delicate glass

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Ashton decided not to work out first thing in the morning, there would be plenty of exercise in the coming days. Besides, he had other preparations to make since his mana channels were still so heavily damaged. He had to divert mana from healing and smoothing out his channels into temporary storage. While storing the mana didn't exactly hurt, it was uncomfortably sore. He'd have to be careful not to let his mana leak, his body felt like cracked glass with temporary glue holding the pieces together. The water wasn't leaking but the glass couldn't afford even the most gentle of taps or it would shatter.

Ashton agreed to have breakfast with Lucian and company, he was the last to arrive, Sebastian, Jaxon, Leonard, Amin, Charmaine, Charles, Serafin, Natasha, Randal, Devlin, Bert, Wesley, and Matthew were all waiting patiently as Ashton took his seat. "Greetings, forgive my tardiness." Ashton apologized; he'd taken much longer to adapt to having mana stored in his body than he'd thought.

Lucian waved for the food to be served then dismissed servants, "No need, if anything is lacking the servants and guards are to follow your requests as if they were Our own." Lucian informed, when Serafin glared at Ashton Lucian stared Serafin down until he looked back at his plate.

Ashton met Lucian's eyes, he debated a cutting remark, but glanced around the room deliberately before he answered, "I will keep that in mind," there was visible relief in Leonard's and Jaxon's shoulders. Ashton wasn't sure if he was being unreasonably irritated and overcompensating or if his reactions were normal. He'd have to be more careful.

Lucian let the barest hint of a smile show, "Then let Us eat, business can wait."

Ashton didn't miss Charmaine's eyes narrowing on Lucian's smile, nor her thought look over himself. He met her gaze and didn't waver. After a moment Charmaine started eating. After everyone ate Serafin and Natasha were dismissed but Ashton gave a short cough, "Perhaps Prince Serafin might benefit from... our business."

Everyone stared at Ashton, who didn't wave from his polite smile. Lucian waved for Natasha to be escorted out and for Serafin to take his seat again, "Did you notice something you wish to share?" Lucian asked making keep his tone neutral.

Ashton tilted his head back and forth, "I am awaiting more information, but I do believe Serafin should... stay close." Ashton added glancing over Charles and Charmaine who tensed visibly.

Lucian drummed his fingers on the now clear table. "We will assign him another guard, would you recommend anyone?"

Ashton smiled as he rested his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his interlocked fingers, "Your majesty, I assure you the prince will come to no harm."

Lucian made an effort to not narrow his eyes, "How close should Serafin stay?"

Ashton tilted his head to the left, "Within screaming distance of myself, but let us speak of more pressing matters, have you a question for me Duke Carlos?"

Sebastian glanced at the Empress and Marquis Luthiger before nodding, he placed the second tier, third tier, and fifth tier mana stones on the table. "Is the coordinator here in the hunting grounds?"

"No." Ashton informed unlacing his fingers, while coordinator was still in the capital... being here would have drawn far too much attention to go unnoticed.

Sebastian gritted his teeth lamenting the wasted question but still passed the tray with the stones down to Ashton. Marquis Luthiger gave a short cough.

"Perhaps we could make a barter Lord Reece?" Charles asked after a nod from Charmaine who was patting Serafin's clenched hand.

Ashton tilted his head again, "What did you have in mind Lord Luthiger?"

Charles took a deep breath, "If someone is targeting crown prince Serafin, I would like to buy the information. Please name your price."

Ashton gave a polite smile, "Perhaps I merely hoped to keep a familiar face around, I don't dare meddle in any political discrepancies at this time." Ashton reminded making direct eye contact with Charmaine.

Charmaine gripped Serafin's hand, "He is my son." Her gaze didn't waver as she stared Ashton down.

"He is the crown prince of the largest empire. My oath will stand, but any political battles are not mine to bear." Ashton refuted looking around the room, "Even ants can kill a lion. Neglecting potential threats while I am here means these lessons will not be lethal." Ashton paused looking to Lucian, "Hopefully by the time he reaches his majority he will be well versed in such machinations."

"How can you ensure his safety?" Jaxon asked doing his best to maintain his neutral poker face.

Ashton gave a polite smile, "I don't recall saying his highness would be in danger."

Jaxon shared a look with Leonard and Lucian, "Is the crown prince in danger?"

Ashton let his smile fade away, "Surely anyone targeting the crown prince will be aware of all the wards, guards, and vassals they would have to remove before reaching him?"

Charmaine tensed further; these non-answers meant nothing. "I understand, as long as he remains intact. I will still assign another two guards to him and Natasha." Ashton put his polite smile on but didn't agree or disagree.

"Can we buy a hint about the danger?" Randal asked looking around the room. Why would Lord Reece even bring the topic up if he didn't want something? Just so they were aware there was a danger?

Ashton let his head tilt form side to side a few times, the feathers nearly frozen stiff from the weather. "If everyone is jumping to conclusions so quickly, perhaps there is evidence you should be looking to for clues." Ashton reminded raising a brow. There was a heavy silence and shared glances before anyone spoke again.

"While We didn't intend to bring this up in such a manner, is there anything you desire?" Lucian asked making sure to control himself. He was well aware this would be an uphill battle to ingratiate himself with the youth.

Ashton debated answering, "Nothing that can be accomplished at this time." Even if Lucian released him from his oath the empress wouldn't be willing, Smyrna was quickly becoming even less hospitable with each passing day.

Jaxon thought about the phrasing, at this time. So there was something at least, "If we know we can at least prepare." He offered glancing to Lucian.

Ashton rolled his eyes, "I do believe your preparation would not result in anything I find desirable. My initial goal remains the same."

Lucian took a deep breath, "Perhaps anything that would make your stay more comfortable?"

Ashton examined Lucian again... the refocusing on what Lucian could provide was already much better than even a week ago. Whatever was going on with Lucian was at least a step in the right direction. "After the hunt, perhaps I may have a request of your majesty regarding the tribute banquet."

Leonard wanted to sigh with relief, Lucian was playing nice and Ashton was slowly starting to let his guard down. They were starting to finally make some progress, slow and arduous as it may be.

Lucian relaxed, as long as Ashton didn't continue to insist on going home, the rest was negotiable, "Then We will ask after the hunt, is there anything else We should know before We officially announce the start?"

Ashton smiled, "I have no other information to give at this time, please excuse me. I will find his highness before we leave the campgrounds." Ashton didn't miss Randal's contemplative glance as he left. Better to let them make their own preparations before the real hunt begins.

Ashton continued to draw mana and carefully store it as far away from his damaged channels as possible. He also divided the mana into his golems to start refining the mana but it was hard to divide his attention in so many ways.

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