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After a while, Maddie couldn't fight the exhaustion and the drugs that were run through her IV and succumbed to sleep. Carina and Maya sat there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Hi, is she asleep?" Arizona whispered poking her head into the room, Bailey right behind her. Maya nodded and the doctors entered the room, closing the door behind them softly.

"Like Arizona said, the injuries themselves are pretty superficial. Should heal just fine in a few days, maybe a week or 2 for some of the deeper bruises- her eye, the big one on her upper arm look to be the worst." Bailey explained softly. At her words, Maya and Carina turned to look at Maddie, they could clearly see the bruising around her eye, but hadn't seen anything on her arm.

"Here" Arizona sensed what they were looking for and handed them a tablet with a photo. Most of Maddie's upper arm was covered in what looked like a dark purple hand print.

"How hard would he have had to have.... To leave that kind of mark" Maya whispered. Carina looked like she was dissociating. This was bringing up some unpleasant things for her, but she wanted to push them aside to focus on Maddie.

"In the blood draw, there wasnt anything out of the ordinary, if i had to guess he slipped rohypnol or ghp into her drink. They metabolize quick, so between how long it took to find her and her throwing up, it wouldn't show up on the panel." Arizona explained "there wasnt any vaginal tearing, but umm" Arizona hesitated

"He raped her, didnt he?" Carina finished for her bluntly.

Arizona just nodded. Maya had to sit down, it was a lot to process.

"There were traces of semen, yes" Bailey said.

"The waiting room is pretty full, i can tell them to leave, give her some time to rest?" Arizona offered. Maya nodded and Arizona left with a solemn smile.

"The police want to come by and take a statement when she's awake" Bailey said

"Can you make sure they only send female officers?" Carina asked. Bailey nodded and left too.

Maya and Carina sat in silence for a bit, each caught up in their own swirling thoughts and exhaustion. After about 45 minutes, screams suddenly broke the silence.

"NO! NO!! PLEASE NO! STOP PLEASE STOP!" Maddie was screaming and thrashing around, tangling herself in the bedding which only seemed to agitate her more.

"Maddie, wake up baby. Wake up Mads" Maya tried to gently shake her shoulder. After a moment, Maddie startled awake with a yelp and recoiled away from Maya's touch, her breathing heavy. "It was just a dream. You're safe now baby"

"It was real" Maddie said so quietly that they almost didnt hear her. Maddie's lower lip trembled as tears threatened to spill over. Maya and Carina felt helpless. "Can i... can i shower?"  She asked, desperate to wash everything away.

"Of course you can cuore mío" Carina said with forced brightness in her voice. Maddie hesitated to get out of bed. "What is it bella?"

"Um, can... can you... can you cover the mirror?" Maddie whispered. She didnt want to look at her reflection, looking at her body while in the shower would be hard enough.  She looked at her hands and picked at her nails nervously.

"Yes baby of course we can" maya said and got up to do so, leaving Carina and Maddie. They heard the water start and maya returned. "Ready little love?"

Maddie pulled at her fingers, hesitating.

"Do you want us to help you bella?" Carina asked softly. Maddie took a moment to think, but wound up nodding. "Okay amore mío, lets go" Carina held out an open hand, letting Maddie's decide whether or not she wanted the comfort of touch. Maddie took her hand and Carina smiled at the girl who already had tears in her eyes thinking about what they were about to see. The 3 of them went into the bathroom that was attached to Maddie's hospital room and closed the door behind them.

"Okay Mads, can we take off the gown?" Maya asked gently. Maddie nodded, but tensed up as Maya began to undo the series to ties that kept the gown closed. As it fell to the ground, her whole body started to tremble and she squeezed her eyes shut. She didnt want to look at herself.


Maya was standing behind Maddie, fighting tears of her own. On Maddie's back were scratches and bruises where Roman must have dug his nails into her skin. There were even a few bite marks on her shoulder. Maya felt sick to her stomach, but pushed it down. She made eye contact with Carina who looked to be doing the same. Together they led Maddie into the shower stall. Maya finally got the full picture of Maddie's state. Bruises and scratches covered her arms, none as bad as the one on her upper arm and the bruising around her wrists where they had been bound. There were a few more bite marks on her breasts and near her collar bone. Her knees were scrapped up pretty bad, and there was dried blood between her thighs.

Maddie flinched as the water hit her and continued trembling, even under the warm water.

"Ready bella? Can we get you clean?" Carina asked, holding up a sponge. Maddie nodded, but kept her eyes closed. As they began to slowly clean her, she just stood rigid, every muscle in her body tensed and ready to snap. She took big, but shaking breaths trying to keep herself calm.

"You're doing so well baby" Maya and Carina whispered praise and reassurances as they worked to gently get the dirt from the past nearly 2 days off of her. "Can we wash your hair?" Another nod. Maddie still hadn't opened her eyes.

They started with conditioner, and tried to gently comb the knots and minor mats that had taken up residence on Maddie's head. At one, Maddie yelped in pain, so they just decided to leave it and hope they could get it later. Knowing how sensitive Maddie was about her hair, they were pretty desperate to avoid needing to cut any of it. They shampoo'd, then went back at it with the conditioner and the comb. Luckily, with the second round of conditioner, they were able to comb everything out.


After a lot of tears, shaking, and a few yelps, they managed to get Maddie clean. They wrapped her in a towel and got her in a fresh hospital gown. Arizona had dropped by while they were in the shower and dropped off a fresh gown as well as a pair of soft joggers so Maddie could be a bit less exposed.

Maddie just sat in the bed staring at the floor.

"Can i braid your hair for you bella?" Carina asked softly. to her surprise, Maddie looked up and met her eyes.

"Don't pull it" Maddie whispered.

"Of course not cuore mío. I will be gentle i promise" Carina assured her, and Maddie turned around to give Carina access to her hair. She tensed at first, but soon relaxed at Carina's gentle touch. By the time she was done, Maddie was finally relaxed, practically ready to fall asleep.

"Lay back down bub, get some more sleep kiddo" Maya smiled as Maddie struggled to keep her eyes open.

Maddie looked up at her sleepily "can you... will you... umm can you lay with me?"

"Of course" Maya didnt hesitate and climbed in bed beside her, gently pulling the younger girl into her arms and allowing her to rest her head on her chest. At first Maddie tensed, but soon enough relaxed, knowing she was safe with Maya. She fell asleep quickly.

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