The guardians

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Ashton didn't bother to call for a refill of pastries while he waited for morning court to end. Ashton had a small basket while he sipped on tea and drowned out the erroneous debates for additional taxes, and the removal of another church to start in the spring. After what seemed an eternity later, Ashton followed Charles to visit the empress.

"While my son wanted to meet you, Lyon has to help prepare for the empress's birthday." Charles explained apologetically, leading the way.

"Not at all, with such short notice I imagine you are all rather busy." Ashton deflected noticing he was once again not properly addressed. This time Ashton was welcomed into the Southern Palace to a private sitting room. The empress was in a formal dress along with Serafin and Natasha. Ashton gave a formal bao beside Charles as they were announced.

"Please rise, father, Ashton, have a seat. This is Serafin and Natasha, no need for formalities." Charmaine added then dismissed the servants. She also rang a bell that activated a ward blocking anyone from spying.

Ashton sat down with a similar basket to the one he'd given before, "Majesty, royal highnesses," Ashton greeted, "I know we don't have much time so I'll be upfront, I was hoping your majesty could make some purchases on my behalf and keep them secrete from Lucian." Apparently the powerplays would continue.

Charmaine narrowed her eyes, calling an emperor by his name was bold... and they'd made no promises as of yet, "I am loyal to his majesty." While helping Ashton keep his distance from Lucian was to her benefit, Charmaine was not only a loyal empress, but a loyal vassal of the empire.

Ashton smiled, "Of course, I will make an oath that during my willing stay, as long as your majesty never in action or word attempt to harm me or mine and make a few purchases even commoners can buy, I will ensure not only the survival, but physical safety of Crown Prince Serafin and Princess Natasha. Nor will any of my actions or words result in harm for the imperial family." Ashton had lost much interest in the empress and her father in these short interactions. Best to set their terms and treat each other distantly, but respectfully.

Charmaine sipped her tea, it was a tempting offer. Serafin was only ten but had almost died a dozen times in the last year alone. Natasha was safer since she was the imperial princess, but she'd been poisoned twice. She looked to her father for his opinion.

"The consequences for breaking the oath?" Charles asked seeing Charmaine considering the trade. To guarantee safety to an imperial was not something to be taken lightly, between assassinations, poisons, beast attacks, training mistakes, and just regular outings.

"Simply that we are both aware the oath was broken, and the knowledge I will not make such an offer again." Ashton explained pulling a quartz oath stone out.

Charles tapped his cane twice, then nodded to Charmaine. They quickly made their oaths, then Ashton presented tiny sliver of quartz to each child.

"Personally I would prefer each child to swallow the gems, they are enchanted to stay harmlessly inside the stomach. The barrier can withstand ten days fully submerged in lava and they will be cocooned with enough energy to not need food or water. If ten days isn't long enough the barriers can be charged from a distance. There is also a signal to call guardians, who will defend them even at the cost of their existence." Ashton explained examining the children.

Natasha was only 5 years old, petite, big brown eyes, slight waves in her dark brown hair. She took more after Lucian in facial structure but was sure to be a beauty.

 She took more after Lucian in facial structure but was sure to be a beauty

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