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Ashton would occasionally wander over when Amin was casting spells, he noticed Amin slowing his casting and merely watching him without asking anything. It was nice, he also noticed Devlin start to wander closer and closer as if no one would notice, Ashton rolled his eyes but didn't stop.

Amin wanted to laugh when he saw Ashton roll his eyes then Devlin boldly walk over. Devlin leaned over and greedily watched everything Ashton drew.

Ashton was mildly annoyed with how close Devlin was so his smile faded as he finished up. Narrowing his eyes he walked around Devlin with a deliberate space.

Amin couldn't help the frown he directed to Devlin, who suddenly looked sheepish, "Perhaps it was not only rude guards who encouraged Young master Ashton's guard." He observed coolly.

Devlin blanched, what was worse was the disapproval from the other Marquis guards who had slowly been warming up to Ashton. "I'll pay attention in the future." He agreed, as the empires leading battle mage it had been years since someone had so openly disapproved of anything he did.

After being snowed in for two days the weather calmed enough for them to continue, and while Ashton had looked at other spells he didn't really do much other than observe. Amin wasn't sure if this was because of Devlin, or if he was simply unfamiliar with the new spells.

They were able to arrive at the capital without any other incidents. The imperial guards met them outside the city.

Ashton stood outside his carriage facing the capital as the imperial guards started to line up. While Ashton had subtly felt the pulse of power emanating from the capital as they approached, now it was almost tangible. Ashton was also aware... if he crossed the gates and entered the capital there would be no turning back in many ways. Ashton was willing to give up this body, this life, even his memories, but his emotions had never been so varied or rich. True, since meeting Lucian almost all his feelings were negative, but something was better than nothing.

Ashton took a deep breath... the moment he crossed the gates he would have to decide which he would give, and what he would protect. How sad that even now, Ashton had never managed to have his cake, let alone eat it. One day, one day Ashton would decide it was worth fighting for, but not today.

As Lucian approached Ashton he saw... mourning in Ashton's eyes as he looked at the capital. A moment later a polite smile masked anything Lucian had hoped to see. "We will soon depart." Lucian informed watching the youth.

"Descendant of the Dragon, I do not want to enter in the capital." Ashton intoned formally as he saw how deeply rooting the greed dragon's curse really was. The body had clearly died with many grievances for the curse to still be so noticeable over 600 years later. It was little wonder the imperial nobles were so single minded in their actions, with all these desperate souls haunting them every moment of the day.

Lucian's heart jolted but he didn't say anything until the feeling passed. "Trying to run would be foolish."

Ashton let his polite smile turn to a resigned sneer, "Then know any consequences are yours to bear." Ashton then entered his carriage. Even if escape was possible, the shell was already damaged. Ashton took a deep breath as he swallowed half a dozen quartz, really, this body had only been temporary form anyway. Rather than try and save something he would discard, better to focus on protecting his mana channels, his soul... and the sparks of emotions he'd been coveting.

Ashton took a deep breath to steady himself, crossing the boundary would be... something. Best to prepare for the worst, like the dragon blessing, all the while hoping he would get lucky and nothing would happen.

Not long later the procession had fallen into formation and entered like a giant parade. From the city gates to the palace people were waving and cheering even in the blistering cold.

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