A savior

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Devlin was riding behind Lucian as they followed the telltale traces of magic deeper into the forest. Due to the natural interference of the forest, the traces were more obvious. Not to mention eerie green light was hard to miss.

Lucian and Devlin had almost stopped to watch as another spell circle covered the sky, but as reluctant as Devlin had been, they continued to follow the magic to its source.

When they stopped, they found three mages protecting a cloaked man sitting on a stone platform. The man wasn't alone on the platform, a dozen dead bodies drained of blood looked up lifelessly, eyes wide as they stared at the sky with clear fear and grievance. The blood filling carved inscriptions on the platform, and probably how they had activated the spell.

The sight was horrific, sending chills down Devlin's spine as he finally looked at the cloaked figure, his eyes glowing green. The man was unbothered by the blood soaking his clothes, grinning maliciously at them.

Lucian stared, uncomprehending for just a moment as he realized where he knew the man from.

... Jaxon's uncle, who they had believed to have been killed during the purge three years ago, was in the middle of the platform with a faltering eerie green spell circle showing through the blood, and even the bodies surrounding him.

Lucian didn't hesitate to draw his sword and decapitate the first of the three mages. Devlin also fired two bolts of lightning at the other two without a word. Stopping the spell was first, he could get answers later.

When Lucian tried to cut Winston Darning down the faltering circle reflected his sword. Devlin followed up by blasting the barrier with lightning to no avail. The eerie green shield hadn't even faltered, blood still dripping down the platform.

Devlin really didn't want to hear this bastard's voice, but he needed a to find a way to break the barrier. If only his spells weren't less than a third of their usual power, he could just flip the platform over and see if that disturbed the spell.

"Tell us how to stop the dragon, and you might liv to see dawn traitor." Devlin sneered using his mana sight to trace the edges of the spell. Blasted half dead corpse had created an egg shape shield that extended at least twenty feet down. It would take more than an hour to prepare an earth manipulation spell strong enough to lift the platform.

Devlin also couldn't keep his gaze from shifting to the bodies, even dead, the mana in their blood was being syphoned for the barrier... they had to have all been very promising mage candidates. Devlin shifted his gaze to glare at Winston, the bastard sneered, cackling with delight.

Winston smirked even as blood dripped down his lips and nose, "I might not liv to see dawn, but unless the dragon dies you can't touch me." Winston taunted staring at Lucian with bloodshot eyes as he sat in the circle. Yes he was dying, the spell taking the lifeblood of the twelve, and his own soul as sacrifice. Better to die saving the empire, rather than act like these petulant children who didn't even know what was going on.

Yes, today he would die, but the empire would endure for at least another twenty years. That would be more than enough time to find a solution. Winston turned a sneer on Lucian, "You ignorant child, killing your kin, massacring heroes, pray they forgive your sins! We will be watching!" Winston roared as he coughed up more blood, so long as Serafin died, there was hope.

"You should be dead, what is the meaning of this?" Lucian demanded gripping his sword as he stood over the gaunt form that looked less alive than the corpses surrounding him. His bloodshot eyes were nearly popping out of his head. Long gone was the robust man who took delight in slapping him and Jaxon as children. Winston had lost so much weight even his teeth could be seen through his cheeks as he wheezed.

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