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Ashton had watched the growing tension in the nobles over the last three days, Lucian's inability to conceal his frustration was duly noted by several nobles after court. There were only four days left until the hunt so Ashton waited patiently for most of the nobles to leave. Seeing the remaining few, Ashton stood up and took a seat at the table for their little question and answer session.

Harlow hesitated to approach Ashton as the unrelated nobles filed out. Surprisingly Duke Hammer and Marquis Charles remained seated. Aaron, Devlin, and Bert Wesley, and Matthew were escorted in after a few moments in silence.

Randal raised a brow at Harlow, "Am I to be excluded from these secret meetings?" He asked pointedly as he looked around the room. Had Randal not been hoping to discuss something with his majesty, he wouldn't have even realized he was being excluded, again.

Jaxon sighed, "We planned to invite you after today, Duke Hammer, you are of course welcome to stay and provide assistance."

Sebastian took to explaining the current predicament, Randal stayed stoically calm as he sipped on his tea. Sebastian watched as Randal's doubts mounted, but he remained quiet until the explanation was over.

"While I acknowledge the gravity of the situation, how did young Lord Reece come by this information? He has not left the castle, nor had contact with anyone except a few servants sent by her Majesty. I just find it highly unusual everyone simply accepts his words as facts." Randal challenged looking to Ashton for explanation.

Ashton gave a polite smile, "What are you willing to pay for such information your Grace?"

Randal narrowed his eyes, "You are rather... defensive Lord Reece."

Ashton's smile didn't change, "Your Grace, why not ask how I came to be in the capital. I assure you I had no such plans to enter this viper's den. In fact, my original plan was to never set foot in the empire again after my twentieth birthday." Ashton admitted turning a dispassionate smile to Lucian.

Everyone tensed as eyes darted around the room from those who did know, and those who didn't.

"Are you... not of the Empire Lord Reece?" Charles asked seeing the sudden tension.

Ashton tilted his head back and forth, "My parents were born and raised in the Empire, but I only considered the land home because of them, I had intended to convince them to move to... more accommodating lands. My... presence in the capital has only accelerated those plans."

Charles digested the information, "Then I assume... you were not willing to come, what forced your hand?"

Ashton gave a disdainful smile toward Lucian, "Perhaps someone might tell how they view our first meeting."

Lucian's eyes narrowed, but he didn't answer. Ashton was a person in his empire, his word was law.

"Nothing to say your majesty?" Ashton asked leaning back.

Sebastian forced himself to stay calm, this was not exactly how he planned the start of their meeting today, but clearly Ashton wanted to make it clear why he was so resistant to the emperor, "It would be helpful if everyone here was aware of the status quo before we proceeded. Your Majesty, please."

Aaron gave a cough then glanced around the room. "Your majesty, best to clear the air early, it will set expectations."

Lucian stared Ashton down as he spoke, "We told you, you would be following Us to the capital."

Sebastian was expecting as much, but that hardly explained why the youth had been sitting in on their council meetings, nor how he came about his information. "How did you get the title of Reece?"

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