Dinner 2

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"We have heard much of you Lord Ashton, or do you prefer another title?" Bodin asked while examining Ashton, he also looked over the two beings standing guard. He was mildly surprised Ashton was greeting them as if they were priests of different religions. Bodin examined the signature red feather, blond hair, blue eyes, ruby teer, and silver mask.

"As you wish Pope Bodin, I have no doubt the rumors have exaggerated me greatly," Ashton met Bodin's benevolent smile with his own polite smile, what a tricky question. If he called himself a lord in front of the Pope it could be disrespectful, and even Reece's were not exempt from respecting the faiths.

Bodin made a show of glancing over the two guards, "Well, the rumors of your... guards do not seem to have been exaggerated." There was something... oddly soothing about the duo. From all the rumors he'd been expecting bloodthirsty monsters on tight leashes.

Ashton tilted his head just enough for the feather to bounce, "Ah, well Tou and Hito are not guards your holiness, though such rumors have continued to persist even with my... explanations."

Bodin let his smile fade just a bit as he glanced over the table. Ashton had just accused him of spreading frivolous gossip, which meant either he was deliberately ignoring facts, or too incompetent to find the truth. "My deepest apologies Lord Ashton, I must have misunderstood my chats here in the palace."

"No need your Holiness, despite my efforts I am but a single man. Regardless of my status I cannot quell rumors that even the palace walls cannot block." Ashton explained waving the two golems forward.

Bodin kept his smile but glanced over the table. This boy was blatantly accusing the imperial court of using his name for their agenda without his permission. It would make sense, even Marquis Charles was lamenting that they were unable to move the young lord with coaxing and dared not coarse him. If the imperial nobles created at wedge, perhaps the church could capitalize and turn it into a chasm.

Hito and Tou bent down on one knee and on hand on the ground, "We answer the call."

"Please allow me to formally introduce the guardians, Hito their leader, and Tou the youngest." Ashton offered.

Bodin accepted the invitation and used his Holy sight to examine the fearsome duo. They both were surrounded by the purest mana he'd ever seen, it was only one step down from being holy power. Bodin heard Promise give a small gasp of shock and awe. "Truly, the rumors did not due you justice Lord Ashton. Please forgive my rudeness, Hito, Tou. Calling you mere guards was indeed a great insult."

The golems nodded, then retreated. "They are not entirely familiar with Smyrnaean customs, or with Lindorm faith. I must admit, I have general knowledge of the faith... but am not a follower." Ashton explained keeping his voice neutral. While the words weren't spoken, he had just admitted to knowing the truth behind the faith... and possibly how the faith kept their followers safe.

Bodin showed an appropriate amount of surprise, "Forgive my assumption Lord Reece, may I ask what faith you do follow? I would be honored to make a formal blessing of friendship of Lindorm during the tribute banquet." Bodin then explained. Blessings of friendship were nuanced to the different faiths. If the young lord wanted to try and expose the darker side of the faiths... it would take far more than a few words.

Ashton returned with an appropriately awkward smile, "Please, considering the rumors such assumptions are expected. Think nothing of it, I merely wanted to clear up any misunderstandings before offence was given."

Bodin didn't miss that Ashton didn't announce his faith. Nor did he agree to a blessing. Bodin continued to smile as the silence grew uncomfortable, but he would appear ignorant if he asked again.

Charmaine rang a small bell beside her cup to call the servants, not even a full moment passed before dozens of servants swiftly placed food around the table. Each was on a plate that would maintain its heat and keep the food fresh for three hours.

Ashton didn't wait for Lucian or Bodin to start eating as he sipped his poor excuse for wine. The action did not go unnoticed either. Ashton kept his smile polite, but added a hint of authority as he picked up his fork and took the first bite of the meal.

Sebastian was surprised by the show of force, since the table was round there wasn't really a head seat, but for Ashton to take the initiative not once, but twice. Bodin and Lucian raised their cups at the same time and took a sip, but their eyes didn't leave Ashton who ate as if his actions were perfectly natural.

"Master Ashton, have you found a place to call home?" Wilbert asked starting the conversation, he had been watching the much younger man and something wasn't adding up. Guardians were titles for the faithful, if Ashton was a religious leader it would make sense for him to have guardians, but to not admit faith was... unusual.

Ashton stopped eating to meet Wilbert's grey blue eyes, "Paladin Wilbert, while Pope Bodin, and even Emperor Lucian may speak to me as equals. You have yet to earn such curtsey." Ashton informed as if he were speaking to a lesser.

Wilbert's eyes narrowed, but he bowed his head, "Please forgive my disrespect Lord Reece, might I ask where you call home?"

Ashton placed his fork down and picked up his towel. "Your Holiness, your paladin is about to learn the difference between his station, and a guardian." He made a showing of wiping his mouth clean as he turned his gaze to Bodin.

Bodin saw the flash of... divinity in Ashton's gaze and was almost too shocked to speak. Bodin immediately stood and gave the formal bow of a priest to someone of a higher station, "Please excuse our rudeness, we do not dare." Promise and Wilbert clearly had not seen anything but they also stood and bowed.

Ashton placed his napkin down, "Be grateful I am magnanimous, but the insult will not be overlooked thrice. Now sit, as I am not yet fully matured I would like to enjoy my meal." Ashton didn't bother looking at the priests as he picked his fork back up and started to eat. At least the empress had paid attention to minor details as he was the only one served a buttered fish. The rest were all eating lamb or beef.

Jaxon and Charmaine shared a look, they had attended masses together as children. Even as a future Pope Bodin had always been well respected, only the previous Pope and now deceased Oracle had ever received such bows.

Ashton glanced over the rest of the table, then tilted his head to the side, "If no one wants to eat, I will return to finish my meal." The meal started up again while the priests looked both excited, and subdued while they ate.

Charmaine decided to talk about the venue for welcoming the tribute delegations. While Bodin nodded along Promise kept up most of the dialog. Wilbert made sure to keep his gaze respectful as he kept glancing over Ashton.

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