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Maya & Maddie

Maya and Carina were busy setting the table for 3, they didn't notice Maddie come around the corner.

Maddie leaned up against the door frame, watching the easy smiles they traded, and smiling about the joy they shared. she was happy to see her sister so happy, so relaxed. it made her wonder is maybe she could be that relaxed one day too. Maddie crossed her arms and relaxed. Maybe this was okay. maybe maya would try and get stay for more than one night. Maybe she would accept. maybe this was okay.

"Maddie!" Carina said, noticing her first. Maya looked up and smiled at her sister, surprised to see her smiling back.

"Come sit cuore mio," Carina said kindly. Maddie didn't understand what those words meant, but the doctor had said it on the soccer field too. maybe it was some sort of pet name. she didnt hate the way it made her feel.

Maddie smiled at the doctor as she took her seat opposite her, next to Maya. Maya dished lasagne onto all of their plates. Maddie took a bite and oh my god.

"oh my god, this is so good" Maddie said. The older women were surprised to hear her speak. they all chuckled as maddie turned red.

"Grazie maddie." Carina said kindly "eat as much as you like"

Maya smiled as Maddie took another slice. They ate, Carina and Maya made small talk, both women trying to draw Maddie into conversation. Maddie smiled and nodded along, but didnt speak much.

After dinner, as they started to clear the table, Maddie went to help clear, and she accidentally knocked a plate to the floor, where it shattered.

"im so sorry. maya im so sorry . Carina. im so so sorry. it was an accident." Maddie started, clearly ready to panic. She dropped to the ground frantically trying to pick up the pieces.

Maya and Carina looked at each other stunned for half a second as Maddie began to cry, and rambled on.

"Hey Maddie. little love? look at me" Maya said kindly trying to get Maddie to calm down. she squatted down to Maddie's level. desperate to calm her down.

Maddie continued frantically crying apologies and trying to pick up the mess. As she continued to try and pick up the mess, she cut her hand on a shard of the plate. "Shit" she said interrupting her apologies.

Carina was quick to grab a clean towel and hand it to Maya as Maddie started to bleed. Maya tried to hug the frantic girl, but she flinched at her touch.

"No! No! please! No IM sorry i didnt mean to" Maddie screamed backing into a corner, shaking.

maya's heart broke. What the hell did her father do to her.

Maya looked at Carina who nodded and left the room after looking sadly at the young girl.

Maya made her way over to the shaking girl and wrapped her arms around her. Maddie tried to fight her off, shaking and crying, but Maya held on.

"Shhhh its okay. you're safe, youre okay." Maya said softly as she held the thrashing girl. "little love it is okay. Maddie, you're okay my little love"

Maya continued to hold her and whisper soothing words as she started to calm down. her thrashing subsided till she just shook with her sobs.

Maya felt the girl calm down and pulled away, keeping maddie's face cupped between her hands. "you're okay, you are safe here i promise." she said, wiping her tears softly. Maddie nodded and sniffled. "Can i patch up your hand little love?"

Maddie nodded and looked down at her hand as it continued to bleed. over Maya's shoulder, she noticed Carina quietly cleaning the mess in the kitchen.

"Thank you, Carina for cleaning my mess" Maddie said as Maya went to grab a first aid kit.

"Of course cuore mio. Accidents happen" she smiled at Maddie.

Maddie smiled as Maya came back in and removed the towel to look at the cut. It was still bleeding pretty heavily.

"Mads, this is pretty deep. Can i have Carina come look at this? i think you might need stitches little love"

Maddie froze at the thought of potentially needing to go to the hospital. they'd call her parents.

"Hey hey. look at me. look at me and breathe" Maya said sensing her nerves.

"i cant go to a hospital" maddie said quietly.

"Cuore mio, its okay, let me take a look. no hospital i promise." Carina said, kneeling down in front of her. "let me see?"

The brunette was so gentle. Maddie trusted her instantly and held out her hand.

Maya moved over and watched lovingly at how good Carina was with Maddie. She called her Cuore Mio, Maya made a mental note to ask what it meant later. She really needed to work on her italian.

"Maddie sweetie, i think you need a few stitches" Carina said softly. "hey hey its okay, i promised you no hospital and i mean it" she said seeing the panic on Maddie's face. "There has to be some perks to having a doctor around" She winked at the young girl, and Maddie cracked a smile. She put a bandage on the cut and told Maddie to hold pressure on it.

Carina went to go get her med back. Between that and the firefighter's heavily equipped first aid kit, they had everything they needed to stitch Maddie up here.

Maddie and Maya sat on the couch, they had laid a towel first. Carina pulled up a chair, and laid a sterile cloth on the coffee table before laying out everything she would need.

Maddie was visibly nervous. she trusted Carina, but she still didn't love the thought of getting stitches.

"you okay?" Maya asked softly, pushing Maddie's hair behind her ears. Maddie nodded. "Come here little love" Maya pulled Maddie into her, letting her rest her head on her chest. Maddie was surprised she let herself be held like that. but it felt good, and she craved the comfort.

"Okay, little pinch" carina said injecting the lidocaine. Maddie whimpered and buried her face in Maya's chest. "i'm sorry cuore mio. that's the worst part i promise"

Maya held Maddie close and stroked her hair while Carina stitched her up. at some point, she dozed off in Maya's arms, but Maya never stopped stroking her hair and whispering to her that she was safe.

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