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Ashton was also aware that there had been several uninvited guests over the last month who were being forcibly removed even as late as yesterday. Of course, 30,000 acres was a lot to monitor even with mages and regular patrols. The hunting grounds were also rumored to be inhabited by elves, of course since they were mysterious and elusive he'd only seen them once as Alphonse so he doubted they would make contact. Besides... while the elves weren't cruel... their meeting had been far from pleasant; which to be fair, had been mostly his fault.

Ashton decided to get some more information about the imperial hunting grounds that took up only a fraction of the Cerulean Forest that totaled over 250,000 acres. Most of the forest was still unexplored except a few trails, but leaving the trails usually ended up in travelers never being seen again. Ashton asked about rumors and what the most common reason for injuries during past hunts.

While most of the guards answered his questions, a few pretended to not notice or found other places to be. Ashton took note of their reactions, most of the nobles who had arrived were titled in the last three years after Lucian's purge, they also tended to be younger.

Ashton continued to smile even after several nobles invited him to enter the forest and point out the more regular paths and markers in case he lost his way. Ashton made plans to go out with a larger group tomorrow before Lucian arrived in the evening. Harvey Crawford, Sebastian's nephew had also made several inquiries about Ashton's plans.

"For now I plan to... see what the empire has to offer before I make any real plans." Ashton offered as Harvey and his cronies continued to escort him. Ashton had deliberately set his camp up closer to the entrance since he'd noticed four altered summoning circles, and about half a dozen altered protection wards that separated the forest from the campgrounds.

"Of course, of course, evaluating who is sincere from their everyday actions takes time. Though I've heard this is the first time you've left the palace in over a month." Harvey added waving toward the hunting grounds. "Hopefully this will show the nobles prowess and ability, but just in case here." He added holding out a blue topaz gemstone.

Ashton raised a brow as he accepted and inspected the topaz, the ward was on a different wavelength from the established imperial wards. "A private protection ward?" Ashton asked showing mild interest.

"While the imperial wards are certainly effective, they are... outdated to say the least. Before the wards were updated and changed at least once a year, now they haven't been updated in over four years. A little insurance never hurt." Harvey explained showing his disdain for the obviously worn gemstones decorating the fences.

Ashton examined the area, yes, the gems were hardly new but still much stronger than the ones Harvey was using. This particular enchantment made the ward stronger the closer it was to the power source, "A pity these portable wards are only effective here in the campgrounds, unless there are other power hubs throughout the forest?" Ashton inquired holding the gem up to inspect the enchantment closer.

Harvey was only startled for a moment, "Only in the campground, no magical enhancements are allowed outside the campgrounds. While Mages can use spells to kill and capture prey, all enchantments under the fourth tier are disabled. That's why so many people go missing outside of the official hunting grounds."

Ashton nodded, "Yes, I was informed why the markers were so prominent, it must take a lot of manpower and magic to keep the 30,000 acres of hunting grounds safe even if only for the biannual cerulean hunts. The closer to the edge the darker yes? I will have to see them for myself tomorrow."

Harvey smiled, "Yes, while the markers can temporarily let magicians use direct magic within the perimeter, the further from the camp grounds the harder it is. That's why many nobles don't bother with mages unless they are fourth tier and above, otherwise just entering the forest is like walking through deeper and deeper water. Or so they say. Personally, I barely notice the difference."

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