Uninvited Guests

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Unfortunately, first thing in the morning Wesley and Matthew were walking up to the door as Ash practiced handstand walking around the yard.

Wesley trotted up while breathing into his hands, "Ash, morning! We were hoping to catch you before you went out for the day." He called, just looking at the half-dressed boy had him shivering.

Matthew was better since he'd been using a fire stone to keep his body head from escaping. "How long have you been up?" He asked, seeing the sweat drip down Ash's face and chest.

Ash grabbed a wiping cloth, then after a brief hesitation nodded to the house, "Come inside, Ma should be warming breakfast." he offered, there was a kettle of water on the stove so it should be warm enough to use for a quick wash before they ate.

Wesley and Matthew hurried inside and happily sat at the table, this was their first-time seeing Madam Black. "Morning Madam, sorry to intrude so early!" Wesley apologized pulling one of several packages out of a pouch, "This is Rose tea, very popular in the capital, take it as a first meeting gift." He explained as she set five bowls on the table.

"Thank you kindly, I'll make some eggs. I wasn't expecting company." She explained hurriedly then left to go get half a dozen eggs. There was only enough corn chowder for three or four, so to make enough breakfast for everyone she would have to find some fillers.

Thomas heard the voices as he came down the stairs, he threw a shirt on then glared at both men. "I don't recall mentioning where we live or inviting ya."

Wesley gave an apologetic smile, "Our deepest apologies, the Marquis sent an urgent letter and we wanted privacy for the conversation." he explained pulling said letter out and offering it with both hands.

Thomas deliberately didn't take the letter. "Master Wesley, is that letter for me, or for me son? Because I assure you, I may be a simple farmer, but even commoners know not to come uninvited to a man's home." He stated caustically.

Wesley was alarmed, he'd never seen Thomas so angry before, "I swear on my life, I meant no disrespect. If the Marquis had not insisted I handed this letter to you or your son immediately I would have never come without invitation. You will be compensated for the disrespect." Wesley promised sincerely.

Matthew also stood up, "The letter was sent via the mage relay, delivered to us just after midnight, we immediately set out. Please excuse our rudeness. Half a dozen men should also be arriving to take care of the fields, truly the Marquis meant no disrespect." He added hoping to soften Thomas's stance.

Ashton stepped forward, "While the sudden visit was unexpected, of course the Marquis's business is a hefty matter we dare not delay for the Western territories." He agreed, neither accepting nor denying the apology. Nor did he address the grave insult for calling upon a resident of another territory without a representative to champion him. Even a commoner had rights until he was charged. This could also be considered his entire family deferring to another lord; that alone could imply they were traitors or spies; especially if they were paid. Depending on the contents of the letter this could be a quick death or cut by a thousand cuts.

Wesley hesitated, the words sounded off, but them taking the letter was already an improvement. "Many thanks for your gracious understanding," He apologized again handing over the letter.

Ash took and quickly read the letter, and wanted to laugh and curse the Marquis's 18 generations of ancestors. Two rebel groups had formed, one in his own territory after a landslide in the western mountain range. Unfortunately, the Marquis territory had suffered the loss of over 1000 acres, two villages were destroyed, and more than 400 people were dead or unaccounted for.

"What exactly is the Marquis hoping a farmer boy to do about this?" Ashton asked looking Wesley straight in the eye. Wesley was sweating as Samantha walked past the four men a basket of eggs. Now that the dining room was separated from the kitchen, she had to cross the table to reach the stove.

Wesley hesitated, "Any advice will be compensated with a hefty reward, soldiers from the surrounding cities were already sent to help recover the villagers, but two relief stations were attacked in the same day. The Marquis should arrive at the primary relief station by midday. Our letter will be sent directly to him by Matthew." Wesley explained.

"That doesn't explain why a Marquis would ask a farmer from Marquis Frances Cologne territory for his opinion," Ashton reiterated refusing to break eye contact. Surely the 6th in line for the thrown would have military advisors for the rebels and agricultural consultants for a landslide.

Wesley closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then knelt, "Please, while I've only met the Marquis twice, he is not a rash man, I cannot fathom why he sent such a letter, but if you have any ideas we won't forget this debt."

Ashton looked down at Wesley, Matthew had also formally knelt. If he didn't respond or gave a halfhearted answer to a Marquis's direct representative it could be taken as a grave insult. Forget staying neutral, this was enough to have all their land confiscated and all of them whipped. Ashton wanted to throw the letter into the fire and pretend he'd never seen it, but the faint power had absorbed the unique signature of everyone who read the letter.

"Please sit, I'll fetch an ink and quill." Ashton explained neutrally, then left for his bedroom. While he couldn't ignore the letter, he could make it clear he did not appreciate the forceful method.

Thomas sat at the table with the two men in silence. Even with the men to help with the farm arrived he didn't get up to speak to them. Wesley was forced to explain the situation then returned to the awkward silence. Even after they finished eating Ashton had not returned. Samantha quietly cleaned up then left to the living room to sew a new winter jacket.

As Ashton descended the stairs with a sealed letter he glanced over the men, "This is to be sent directly to Marquis Silas, no one else should read it before him." Ashton insisted before letting the letter go.

Wesley gulped, then Matthew stepped up to accept the letter, "I will enchant the letter myself." He swore making sure to show his determination.

Ashton nodded, "Then since you have people in the field, we will remain here in case the Marquis has further need of us."

Wesley hesitated, if they were in town they could use the mage relay. If they remained here Matthew might not have enough power or materials to keep ongoing correspondence up.

Matthew glanced at Wesley, then sighed, "I'm strong enough to send out one letter, maybe two. But not send and receive them, we left in such a rush I told our men to gather extra materials and send them to the inn." He explained rather sheepishly.

Ashton wanted to stay but he really wasn't in a position to refuse. A powerless farmer boy couldn't insist on staying home and making a mage run back and forth, not unless he went to the local lord and petitioned up to the local Marquis or higher. "I'll pack a bag for an overnight stay," Ashton conceded.

An hour later the village head was at their house with three fresh horses. Ashton didn't speak much as they went into town, he remained respectful, but clearly distant. Matthew was rather weak-kneed after sending off the letter so they traveled at barely more than a trot.

Wesley bought a separate room for Ashton and ordered any services or requests to be billed to his own.

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