First impressions

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Guards were sent to escort him as soon as he left his second floor of the Eastern Palace, no less than two always followed him around then several were posted throughout the building. Though it looked as if barely half as many were in his Majesty's Northern Palace, or the Western Palace.

Ashton was aware... typically, the Eastern Palace was for the Empress and princes and princesses five and older until they received their own residences. While concubines were given a single building for combined sleeping quarters, but Lucian had seen fit to have the Empress and concubines share the Southern palace with all the children. Upon crown prince Serafin's 15th birthday he would move into the Western palace to start taking on official roles in court.

Three days after Lucian's return to the capital they officially held morning court. The end of the year was less than a week away so the New Years Banquet was being a little rushed. Everyone with a noble title and their official children would be invited for 5 days to celebrate 1 day for each year of Lucian's reign.

Lucian sent a servant to invite Ashton to Smyrna's morning court on the fourth day of their return, Ashton agreed to attend, which surprised not only Lucian, but Aaron and Leonard.

Ashton was provided over 50 different garments in just his first three days, they were premade but had to be tailored so the focus was on the party outfits and a few more casual outfits he could wear around the palace.

Ashton went with a formal green tunic and slicked his hair back; he didn't wear any jewelry but did have a few blue enchanted quarts he'd personally made into cuffs and into a set of earrings. He then followed Lucian to attend court. The whole palace was a foggy mess... he would need something for his visibility.

Lucian noticed none of the jewels they'd picked were being used, when he arrived everyone stood and bowed as he made his way to the head of the table. Ashton had been reserved a seat just lower than his three Dukes. Jaxon would sit to his left, Leonard to his right. There were 9 men ranging from Lucian's age to their late 60s. Only the tenth chair was empty.

Ashton had been giving a polite smile when he entered, then after a deliberate glance around he stood behind the empty chair raising an brow. Ashton waved the closest servant over, "Fetch a lounger and have it placed just off to the side. I'll just be observing for now." Ashton informed resting his elbows on the empty chair clearly meant for him.

Ashton glanced around the room, only nobles, servants, and guards. Clearly the tensions between the faithful were not exaggerated.

Most on the right side of the table tensed while everyone on Lucian's left lowered their gaze to the table not looking at Lucian or Ashton. The servant hesitated then glanced at the emperor who was glowering at Ashton.

Ashton was resting his cheek in his hand as he turned dramatically to Lucian, "Your staff seem deaf your majesty, perhaps I should fetch my own?" He asked smiling again.

Lucian wasn't sure what Ashton was playing at, but he turned his glare to the servant, "Go." He ordered as he sat down.

The servant scurried away and only two minutes later an ornate lounger was rushed in by five servants, they laid it down then bowed and left. Ashton casually laid out on his left side and propped his head up with his left arm with a smile, "Please, continue." He added graciously.

Leonard was staring at Ashton like he'd never met the boy, who was this casually confident young man who dared order his majesty's men as if they were equals. He almost had a creak in his neck from turning to stare.

Lucian waved and two servants placed stacks of documents on either side of him, "Report." He ordered taking the first stack of documents regarding the winter freeze and their dead.

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