Night market

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Ashton had to send the servants away so he could bathe by himself, and really... rose petals? He quickly washed by dipping a towel into the water and wiping his body as debated his options; they were staying at least one night. If they stayed longer, he might be able to go to the market in town and buy some mana stones. If he could be relatively alone, he could sell some enchanted quartz for several dozen gold because no one other than the user would sense them, while risky few would think twice of a hooded man selling wares with a guard.

Leonard was sipping on warm tea while he pondered the quandary his emperor had found himself in, their first meeting would have gone much better had Ashton not recognized him, but there were dozens of portraits of Lucian throughout the empire. Anyone with half a brain would be able to identify the monarchs of several kingdoms. Then again... Lucian had never been known for his tact, "Your majesty, you should loosen your grip on him, he's had no breathing room since you showed up unannounced at his doorstep almost two months ago. He's still young and hardheaded, it's better to coax him slowly." Leonard explained once again.

"How exactly do We loosen the reigns without him escaping? He's ready to run at the slightest opening." Lucian demanded exasperatedly. They had been at this impasse for several minutes already.

"Your majesty, consider him a defeated territory, he's already been forced to submit and is resentful. You have to coax and convince him this is for his own good, not pillage and salt what little is left of his home that you've already half burnt to the ground. You both know he's living at your mercy, but you want something from him and he's suspicious of what you want. Best case senecio he agrees and admits all his truths, if not we have to pry them out of him, and any relationship will continue to be forced." Leonard tried to make examples Lucian could relate to.

Before Lucian could retort there was a knock on the door, Lucian composed himself then continued to sip on the tea. Leonard then called to allow the servant in, who stated Ashton would like to meet with him prior to dinner if time permitted. Leonard agreed to meet with him in half an hour.

Lucian eyed the older man, "We thought you weren't close."

Leonard gave a foxy smile, "Your majesty, this will be your chance. Ashton is clearly going to ask for some favor and if we agree it will at least ease tensions."

"Or he's plotting his escape." Lucian snorted. Leonard didn't look amused, then sighed.

"It will most likely be a combination, just remember we need to give just as much as we take." Leonard reminded as he changed coats for the occasion.

Ashton wasn't surprised the Marquis was willing to see him, he was a little surprised to see Lucian already waiting. He gave a courtly bao, "Thank you for your time, Lord Silas, please excuse my discourtesy." Ashton greeting formally.

Leonard deliberately stood and led Ashton into the room to sit on the sofa so all three would have their own seat as if they were equals, "No no, truly young master Ashton, I overstepped, hopefully you come to see us as close as family in the future. Please feel free to speak as an equal when we are alone." He then waved all the servants out and poured the tea himself.

Ashton accepted the tea, foxy politicians were the easiest to speak to, and the most likely to set traps. Marquis Silas was hinting they could be as close as family... either they were setting up a distant noble identity... or hoping to join through marriage. "Your graciousness is overwhelming for a mere farmer boy."

Leonard let out a boisterous laugh, "No need to be humble, I was even hoping to employ you as an advisor when you arrived, to see you with his Majesty now, perhaps I should set up some good will now. I have a daughter close to your age, perhaps you will become acquainted." Leonard hinted, Ashton met his eyes over the steaming tea clearly understanding the implication.

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