Broken oaths

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Ashton walked a bit slower than usual and was glad Sebastian didn't say anything, when he arrived he dismissed everyone and laid down, Ashton laid out so he could relax all his muscles. After a moment, Ashton elevated his left leg on a pillow, "You're worried about the duchy yes?" Ashton asked as Sebastian watched.

Sebastian watched as Ashton laid out like a limp noodle looking at the ceiling, "I am, but... are you okay?" he asked with genuine concern. For just a moment... Sebastian thought he saw sweat trickle down Ashton's cheek beneath the mask.

Ashton sighed, he liked Sebastian, he really did. "I'll be back to normal by tomorrow, it's been a while since I've exercised so much." Ashton deflected. Hopefully by tomorrow the phantom pains would have receded enough for daily activities.

Sebastian heard the deflection but wasn't offended, at best they were business partners. "Yes, will the duchy end, or I guess I should ask. Is the empire without hope?"

Ashton sighed, "The empire will endure, though the reign of blood will be rather substantial." Ashton admitted, then turned his head to look at Sebastian. "The signs have been growing for at least the last four years, you had to know this was coming."

Sebastian couldn't meet Ashton's eyes as he looked down, "I hoped the first purge would be enough. I also... let myself be blind." Sebastian admitted. Honestly, the last decade had aged him considerably between Lucian's successful insurrection, purging of the church, and killing off nearly all the older imperial line... he'd seen enough blood for ten lifetimes.

Ashton looked at Sebastian with a small bit of pity and understanding, salt water was worse than no water. "In three days, I will give you a list, the more you accomplish in the next three or four months, the safer your house and the less they'll be implicated. How you handle matters is up to you. Just pay the corresponding mana stones or gems." It would be a pity if the empire lost such a man, and his direct line was more honorable than most.

Sebastian was startled at the generous offer, "Thank you." Was all he could really say, while it wasn't a guarantee, it was at least a lifeline. Sebastian stood and gave a formal bao.

Ashton stared at the ceiling, "I don't like most nobles, I don't like palace life, and Alphonse's death doesn't matter to me. But I like you Sebastian, you're a good noble and leader. Naïve and too forgiving sometimes, but for the most part you are consistent and fair. As long as we remain cordial I'll help the duchy's honor and line remain intact; so get a good night's sleep." Ashton understood how hard Sebastian had been trying to honor his family teachings, adapt to an incompetent emperor, and keep his people safe.

Sebastian had to take a deep breath to steady himself. His eyes burned with the promise of those words, and the understanding and appreciation from someone so young. Sebastian gave a bao as if Ashton were his emperor. "May I continue to be worthy of such praise, please rest well my lord." Sebastian added as Ashton closed his eyes. Sebastian didn't say anything else as he left.

When Sebastian returned home it was almost dark. Submitting his reports had taken most of the day, and while he was more than ready for the day to end, he still had things to do. Sebastian used his personal mage relay to summon his children, grandchildren, his younger brother, and their most trusted vassals to the capital villa with all due haste.

For just a moment... Sebastian thought of sending word to his sister Beverly, and Paul... but as he sat over the blank parchment and his feathered quill. Sebastian took a deep breath and returned his black feathered quill to its holder...

On the hour two golems stood at the entrance of the Eastern Palace, the building was now as silent as death as maids and servants scurried around but gave the building a wide berth. Ashton had one of the golems carry him to his room for another boiling hot bath, then they tucked him in so he could sleep without worry.

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