Guardians not demons 2

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Devlin and Aaron paled, elves were not only elusive, they were also very protective of children of all races. Elves especially took great pride in protecting their own children, and most who saw an elf died as a warning to others.

"Lord Reece is not a child, he has reached maturity for humans." Aaron refuted passionately, while there were only three elves... it would take three hours at full gallop to fully leave the forest.

Sawein's face was scrunched as if Aaron and the rest were worse than horse feces, "Young spirit, they do not honor you, at least until you mature stay with us. We would ensure your safety and provide you with mana from the mother tree. Surely any contract made can be broken, or we would fulfill it on your behalf." Sawein added, but the youth only gave a wry smile.

"While I could negate the contracts without harm, my pride would not allow it." Ashton gently consoled, the three looked devastated.

"Young spirit, they clearly have no honor." Bahr couldn't help but interject as he clutched one of the small creatures, "You are injured! Have been injured grievously, but there is not a single healer at your side!" All three of them could see the fragmented mana flow, to have been injured so badly would be fatal to even the fae. Even the clearly healing wound would still be fatal to any of them, yet this child was still alive. If the young one was healing himself, the original wound should have been nearly a fatal injury.

Lucian and the others tensed, all of them eyeing Ashton who was still wearing a wry smile. "When were you injured?" Lucian demanded examining Ashton but saw nothing.

Ashton held out a hand to the elves, Sawein stood up and took his hand, then the grief had him stumbling, "I will survive, and heal. As weak and helpless as I am, they are not able to kill me even if they wanted to." Ashton promised as Sawein clutched his hand as if that would heal Ashton's wounds as Alphonse. Or the fresh damage from cracking open the seal. Soul wounds... were not so easily mended, even for him.

Bahr felt the small creatures patting him in comfort, "Only humans would be so cruel. Young spirit, they will drain you dry and never appreciate your sacrifice. They are not worthy." Bahr pleaded.

Grau nodded, "Young spirit, there is more to life than surviving. Please come with us, at least until you heal. Surely even humans know there is little benefit in having you so weak."

Ashton withdrew his hand, "Even injured we managed to defeat a lesser dragon, surely I am not yet so fragile." While he appreciated their concern, it would be best if they didn't underestimate his abilities.

Sawein heard the finality in the young spirit's tone. Sawein stood straight, "There will always be a place for you to rest with us young spirit. Please accept this offering." Sawein offered pulling out a bracelet shaped like leaves but made of clear crystal, "Should you have need, any fae within a day's journey will hear the call."

Ashton accepted the bracelet and put it on his left wrist without hesitation, "I gratefully accept your offering in the spirit it was given, please, allow me to share one with each of you as well. Your weapon of choice." Sawein didn't hesitate to pull the long boe off his back and present it with both hands.

Ashton had three of the golems place a hand on the center of the boe, the already enchanted boe's carvings started to glow and subtly shift. Sawein felt the noticeable difference, while previously he could use mana arrows now their effect would either be three-fold, or the same mana amount of consumption would be able to make five arrows.

Bahr gingerly stood up with the mana creatures still clinging to him as he also presented his boe. The three golems hopped off him and placed their hands on the boe this time, but the result was the same. Bahr's eyes were glowing with amazement as they released the boe and offered it back to him.

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