The Necklace

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Unlike the previous banquet the Empress birthday banquet started at midday as more of an informal luncheon and gift giving where she would bestow a favor to the owner of her favorite gift. Then the evening would be a ball for the younger nobles to enjoy. Ashton was placed between the Dukes and the Marquis as per his status... but he was the only one without a family.

Ashton was politely distant with Damian and eyed the family members in attendance. The young ladies alone could overwhelm the party with their perfume and opulent attire meant to draw Serafin's attention... who was glaring at Ashton.

"Did you upset the crown prince Lord Reece?" Damian asked trying to start a real conversation with Ashton, his startlingly blue eyes through the silver and red mask were drawing much attention.

"I try not to squabble with children." Ashton denied monotonously, several ladies his age kept looking over and giggling. Perhaps he should have skipped the luncheon and just sent a gift... then again, he was the one who pushed for the celebration.

Serafin continued to glare, his imperial father had actually ordered him to get close to Ashton. Whatever gift Ashton had given had pleased both his parents and now they want him to see if they could figure out if Ashton made the gifts or if some mysterious friend is sneaking in. He stabbed his fork into his steak and continued to eat while glaring.

Ashton rolled his eyes, then picked up a single pea, and flicked it at Serafin's forehead. Everyone sat agape while Serafin was staring at the offending pea... "Your highness, if you continue to glare at me without provocation, I will be more than happy to provide you with one." Ashton informed as he used his fork to eat some of the buttered fish.

Natasha tried to hide her giggles by covering her mouth, but a few slipped out. Serafin glared at her, then picked up a pea to return fire... which fell several feet short. The distance had been almost twenty feet.

Serafin flushed with humiliation, "You used magic!" he accused standing up.

Ashton sighed, "Your highness... I spend at least 3 hours a day exercising more than just my sword arm." Ashton then looked at Serafin's much smaller frame... "You are also still a child."

Almost everyone was silent, until Natasha giggled again.

Ashton smiled, "I for one enjoyed my meal, perhaps I will go walk to help digest." Ashton stated as he stood up and walked out. Serafin was left fuming as he sat back down and continued to eat. Ashton roamed the gardens until the Empress dismissed everyone for a short break before the banquet started. Ashton decided to take a short nap before getting ready for the evening.

Ashton was announced as he entered, everyone was waiting in anticipation for the empress to bestow her favor. Many of the children were missing since the debuts typically started closer to 15. Ashton waited patiently as the empress called out her three favorite gifts. The third was an enchanted light pearl which could brighten an entire room for about a week before needing to be recharged. The second was a bracelet enchanted to help with exhaustion, also rechargeable.

Ashton was a little surprised his necklace was picked her favorite, the enchantment would break after one use, but just once you could send a message and your location to someone who had the corresponding gem. He accepted the favor graciously, deciding to wait to use it for when he left.

Serafin and Natasha presented their gift together, an extravagant full set of jewelry with each piece a different enchantment. Serafin gave his first speech as crown prince and gave a gift of a dagger with two quartz pieces to his two younger half-brothers, and a bracelet/hairpin combo each with a quartz piece to his two younger half-sisters.

Ashton gave a light smile seeing the three-year-old child waddling back carrying a dagger, and the one-year-old girl being carried while trying to stuff the hair pin in her mouth. Ashton waved over a waiter for some tea since he didn't particularly care for the empire's wine. All his goals were in the starting phases, so he had to make sure to stay inconspicuous, also just having the Empress celebrate her birthday was a major step in the right direction. Ashton didn't want to be calculating on too many fronts so close together, if too many things happened all at once his involvement would be revealed too soon.

When an attendant asked him to see the Empress he turned to her and raised a brow, she waved him over so he ascended the steps, "May her Majesty liv a thousand years, how might I be of service?" Ashton asked with a bao.

"Nothing so grand, someone wished to speak to you." Charmaine explained smiling as Natasha gripped her dress and half hid behind her.

Ashton glanced down at the almost six-year-old child, "How might I be of service your highness?" Ashton asked with a more dramatic bao and teasing tone.

After a moment Natasha held out a hand palm faced down to Ashton, just staring at him with wide watery eyes.

"Would your highness grace me with a dance?" Ashton asked taking the small hand and pretending to kiss the top.

Natasha giggled while nodding, she was then escorted down the steps where Ashton snapped his fingers so she floated so she was only a head shorter than Ashton. She gasped holding onto his hand.

Ashton winked, "I would be devastated to step on such lovely shoes, please indulge me." He added as a new song started. Natasha was constantly giggling, she was also following the steps, no doubt she would be a great heartbreaker and amazing dancer as she grew older. While dancing with the princess would make his position a little more awkward since she had not yet debuted, he could brush any association off.

After the dance she slowly stepped down, the entire time she felt like the floor was just higher so she was still able to follow the steps. When Ashton returned the small princess to the Empress, he only raised a brow.

Charmaine kept her smile but used her fan to discreetly wave to her left, Ashton glanced to see several members of the noble faction watching the interaction. "We thought you might prefer to not associate with them so publicly."

Ashton eyed the empress, "Only this once." He informed lightly, but firmly. Charmaine met his eyes and gave a slow nod. He had no intention of being a public shield, nor making such an obvious alliance. He gave another bao before he left, while fewer people approached most were aligned with the imperial faction or the empress herself. Ashton made it clear he dared not refuse the little princess while subtly explaining his neutrality.

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