Death of a dragon

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Ashton checked his beast counter, over thirty kills but no points... well no one expected a lord class land dragon. Of course, a first-tier lord class dragon was stronger than a third tier boss class horned rabbit but still. Ashton had the lordlings return to the carcass while he waited for Lucian and the others to arrive. Even though the dragon wasn't dead yet, it wouldn't be able to move with such a large burning hole in its chest.

Ashton had ensured even the soul was damaged, so it wouldn't even be able to reincarnate for several decades. Without a whole soul, the dragon was little more than a living corpse.

Ashton had all the golems start to charge again, then quickly had two of the fourth-tier golems forcibly ascend through mana alone. Since so many parties were coming so fast, he simply charged the rest to full then used his substitute to leap down the charred hole to retrieve the mana core, and simultaneously drench itself in as much dragon blood as possible.

The dragon was too injured to move, but wasn't technically dead until the mana core was removed or destroyed. Dragons were resilient creatures... unlikeable, but usually respected.

As the substitute was climbing back out of the man-sized hole two golems arrived to help. Now the dragon was dead. Ashton looked back he could already hear the cavalry charging toward them. Between the dragon's breath and heat from his soul form, there was a decent clearing for the group.

Charmaine and Charles had come charging out of the tree line with more than a dozen soldiers. Ashton glanced back at his substitute being gently placed on his own feet, a pool of blood already forming as he gripped the mana core. Just a few more moments.

Serafin didn't dare to move as the black clad figures still had them in the barrier. "Stay back! The barrier attacks anyone!" he called as his mother started rushing her horse toward them. Serafin was gripping his reins even as he had dismounted. Ashton and the guardians were still standing by the smoking dragon corpse.

Charmaine saw the additional figures as she drew her stallion to an abrupt halt. She took a deep breath, "I trust you are both well?" She asked pretending to be calm, while her exterior was a gracious and motherly as always, her heart felt as if it were going to pound out of her chest. "Allow us in." She ordered looking down at the first masked figure. As soon as they'd seen the eerie green light she had ordered them to mount up and find Serafin and Natasha.

Luckily, Natasha's bracelet and Serafin's dagger had tracking nodes so Charmaine could follow them in the forest. They were one of the few enchantments to still work in the forest, and a secret from most nobles. If the nobles learned that amber made from the cerulean tree sap could hold enchantments, the imperials would lose their small advantage during the biannual hunts.

The figures seemed to share a look, then they all turned to face the away and look at the dragon corpse.

Charles finally caught up, "Peace, we don't know if it's safe yet. Or how they are maintaining the barrier." He reminded then turned to the guards, "Protect the children, no one is to come close without her Majesty's approval until his Majesty returns." Charles ordered waving for the guards to surround the group.

"Imperial mother, Imperial father went after the wizard!" Serafin informed as the messy nobles changed, luckily their horses had their emergency supplies. Serafin tried to calm himself, his mother was right there, no need to yell. Serafin took a deep breath, hiding his trembles as best he could.

Charmaine nodded glancing at the black clad figures, "You will be rewarded for your service." She announced drawing their attention again. They all just stared without a word... she had only seen them the one other time, but they still didn't feel... human. They were also stubborn or ignorant, she'd clearly hinted several times to let her pass...

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