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Ashton spent the evening examining all the wards and enchantments throughout the Eastern palace. Someone must be regularly swapping out many of the power sources, only a few were permanent enchantments. He also took note of the guard schedule, he had 5 days until the New Year's celebration. Then the empress birthday would be 12th of January, the next large celebration wouldn't be until spring when envoys and delegations would bring tributes. He had much to prepare for his intended targets to come in spring.

Ashton also thought of the keeper of his heart as he clutched his chest, if there was anyone he trusted... she would be a good candidate to start preparing for his exit plan, ascension, and to move his parents. Ashton also thought about the news he'd heard about her now having two children with that prick... guess no one is perfect, Ashton thought as he walked back to his room.

Come morning Ashton again followed Lucian to court, he confidently laid out while ordering some winter pear pastries and cheese to snack on. Lucian announced the empress birthday ball causing quiet the stir among the nobles, except Charmaine's father who sent him a glance, but Ashton pretended to not notice.

Lucian also decreed several increased punishments for nobles caught smuggling goods, abusing servants, or over taxing in their territory. The harshest punishments for anyone building unauthorized buildings of worship.

Since the order to halt any new churches, other buildings of worship had been sneaking their way into the empire to gather the less fortunate together. Many of the unauthorized taxes were to support such buildings, and to feed the less fortunate masses who gathered. Even with the cautious opposition Lucian simply ordered anyone who dared defy his decree to immediately be executed. The affronted nobles quashed their indignation, while a few tented to use such taxes to line their own pockets, many were just trying to help their commoners survive the winter.

Marquis Charles Maxwell Luthiger, father of the empress stood off the to the side after court as he waited for Ashton to leave. Ashton gave Charles a polite smile and nod.

"Marquis Luthiger, how can I help you?" Ashton asked as they fell into step together. Charles was a man worn by age, he looked closer to late 60s rather than the mid-50s he actually was, most of his hair was already white and grey making his grey eyes stand out more. He wore an expensive green wool doublet adorned with three medals, enchanted buttons, and cufflinks.

Charles used a cane due to an injury he'd received from the previous Emperor over a disagreement, "Master Reece, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your gifts to my child. I also wanted to send a few quick-witted servants," He added glancing at the guards... but no servants.

Ashton smiled and let the insult slide, "I would appreciate a few extra hands, though I'm sure I will only need them for a short while." It would seem any alliance would be temporary at best.

"However long you need them, we will provide contract stones, should you decided to keep them I also have oath stones." Charles added as he continued to look forward.

Ashton's smile turned two points more genuine, "Many thanks, when I next meet her empress, I will express my gratitude. Though I must admit I also have a favor to ask, hopefully it won't be too much an imposition." Ashton added glancing out the window and down into the almost dead court garden. Truly a pity.

Charles nodded, "If you are asking surely, it would not be an issue. Her majesty was wondering if you had plans tomorrow afternoon, as rude as it would be to call you on such short notice." Charles decided to steer the conversation a little since the walk would be over rather soon.

Ashton didn't show a reaction, anything less than four days was typically rude, three days for the responder to answer, then another day for the sender to make the appropriate adjustments to show due respect. "Of course, I know time is rather short with two such celebrations in just a few days." Ashton agreed graciously, verbal invitations were usually only for the closest of friends or family.

Charles stopped and gave a more formal bao, "Truly, you are gracious, we will have two dozen men and women each for your perusal, pick as many as you like and their salary will be paid by the Luthiger house in a lump sum for the next two years."

"I am hoping to have a cordial relationship with her majesty and the Luthiger house during my temporary stay. I know my existence has created quite the... conundrum, please accept my goodwill for its intended purpose before villains can take advantage and encourage distasteful rumors." Ashton agreed helping Charles up. Really, Lucian was a general at heart.

Charles understood and gave a wry smile, "Of course, please excuse me, Master Reece." Charles excused himself seeing Court Magician Devlin, two assistants, Duke Darnings, and Leonard all waiting up ahead.

Ashton didn't respond. Clearly Charles was testing his boundaries. Ashton turned left to head toward the group while Marquis Luthiger went right, "Was there anything else to discuss today?" He asked politely.

"We were hoping we could look at some of the enchantments," Devlin explained trying really hard not to glance after Marquis Luthiger. There had been tensions since Lucian's return, even this morning the empress's younger brother had demanded to know what their intensions were.

Ashton kept walking, "I'll help improve your enchantments, but I won't be helping create them. When you have the enchantment let me know," Ashton reminded as Devlin fell into step with him.

"Is there any particular reason? We would just ask for recommendations since this would be new, it would give you a lot of prestige." Devlin wheedled; they had really been hoping to prove Ashton could use magic himself.

"Yes, several reasons." Ashton stated rather matter of factly.

Devlin waited for Ashton to explain... but he kept walking. "Like what?" He finally asked trying to figure out what made Ashton tick...

Ashton glanced over at Devlin, "my reasons are my own, if there is nothing else, I have to errands to run." Ashton dismissed.

Devlin wanted to choke, seriously, he was an intimidating presence, kings and leaders of smaller countries quaked in their boots just being in the same room as him...

Ashton started thinking about how he'd introduce himself during the New Year's ball, it had to be dramatic and eye catching enough for his targets to take the bait, but insignificant enough to be dismissed later. As Alphonse he'd been very controlled and subtle in everything, dramatic wasn't exactly his style.

Whatever he set out as bait also couldn't be so deliberate to be an obvious trap or draw too much attention. Ashton sighed as he started wandering around his stage, he'd need to wait and see what kind of servants he'd get before he elected his course. Ashton was also running low on quartz so he had to hold off any more extravagant gifts until he found a way to resupply inconspicuously. 

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