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The stampede that descended upon the campgrounds was almost riotous; angry, grieving, screaming, weeping relatives were demanding answers even as snow started to fall. It was not even dawn yet as the new arrivals demanded answers about the missing, the deceased, the imprisoned, and most of all... who had cast the spell that had been visible even from the capital.

While Lucian had thought about simply imprisoning everyone, most of the arrivals were elderly or women demanding answers.

Jaxon took the lead in separating the groups to be questioned, visit the deceased, or organize search groups for the few still missing. Jaxon also promised answers would be forth coming after the search parties returned at dawn.

Ashton rolled his eyes at the commotion outside his tent, gossiping tongues had created all sorts of rumors. The elves had killed the dragon, the dragon was sent by the elves, Ashton was an elf, Ashton had killed the dragon, the elves helped Ashton kill the dragon, Ashton had demon warriors who ate the dragon after killing it. Rebels had summoned the dragon, rebels killed the dragon, clearly there were some making up rumors on purpose, but Ashton stayed in his tent contentedly as the dragon was dismantled. The golems had worked tirelessly, but it was delicate work to remove each scale without damaging them further, as well as separate the tendons and organs.

Even after dark people were still showing up to find family members, though now mostly rich merchants and families of single participants were the ones arriving. A meeting would be held for everyone to hear before they returned to the capital in the morning.

Jaxon stood over the crowd and sighed, while they had hoped to have a meeting the cabin wasn't large enough to accommodate everyone and now there was barely room in the campgrounds to move.

"For now, what we can share is limited, we will make an official announcement when we return to the capital and more investigations are complete. The rebels summoned a third-tier lord class land dragon in hopes of assassinating the imperial crown prince, and then anyone else they could target before the spell castors death. The land dragon was killed by Lord Ashton Reece and his personal attendants while he protected not only the crown prince but all the minors who attended this year's hunt. The spell castor was found and killed, more than two dozen rebels and rebel sympathizers have been imprisoned. There are more who are being kept under watch to know the full extent of their involvement as the rebels lied to and used several untitled nobles to infiltrate this year's hunt." Jaxon announced, the crowd was restless.

"What about the elves? Why were they here?" someone in the crowd shouted.

Jaxon hesitated, but the crowd remained silent, a land dragon and elves in the same day was quite the gossip, "The elves were concerned with Lord Reece's health after the battle."

"What about the people still missing?"

"How do we know who the rebels are?"

"Where are the prisoners being held?"

"What happened to the dragon's corpse?"

"Is Lord Reece an Elf?"

The people started to bombard Jaxon with questions so he picked a few easy ones to answer then said everything else would have to wait for the investigation to finish.

Ashton had been listening from his tent, rather convenient it was so close to the cabin and gate entrance. Jaxon was setting him on quite the pedestal despite his personal misgivings. Ashton laid out on his sleeping bag, while he hadn't been expecting the Fae to notice him until he reached the seventh rank again, he could use this to his advantage.

Just as dawn finally confirmed the start of a new day, Ashton told his attendants to inform the guards he was returning to the palace, he left behind his carriage, his supplies, one of the attendants and two horses. Lucian would be able to use the carriage to bring back some of the dead bodies and evidence. Ashton ignored everyone trying to speak to him as he set off, there was much to do in the coming weeks.

Sebastian and several nobles who would be leading the investigation left shortly after dawn, Sebastian also had a guard send a personally written letter to his brother-in-law and sister.

Sebastian had been at the palace rounding up several suspicious contacts when he received word his sister was waiting at his villa gates.

Sebastian took a deep breath, Harvey had been detained in the royal prison. While the prison cells were furnished lavishly and prisoners given three means a day... Sebastian could count on one hand how many had been released since he'd inherited his title twenty years ago. Not one had been released since Lucian had ascended the throne.

Sebastian left for his villa while the imperial guards escorted the last person on the list to the palace for interrogation. After interrogations the rest would be sorted out into regular prisons, the palace dungeon, or the palace prison.

Beverly and Paul Crawford were still waiting at his villa gates when Sebastian arrived. He escorted them in rather tightlipped and had them sit in his office after dismissing everyone. "Reed this before you say anything." Sebastian ordered roughly throwing Harvey's confessions on the table.

Beverly gripped her coat, but without a word started reeding. She paled the more she read, and Paul was stone faced. "You have to save him, he's your nephew." Beverly demanded refusing to back down.

Sebastian sat down, "I will not risk the duchy because you spoiled that boy rotten. It's hardly a surprise he's being used as a scapegoat. If I did not have at least some sibling affection he would already be dead." Sebastian didn't mince words. "If he survives, it will be because everyone else sees him for the fool he is."

Beverly stared down at sitting Sebastian, their relationship had been distant these last ten years when Sebastian had kicked Harvey out of the duchy and had him fired from his post as a site overseer for the duchy crops. "He's my only son." She whispered.

Sebastian looked up at his sister, she was no longer the young, honest, staunch, fair girl they had raised. After she fell in love with Paul and threatened to break off all relations, she had become selfish and blind. As far as Beverly was concerned, her husband and son were always the victims of discrimination and bad luck. Whatever spell Paul had cast had left only her body behind...

"I will not sacrifice my sons, or my daughter for your son. I told you ten years ago to fix his bad habits so he could make an honest living. If someone had not informed me just what pathetic scum be had become the entire duchy, your entire house, and all of our family might be in prison right now. The last kindness I offer is for you to turn over any information you might know. That might save his life, though his honor and status are sure to be stripped of him." Sebastian informed coolly.

Teers were pouring down Beverly's face as she sank to her knees and pulled on his coat, "Please, big brother, I'll send him to our territory, I'll make sure he changes, please save him." She begged bowing her head. Sebastian treasured family above all else... he couldn't leave them like this... without Harvey the Crawford line would end...

Sebastian didn't move, "You may see yourselves out, do not disgrace our parents or yourselves further." Sebastian felt as if his sister had died the day she fell in love with Paul. She had changed almost overnight, but he'd never felt more disappointed than now. When Beverly didn't move Sebastian stood up and walked out, he had other letters to send out.

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