," he mumbled when suddenly a gust of wind hit him in the face.

Devlin was glaring at Hogarth as he fell back to ride beside Ashton, he looked glumly at the now familiar polite smile. "His majesty didn't mean it like that," He sighed, which was the wrong thing to say as Ashton's smile faded and his disinterested gaze passed over the retinue.

"This commoner doesn't dare assume the will of the emperor." So much for a more pleasant journey, Ashton pulled his cloak closer as if to ward off the chill and not just the gazes.

Hogarth fell back and silently followed the group, no longer in the mood to chat. Who would want to befriend their kidnappers? After a full rotation of the guard they finally stopped for a noon break. Hogarth hesitated then decided to lead his horse over to also be brushed down and get some water near the youth.

Ashton gave Hogarth the side eye, "Yes sir?" He asked neutrally as he continued to take the saddle off his horse, then start brushing her down.

Hogarth felt conflicted as he took the saddle off his personal mount. "Are, are you okay?" He asked in a whisper not making eye contact. He regretted the question immediately as Ashton's his gaze flickered to his majesty's carriage and then cooled noticeably.

"I'm used to the days traveling my lord. I will not slow the group down." He informed coolly. While the guard wasan honest one, there was nothing the guard could do for him... at least not atthe current moment. For now, he would rather Hogarth be quiet and leave himalone for their travels. 

Hogarth was tongue tied again, so he just nodded and continued to brush his horse down. When they sat down he didn't follow Ashton but didn't sit with the other guards either. As one of three elite guards to the Viscount Harlow he wasn't unfamiliar with court, but just because he wasn't aware of his majesty's proclivities didn't mean he didn't have them.

When Hogarth was driving the carriage Aaron was sitting with him, holding an enchanted ruby to keep warm and dry now that snow was falling lightly.

Aaron sighed, well this had gotten awkward, "You're quiet Guard Hogarth."

Hogarth jolted, "Ah, well, just thinking." He mumbled; Ashton had politely declined entering the carriages to stay out of the snow... Hogarth wasn't sure exactly what was going on but Ashton's desire to deep a distance was clear.

"It's not exactly what you think, his Majesty hasn't slept with him." Aaron explained looking forward. Not that the truth made anything better, at least Ashton wasn't being raped.

Hogarth side eyed Aaron, "Is that a choice of principle or practicality?" he tried to hide his hostility, he'd seen some truly garbage nobility who taunted that they would eventually have some pretty villager at their mercy after they returned to their own lands.

"You dare question your emperor? Don't forget yourself Hogarth Ripley." Aaron snapped, then regretted it when Hogarth gave a tense nod but couldn't hide the disgust in his eyes.

"Please forgive my insolence." Hogarth stated neutrally after a moment. Then he just kept staring forward and really wasn't in the mood to talk anymore.

Aaron sighed, maybe Hogarth would be able to bond with Ashton over their mutual displeasure. Now he was stuck outside in the snow for two hours with an unhappy guard.

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